Nonbelievers, how did you lose your religion?

Funny how you guys convince yourselves of that. Most atheists I know are assholes and seem to hate everyone but themselves. I was once neighbors with an avid atheist, who every morning would try and come out and prove everybody wrong about some bullshit. Most atheists I know enjoy being atheists because they get a hard on everytime they can present their "logic" to someone and feel superior. On the other hand, every person I know from my old church is loving, caring, humble, doesnt like confrontation or revenge, and ready to give up everything to help the next person, even an atheist. All the homeless shelters and missions are run by religious people. Alot of the youth after school programs are run by religious people. It seems to me that religious people try and make the world a better place, while atheists call them dumbasses over the computer. I have never once in my life seen an atheist commit one charitable or otherwise selfless act for a stranger.
You're so wrong kaendar. Not all atheists are logical. You can't group atheists together since they have nothing alike besides their disbelief for god. Some may be good and some may be bad but that doesn't stem from their atheism.
You are wrong about that.. when animals are in captivity and not in their natural environment it causes a great deal of stress. From a rabbit to a lizard.

They care about survival. So when a snake or lizard doesn't have heat they will become stressed. When a rabbit doesn't have food, it will be stressed. But the rabbit was taken good care of.
It's not like it was locked in a cage all day. It was trained so it would run around their house all day.

Don't say that the house is still a cage. I've seen many indoor dogs run outside and end up being found dead a couple days later. In one case, my friend opened his door and his dog ran outside quickly. He started barking at a dog and chased it.. In the middle of his chase, he was struck by a car. It's much more relaxing to lay on carpet than get struck by a car.
So the bible is true because there is historical evidence for the things it says, like the flood, except the flood is different from the evidence we find, and that's okay?

If it wasn't worldwide then it isn't evidence of the great flood. If the great flood wasn't worldwide, then it isn't the flood the bible is talking about.
You need to brush up on your bible skills. Religious scholars have for the most part agreed that the flood wasnt worldwide. Thats now an accepted fact.
O right, so the bible is a complete exageration about the true powers of the divine. Who would have thought :lol: but moses really did part the seas, it's no joke, no exageration, that shit happened.


Don't panic anyone, remember, the bible is open to interpretation, that is the joy of christianity :lol:

Personally, i have ZERO respect for christians, nothing but double standards, damn, i mean i respect trade center bombing muslims far more than i do christians. I mean what the fuck is all this bollocks about turning the other cheek, like fuck you do. Christians for some reason enjoy contradicting everything their faith supposedly is. The funniest thing of all to me is that your so called 10 commandments. Here was me thinking sunday was the day of no work, yet for some reason christians think right, we can't work, so we shall use this day for our weekly services. Fail. But wait, oh right, Jesus violated the 10 commandments, to prove, um, that they're a joke. Lol, christans are funny. Especially ones who think a "miracle" is somehow proof of god and as such that they are being rational. lolololol

christianity, one of the bigger jokes of history.
O right, so the bible is a complete exageration about the true powers of the divine. Who would have thought :lol: but moses really did part the seas, it's no joke, no exageration, that shit happened.

Thats something that will have to be taken as faith. There is no way to prove nor disprove it.
Thats something that will have to be taken as faith. There is no way to prove nor disprove it.

Like everything to do with the religion. Yet a few pages ago you were quite adement that you had absolute proof in the form of miracles that god exists. lol. I cou;d'nt care if you are a christian, people are free to believe anything they want, my girlfriend beleives she is a wolf, big deal. But god damn do you go about making a laughing stock of yourself when it comes to talking religion :lol: My mother is a vicar, she would be ASHAMED to meet someone like you, she is what one would call a REAL christian as far as "real" christians go.
Like everything to do with the religion. Yet a few pages ago you were quite adement that you had absolute proof in the form of miracles that god exists. lol. I cou;d'nt care if you are a christian, people are free to believe anything they want, my girlfriend beleives she is a wolf, big deal. But god damn do you go about making a laughing stock of yourself when it comes to talking religion :lol: My mother is a vicar, she would be ASHAMED to meet someone like you, she is what one would call a REAL christian as far as "real" christians go.
Miracles are proof of gods existence, to me. And im not christian so...
You need to brush up on your bible skills. Religious scholars have for the most part agreed that the flood wasnt worldwide. Thats now an accepted fact.

Then it really didn't need to house all of those animals, god could have just sent them to the dry areas. I guess it didn't cover mountain peaks either so the bible was wrong.
Miracles are proof of gods existence, to me. And im not christian so...

Then she would be ashamed that you claim to be some kind of religous fellow then :) you're simply obnoxious, a complete hypocrite among other things :D No point trying to debate anything with you though, this thread itself has copious amounts of proof that you have fuck all idea about how to form an argument. Trying to claim that you have proof of god and as such that your belief is rational. you bloody muppet :lol:

Remember, a lot of folk on this forum actually respect people with religious views whether they agree with said views or not, i don't see anyone respecting you because you just take on a holier than thou complex, everyone is wrong, you are right, you got stroppy because you thought someone was being offensive, then you called people idiots for causing someone to revert to athesim. You sir are a joke. Religion is rational, you have proof, LOL

What you mean to say is your perception of miracles reaffirms your belief, it is proof of absolute fuck all, anyone with half a brain cell knows that. You have proof of NOTHING, just you perception of what you may have experienced.

If I saw your dragon create a miracle or heal a disease that would be more than enuf proof for me.

This quote of yours is proof enough that you've bugger all idea what you're trying to debate about. Or are you trying to claim that you have SEEN god performing the miracles you have witnessed? :lol:
A non-Christian posting uncritically from Pentecostal hatesites and who has a pastor. Hmmmmm. cn
Im not Christian. Organized religion is the fault of man, not god. Jesus laid down a foundation of love, respect, forgiveness, and equality. It was man who tainted that and used it for their own benefit.
Im not Christian. Organized religion is the fault of man, not god. Jesus laid down a foundation of love, respect, forgiveness, and equality. It was man who tainted that and used it for their own benefit.

And yet you uncritically embrace and post some of the most hateful, divisive garbage to come out of the most virulent Evangelical denominations. You are a plague carrier. cn