girl scout cookies

Anonymity is key in an industry such as this. For Dan to come out and meet some personal growers is a HUGE risk. Remember he's not like you and I. He's more of a commercial grower. Also think of it this way.. If you have a well sought after strain would you give it to the masses and cut into your profit by flooding the area with your clones? I certainly wouldn't.

It's a wise business move and business doesn't always equal friendships. :D
True, but he shuda just said he doesnt want to share the genetics. He said he wanted to be anonymous, which equals mystery, which equals something unknown, and not knowing shit sucks for somebody like me with severe anxiety disorder.. I HATE NOT KNOWING SHIT.. ESPECIALLY IF IM TOLD I CANT..
To everyone thinking about sending me a PM to get cookie clones. I'm really sorry people, but no, I can not hook you up with GSC clones. It's not because I don't like you, I just like to remain anonymous. Sorry. Please stop sending requests.


True, but he shuda just said he doesnt want to share the genetics. He said he wanted to be anonymous, which equals mystery, which equals something unknown, and not knowing shit sucks for somebody like me with severe anxiety disorder.. I HATE NOT KNOWING SHIT.. ESPECIALLY IF IM TOLD I CANT..

Seems to me that's exactly what he just did.

I'm sure with your connections and knowledge you can come up with a clone in your area in the next few weeks. :)
This Girl Scout Cookie crap is exactly that crap!!!
There are so many good quality strains out there that blow this hyped up junk away, but people so like to jump on a bandwagon and get caught up in the hyped up marketing of a strain.........try breeding your own, its amazing what can come of it, much better strains and hybrids than I've seen all hyped up in the last year or so..........its time OG's,Purples, & Diesel's step aside and allow more enjoyable strains thrive, of course that wont be easy!!!!
Don't knock it, if you haven't tried it.
I'm keeping an eye out for GSC. I'm going to be taking a drive up to the Bay in two weeks. If anyone spots GSC clones at Harborside or a dispensary, please post. Only information to which places have the clone.

Let me preface this by saying, elitism is ugly, greed is ugly and it pisses me off to no end that I actually felt the need to do this.

I saw some today at the local club actually @$80 a clone. I must say I was offended enough by the price that I bought a couple and by the fall will be bringing trays of them $15 a clone, same as everything else I clone (Durban, NL, Vortex, XXX OG, Purple Punch, White Widow, [real]ATF, Ken's GDP and my own strain Electric Kool Aid[Vortex/Candy Purple]). There is no reason to charge $80 a clone, none. By September I will be able to load up whole cloning machines with this until the stupidity stops, my only regret is I didn't grab some sooner and nip this (pardon the pun) in the bud.
hit me up ill release it mine has purple in it and doesnt look like any of the others it stinks like cheese and cookie doe but smokes like chocalate mint... she isnt a good comoditie anymore she been hoored out and well their is three versions out hear know in so cal i dont mind to give anyone a cut private mesage me let me see a rec valid drivers licence and you good to go.. i dont want her anymore she is a magnisuem hore i dont like her she is very hard to grow second try and figured she need more magnisuem as she flowers all flowing agents or chems cut it out so she freeks out turns yellow she stout thriver but tricky... let me know im in palm springs.. she is all yours.
I called a friend and he hooked me up with a guy in the bay selling GSC orignal thin mint clones. He wants $200 for 1 cut. He said he paid 1k for it. He said the animal cookie cut is the fake GSC. The real GSC smells like Kush and mint, just like the GSC thin mints. If he is right, that might clear things up. It's not gospal but it does make sense that the real cut would smell like mint instead of cookies.

(Fake) Cherry kush x durban poison x og kush is fortune cookies and smells like animal crackers.

(Real) (Hard to find) Cherry Pie x OG Kush crossed with an F1 durban poison = Girl Scout Cookies Thin Mints and smells like Chocolate mint. It comes from a breeder in SF Sunset district.

(OG Kush x Durban Poison) x Grand Daddy purple = Cherry Pie

I'm not even sure what "real girlscout cookies" are anymore. lol.

I've been to atleast 20 different clubs who all have their own girl scout cookies. They all look completely different and they all claim their's are the real ones and everyone else's are fakes. This shit is getting confusing.
I foresee a Cookie line taking shape...all 3 strains, and more coming.

I've only ever seen one more Cookie. It was Galactic Girl Scout Cookies, but have no info on it......yet. As you can tell, the Cookie line is my favorite. :eyesmoke:

Cannabissearch has it wrong.....It's not Cherry Kush. It's Cherry Pie.

Cherry Pie (Durban Poison X GDP) x OG Kush. = Real GSC <-----My pics.

Durban Poison X Cherry Kush X OG Kush. = Fortune Cookies.

GSC x Fire OG. = Animal Cookies.

Does this help? :)

lol. no. I know the genetics. But still, every one claims theirs is the legit one and everyone else's is fake. When I see the buds, I can't tell if it's crossed with gdp, cherry kush, or fire OG.
I foresee a Cookie line taking shape...all 3 strains, and more coming.

I've only ever seen one more Cookie. It was Galactic Girl Scout Cookies, but have no info on it......yet. As you can tell, the Cookie line is my favorite. :eyesmoke:

Yeah, I can already see it coming too. gsc in Norcal is going to be like OG's in LA. I've got a gsc male and am already working on my own crosses.

I see gsc x blue dream having a lot of promise. I want gsc plants with skinny ass blue dream leaves. Also I'm doing girl scout cookies X green crack just because it sounds so wrong. Maybe I'll get my hands on an abusive OG cutting to get the ultimate horribly wrong sounding cross. girl scouts x abusive OG x green crack just sounds so unholy, I love it.