250w HPS Club And Help Guide


Well-Known Member
ok, my new girls are growing like mad, I switched from hydroton to coco this time around but I noticed the leaves were a bit light the other day.. fresh pic from tonight. I looked around for plant problem pics that looked just like this (I know I've seen it before) and didn't find anything.



Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Woah your video has 63,000,000 views? And you STILL haven't figured what sex your plant is?

Sorry I didn't get to watch it, it never loaded, just saw the view count. :)


Well-Known Member
I've decided that i'm never growing indoors in summer again, unless I restructure my grow room to allow for an actual cooling system
Just re-structure your light times lol :) I veg on a 12on 5.5off 1on 5.5off (also known as the gaslight method) The idea after veg is to then switch to flower for 10 hours for a few weeks then 9 hours for a few weeks then 8 hours for the last few weeks... Also because the 12 hours light builds up flowering hormones (some of which are destroyed when the 1 hour on kicks in, just enough to keep it in veg) they flower a fair bit quicker, you can shave a good week + off the final time.

I haven't tried the flower version of it yet but in the 12/5.5/1/5.5 schedule for veg, you get really healthy fast growth with no stretching, only downside is the growth seems to be focused on the main stem, you don't get as much internodal growth. But hey once you top your sorted :D

And don't argue with me about it not being a veg cycle, it'll cause herms etc.... IT DOESN'T for the simple reason that the plants don't quite get kicked into flower... Oh and I tried it for a good 3 months...


Anyway, sorry that side tracked me a bit. Run your 12/12 schedule say from 7pm-7am as the night time temps are always going to be cooler than day temps (even helps in the winter as night temps are colder and need the heat from the lights). And run your veg cycle overnight as well you can drop the time the lights are on to a minimum of 13-14 hours (unless doing the technique I just described).


Active Member
Seems the nute issue is worked out on my 3, still see it on the affected leaves, but the new ones are all fine and no new discoloration.. Thanks again for the help with that.. Ordered the Ph tester and some ph up/down..

They are really going now that I switched to the 12/12 & HPS...


Well-Known Member
looks like it needs food

whats your pH and are you feeding?
pH has been 5.6 - 5.8 (hydro e&f) but I think you were right.. I looked at the tray and after I did the "between grow" cleaning I left out the additional 2" on the drains and the tray was only filling about 1 1/2" :(.. poor baby roots were only getting the moisture/food that worked it's way up to them. I added the 2" pieces back and will keep an eye on them but I'm pretty sure you hit it on the head.. Thanks Sir :)


Well-Known Member
I've only flushed my plant 3 times but they will be ready to harvest in a couple days, do u think it will still burn with a grey ash and taste just as good ?


Active Member
I don't flush at all and mine come out just fine so you will be ok. I find you lose a lot of hard earned weight in the flush so it's "no can do for me". Lol


Active Member
First pic is one leaf that has some minor deformity.. Wondering if its from the light? Would be strange because its farther away then others that are fine.. The light is 12" or so up, and that one is off center.

Temps are constant 81/77 and there is a good amount of airflow over them, its warm under the light but didnt seem hot to me...

IMG_1057.jpg IMG_1062.jpg

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
The wrinkling on that first leaf looks like heat stres.. You could raise the light a bit or add an oscillating fan by your plants.

Its not a bad case, just very light. So you won't need to drastically change the temp, only add airflow or reduce radiant heat from the bulb.


Active Member
The wrinkling on that first leaf looks like heat stres.. You could raise the light a bit or add an oscillating fan by your plants.

Its not a bad case, just very light. So you won't need to drastically change the temp, only add airflow or reduce radiant heat from the bulb.

Ok thanks... I have all the airflow i can get


Well-Known Member
flushing is over rated unless your using lots of chem nutes.now that i grow organic meds,every time i visit a club i can tell if it has been grown chem, just has a certain taste to it.i dont even flush anymore and burns a clean white ash.