poor pad, no wonder your rants against religion are so juvenile. one of the hardest things people ever deal with is a loss of faith. not just religious faith, but the loss of any of our illusions. some never quite recover from the experience. it's so much easier to deal with the denial of religion when you were never taken in by it in the first place. my earliest recollections regarding religion are recollections of doubt. when i was in school god was still allowed there and it never made any sense to me. perhaps before i turned five or six there may have been some glimmer of infantile belief, but they disappeared as soon as i realized that first hint of reason.
the real world was never hidden from me and i never hid from it. the concept of omnipotence seemed a childish fantasy before i left the first grade and dr. seuss seemed more realistic than the tall tales of the family bible. it wasn't that religion was absent from my household, my grandfather was a minister who did missionary work around the world. it wasn't even that i started rebelling early against the beliefs of my parents, religion was never shoved down my throat. i simply could never accept the absurdity of it all. maybe that's why i can't seem to muster such an all consuming hatred as you continually exhibit. i find it a bit sad and backward at times, but i look at a lot of society's foibles in the same way. i sometimes feel a bit sorry for those that are trapped by it, but i've found that only a very few use it to the disadvantage of the rest of us and i certainly can't manage any ill will toward the vast majority of the faithful. my disgust and occasionally something close to hatred is reserved for those hypocrites who attack this relatively benign phenomenon with the sort of fervor that can only be described as "religious". i find it childish and inexcusable that any supposedly enlightened individual would see it as acceptable to mock and categorize huge groups of people simply because they choose to believe that a force for goodness exists somewhere out in the uncaring universe.