Enjoy your jail time Holder...

i have a bumper sticker. it says "I DONT BELIEVE THE LIVERAL MEDIA". they are the ones who championed this fake into office! and the liberal rags despise any other veiwpoint. this is called "communism". hitler, and all other socialst countrys, do the same. only ONE viewpoint on radio stations. THIERS!! its called communism. speak bad against your country there, and you go to prison. ITS CALLED COMMUNISM. all companys are taken over by the govermnet, and tiny amounts of money are shared with the people, keeping every one poor. its CALLED COMMUNISM. wake up america. the gov dont owe us anything! we owe ourselves. and, ounce we oust the pres, comapanys can start moveing forward, instead of haveing to flee the usa, to staly in buis, from all the tax's, laws, and REGULATIONS.

tin foil bro.

what we've got is more like fascism than communism.

learn your "ism"s and don't use them interchangeably. it doesn't make you look like a moron, it exposes you for the moron you are.

even members i disagree with i can at least respect for using proper "ism"s.
Congress never declared war in Iraq.

My point is, you are focused on blaming Obama for the death of one agent over a failed operation. You claim that he deserves blame because he appointed Holder, who continued this sort of operation from the previous administration and botched it. This is on par with me reminding you that Bush got nearly 5k US troops killed for a war that never needed to occur. It isn't really appropriate to the debate, but it works to get the passions flowing.

What I am saying is that it is irrelevant, that agent was killed by the cartels. The GOP wants you to hate Obama more than you hate the cartels. This is called partisan hackery and you are the one committing it, not me. I'm not defending Obama or Holder, I'm speculating on political strategy, you're just trolling because you want me to post cartoons or something.

Actually if you want to get down to details, Eric Holder and Obama are the one giving the cartels power with prohibition. They don't have the direct power to change it, but they have made it clear they like it the way it is. Also I don't think this will hash out before elections, it will look like a president that campaigned on transparency is hiding something, which cannot help him. I can already see the commercials.... Bush was a fucking moron, but saying its ok for Obama to make questionable decision because a fucking moron did is a defense most people are tired of hearing, it seems were going down the same damn path with no future in sight. I myself thing its time we got to see in the blackbox, I have a feeling we will be appalled of what our government is doing out of public view. If we're expected to oppress people and police the world we need to know why we are doing it and what's the end game. Obama to me is just another politician, that hope and change shit sounded good, but as we can see went no where.
Actually if you want to get down to details, Eric Holder and Obama are the one giving the cartels power with prohibition. They don't have the direct power to change it, but they have made it clear they like it the way it is. Also I don't think this will hash out before elections, it will look like a president that campaigned on transparency is hiding something, which cannot help him. I can already see the commercials.... Bush was a fucking moron, but saying its ok for Obama to make questionable decision because a fucking moron did is a defense most people are tired of hearing, it seems were going down the same damn path with no future in sight. I myself thing its time we got to see in the blackbox, I have a feeling we will be appalled of what our government is doing out of public view. If we're expected to oppress people and police the world we need to know why we are doing it and what's the end game. Obama to me is just another politician, that hope and change shit sounded good, but as we can see went no where.

But what if (yes I have been speculating all along) the documents withheld by the invocation of executive privilege were to come out and show some details that change the entire nature of this situation?

Whether that is the case or not, the administration is wounded and that should be exploited imo.
hire ANYONE regardless how shitty a job they do, just because they like pot!!?? you dont really have the brains to vote. some vote for hair style, too. nimwits. ill allways have a joint in my mouth, no matter who it is! so im voting for who has the EXPERIENCE with buisness. we need to treat this co like a buis, now, to get it out of truoube. i think trump would be a good vp. again, no poor person ever offered me a job! so lets kill all the rich, aye!!?? real intelligent...


The United States of America is not a business. Nothing in the Constitution mandates that it be a business, nothing in the Constitution mandates that this country make a profit or even break even. This country provides the service of providing order (and it has done quite a decent job of that to date). No business can do such a thing.

The United States of America is not a business. Nothing in the Constitution mandates that it be a business, nothing in the Constitution mandates that this country make a profit or even break even. This country provides the service of providing order (and it has done quite a decent job of that to date). No business can do such a thing.

our last two business men presidents were hoover and shrub.

'nuff said.

