Nodrama, you seem to have this mental quirk that says if an action is not 100 percent sucessful then the action isn't actual. It is possible to ban firearms, it is simply impossible to have that ban 100 percent effective. The point is that MMJ is indeed banned by the way, regardless of the amount still in use and grown. Banned does not mean what you seem to think it means.
And about that door to door collection of firearms? it has never been necessary, the majority of gun owners (those who have registered weapons) will voluntarily surrender their firearms to a central location in their city - I guarantee you that. Oh sure, they will all take the same "cold dead fingers" bullshit but in the end, they will one by one, bring their glocks and remingtons to the local armory and get that chit that says they did so.
cannabis is not banned. it's not even illegal to grow, possess, sell or smoke. you just have to buy the tax stamps. see the supreme court threw out the cannabis ban laws long ago, ruling the feds had no power to ban intrastate commerce, agriculture or personal choices in medication. Thus was born one of the lulziest plots ever conceived in washington.... lets put a stamp tax on it, and never sell the stamps!!! that lasted about ten minutes. the supreme court shut that down with a vigorous backhanded slap declaring that a tax must be for the raising of revenue, not a secret ban on a substance. so now the US govt sells a few hundred cannabis stamps every year, which enable the purchaser to grow and possess 2.2 pounds (1 kilo) for each tax stamp. these are all sold to the University of Mississippi where the dope for the 30 year old cannabis trial is grown. 30 years and still no published results.
cannabis is currently "Regulated" as a scheduled drug, not banned or prohibited. you can have all the dope you want if you follow the "Regulations" for cannabis as a schedule 1 drug. too bad the schedule 1 drug "Regulations" forbid the possession sale cultivation or use of said schedule 1 drugs as they are medically useless untill the mandarins in washington say otherwise. see the supreme court wont let congress ban cannabis, but they never said congress couldnt give the power to "Regulate" it to some nameless faceless dickhead, just like the congress is charged in the constitution with coining and issuing currency, but they gave that power to a private banking cartel with secret membership rolls. bot R's and D's have signed off on these clownish cunnards time and time again, until now the people believe they have the power to "Regulate" anything, and useless shitheels like Obama and Holder can do as they wish, until the supreme court kicks over their hobbyhorse.
yes thats "long winded" but you cant explain how cannabis is "Regulated" into illegality despite the supreme court tossing out the mechanisms by which it was banned over and over.
Holder meanwhile should be facing
MEXICAN PRISON TIME for smuggling guns into Mexico. Word on the street is that shit is illegal in Mexico, word on the street also is, we have an extradition treaty with Mexico. If I smuggled guns into Mexico i would be rotting in a filthy cell at the bottom of the dankest darkest most rat infested prison in mexico, with the help of the FBI local sheriffs and the US Attorney General Eric "Cock Breath" Holder. how sweet that Cock Breath gets to stay in his cushy office instead of a crowded holding cell full of the toughest criminals in mexico.