I highlighted in bold a part of what you wrote that I don't understand, it seems to me not to make sense and you seem to write better than that so maybe you made a mistake. Actually, I think it is the main problem with Ron Paul, his economic radicalism. That and does this guy really think it is ok for sick people to die in the street and for poor people to starve? Hate welfare all you want, but as long as 5% (rough number, I don't know exact figures, but it isn't a pushy guess) of the population isn't working, that is the only way they are going to eat, I don't really agree that 5% of America should starve, I love my country, how dare anyone suggest such a thing.
Just for shits and giggles, because you seem like a smart guy, would you read this wiki?
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fascism Just to see how much this Ron Paul revolution resembles a Leninist Vanguard Party for proletarian revolution. Differing only in that it claims to be diametrically opposed to Socialism, which is the only way it would be possible in America, since we are mostly old farts with a cold war indoctrination. Never before have I seen so many people with no political intuition blindly following the ideas of one man who wields the power to dictate ideologically over his followers.
First off, markets, if not regulated become a free-for-all of buying and selling untill those with more at the start have evertything. this does not mean markets should be controlled, just regulated. heres a medieval example:
Jon raises sheep in the cotswald hills on land he RENTS from his fuedal overlord, but is forbidden from owning. Jon's tax is his rent. as long as his lordship receives his rent, jon could raise sheep, grow turnips, brew beer or juggle on the street corner for his living. His lordship doesnt care at all as long as the rent is paid. Jon's sheep provide milk wool and meat. he trades milk and meat with his neighbors all winter long for vegetables, cabbages and whatnot. He makes cheese with the excess milk, and sells that to the local innkeeper and his lordships castellan for his lordship's table. come the spring though, thats when jon plans to turn the profit at the wool faire. He shears his sheep, bundles the wool and loads up a waggon with his wool. To help defray the costs of the waggon rental he may share the waggon with the brewer and the baker who are also headed to the wool faire as concessionaires. Upon arriving at the wool market he heads over to the weaver's stalls to see who will pay him the most for his wool. how odd, so many people with so much unbought wool this year. he manages to reach a weaver through the throngs, and is offered 2 schillings for all ten bundles of his finest wool. this is of course unacceptable! It seems, the weavers are buying their wool from Andalusian sheep herders, and since Andalusian sheep herders wool is cheap as fuck, they dont need to pay jon and his friends for their wool at all. Apparently Andalusia is in the middle of a crisis, and the sheepherders will take a pittance for their wool rather than starve! Jon doesnt want the Andalusian sheep herders to starve, but doesnt want to starve himself either, and if he cant sell his wool for the 10 schilling minimum just to pay the rent this year he will be cast out or forced to work as a bonded servant untill he can make up the debt (and ten schillings will take a decade to pay off as a bondsman). so, jon is fucked, the andalusian sheep herders are fucked, the king doenst get his cut of the wool faire's proceeds, because most of the weaver's guild didnt even bother to show up and pay their fee to his majesty, his lordship doesnt get his rent paid and thus has to dip into his own purse to pay HIS liege lord, and in the end only the weavers are smiling, as they got the wool they need for 1/5th what they would normally pay, and cloth still will cost the same come winter. ohhhh yeah!
regulating markets is a sovereign duty, if your people produce something, then you MUST charge a duty on imports of that product, or your own people could wind up starving, or surviving on the queen's charity (which comes from the king's pocket). securing your markets, and ensuring your people will not be undercut by foreign goods is a basic necessity of any market economy. the burghers and merchants will always seek out the lowest price for goods, and charge the most they can get for the products. thats how they make their cheddar. if left to their own devices they will
"Buy Low" the fuck out of foreign lands, and
" Sell High" the ass of your peasants on the shit they have to have in order to live. The merchant class (the middle class) are by their nature non-productive. they consume, rather than produce. they are the middle managers who decide what a store sells based on "metrics" which are arbitrary and useless, the marketing geniuses who thought New Coke was a good idea, but still have their jobs, CEOs who run a company into the ground and then pull the cord on their platinum parachutes, and faceless mandarins who declare the
European Feral Pig a protected species in contra costa county. think about that one...
well regulated markets prevent the merchant class (and their corporate creations) from purchasing their goods in foreign lands and undercutting local producers of these same goods. Japan lays heavy tarriffs on imported rice, because they see their rice farmers as worhty of protection, and it's in their national interest to insulate themselves from world rice market prices. this is a sensible step, taken by many nations to protect the producers of the products they need. The US should lay fat ass tariffs on EVERYTHING coming into this country, so that we will no longer be a "service" economy, and we can actually produce the things we need rather than importing therm because they are cheaper that way.
leftists always bitch because the 12-pack of tube socks wal-mart sells for $5 only cost them 30 cents to produce in indonesia china or vietnam. the profit motive of wal-mart and the "free trade" bullshit from both the leftists and the right wingers throughout the last 30 years has made the
EXPENSIVE TRADE we now have to deal with. if we made our own fucking tube socks again they might cost $8, but that $8 would be paid to americans who would then have the money to buy said tube socks without going on the dole! if you export your money to buy goods from foreign lands you only enrich the assholes who ship those goods, and the dickheads who sell them to you. thats how the sainted "middle class" make their money. when leftists talk about the "middle class" they mean the working class, and when rightists talk about the "middle class" they mean the money trust. this is not semantics, this is marxist doctrine on both sides, seize control of the language and you control the debate. by shifting the eyes of the people with their dicks in a vice from the dudes who are actually twisting the handles (congress, government bureaucrats and the money trust that controls them both) to the false villain of the "corporations" and the "1%" the real assholes can just twist away till your cock falls off into the meat grinder.
government regulations, the money trust and the natural and understandable drive of the rich to get richer are the driving forces behind the destruction of our economy. when the money trust of bankers, the federal reserve and other "industries" who only move money about and let some of it stick to their fingers run the regulation of the markets that make them rich then those markets will only continue to make them richer. Obama sold himself as the NEW MAN who had no allegiance to the assholes who have been pulling the strings for so long. it was all marketing. his new opponent Romney is undoubtedly a servant of the money trust. this election is now just a vote to see who gets to piss on your face, the black guy or the weird mormon guy. either way we still get a face full of piss. Thats all we can expect until the markets are once again FREE at the bottom, with very little regulation for small players and well regulated at the top, to ensure the big players dont run the table.