The United States of America is not a business. Nothing in the Constitution mandates that it be a business, nothing in the Constitution mandates that this country make a profit or even break even. This country provides the service of providing order (and it has done quite a decent job of that to date). No business can do such a thing.

Even so, a citizen can have a reasonable expectation that the nation takes care of its currency and obligations. So imo the mandate to have a viable budget is fully implied. cn
our last two business men presidents were hoover and shrub.

'nuff said.

ohbama is becomming the worst pres we ever had. in fact, he is. incompetent, is the most accrurate word. protecting one of his liberal appointees is just another way of letting us know to not vote for him. i never did. i voted for the american... i wont vote for anyone for one reason. like hey! he likes mmj! better vote for him, and let the test of the county burn! NOT. dems are not the dems of old. now they are are more sociallsit, and the reps have become more easy going. like the dems of old. the days of voting the way mom and dad did, are gone. both should go to jail. the rules are for all. not just one party. hopefully, we will get lots of the dem seats out of there. yes. we need change allright. stop hating the weathy, for they provide jobs. this class warfare thing is only fodder for the three great peddlers of hate!- jackson, farachan, and the other fellow. how are reps keeping people out of work? they are trying to get pipeline, just to name one, and naterl gas. and other stuff. our pres says no. not green enough. fine in 30 years, it will be greener. not now. not developed enough. see solindra. and the idea, that anyone thinks its racism, to want ohbama out, well you are RACIST! id hire Cain and rice in an instant!!!

Wow, and your screen name is... blind... baby? Well blindbaby, can I have your post? I have never ever seen years worth of rightist propaganda so well performed, indeed, in one short paragraph you have managed to parrot 80 percent of every radiocon or Fox talking head talking point. I don't even want to refute any of it because it is just so beautiful.
Ok, i am high as all hell, and you guys are saying the USA is a business? LOL... It is not the country you dimwits, it is the people who own businesses trying to control the people who run this country. Even a retard could see that...

If you knew this maybe try being more specific with out looking like a 5th grader in a arguing match.
Even so, a citizen can have a reasonable expectation that the nation takes care of its currency and obligations. So imo the mandate to have a viable budget is fully implied. cn

Our expectation of government that is responsible with it's (our) money is a perfectly sane demand, but to presume that we need a CEO instead of a president, a "businessman" instead of a political leader is one of the things that got us into our current predicament. I recall that last guy was a "businessman" as well. We don't need a businessman, we need a statesman (fat chance I know).
How can anyone think Trump is capable of being pres?...his stupid ass has bankrupted 2 casinos ..how is that even possible?
I guess I am the only one who thinks that the Holder contempt vote will have an impact on MMJ by way of the Holder memo.

I don't think this will have any effect on the current federal mmj policy. Obama my try to distance himself from holder and may try to pull votes like he did in 08 by playing the mmj card but people will not fall for it this time around. In the end none of it really matters anyway the majority of them only care about their own agendas and pocketbooks. Perhaps when all the old blue hairs die off and younger generations take over things may change but I doubt it cause they will still be motivated by the money that the large corporations put in their bank accounts.
Ok, i am high as all hell, and you guys are saying the USA is a business? LOL... It is not the country you dimwits, it is the people who own businesses trying to control the people who run this country. Even a retard could see that...

If you knew this maybe try being more specific with out looking like a 5th grader in a arguing match.

There could be a case made for the statement claiming the government is a business. Look at how much money it takes run a campaign. The more money you spend the more likely you are to win. Bush bought the election in 04. And yes it is the businesses buying the politicians which means the government is in the business of making policy for the highest bidders.
I was wondering about the boarder agent who was found killed with the murder weapon and one other weapon left at the scene. Gangs don’t leave the murder weapon behind after they kill someone. They usually take the weapons from who they killed. Is it a possibility that to speed up the ban all weapons agenda that a plan was hatched to kill an agent and leave the weapon on the scene? The government would know it would be tracked back to the USA and they could use that as an excuse to start banning weapons in the USA. With Executive privilege being exercised this late in the game instead of at the start, is it possible somewhere in all those pages, the idea to kill an American may be on some? Possibly with the president signing off on the plan? After all, the president does have a kill list. Maybe he was just warming up on using the list.
Can't speak for Mexican drug gangs, but guns are often left at the scene by professional killers. The guns found at the scene haven't been proven to be the murder weapons. Don't know if that rules them out as being the murder weapon(s), just they can't prove they are.