Well-Known Member
I prefer "I don't know, which means ...I don't know what".
As for telling random chance from a subtle nonrandom signal, I agree that that is very hard. Apart from objective reasons, the one thing that makes it so hard is that humans have quite a talent for perceiving pattern where there is none, then using an unconscious confirmation bias to stack the deck in favor of their "insight".
When you say "something should not be disregarded because it's implausible", you've done a good job capturing my core sentiments. just because most ascriptions of pattern to a supernatural influence are wrong doe not guarantee that all are. With time, effort and an unfailing commitment to disciplined thought, i'm hoping that apparent instances of the supernatural, like a friend who has startlingly clear and correct memories that predate [genderless pronoun's] birth, can be brought into the fold of the understood.
Since I cannot rule out the actions of random chance, and since I am keenly aware for our human talent for apophenia to both generate and buttress our suspicions that something from beyond is reaching through to /into us, I am strongly inclined at this time to prefer random chance as one of the core engines and properties of our existence. cn
Yes, and more technically, still, it is not chance or Luck. It's probablity. Chance is random. Probablitity is mathmatical. So, in the quntum diffinition, it is not impossible to turn water to wine. It is just very, very improbable. It is not completely improbable to observe actual Cold Fusion. It is, however, currently impossible to reproduce it. Also, there have never been any actual miracles, but the probablilty of seeing something unknowable exists. We tend to believe each other, alas.
So, the quantum structures (if any) in the brain, may be able to align probabilities to create luck. We may find who manages the hidden hand is none other than Self.