Well-Known Member
i have a bumper sticker. it says "I DONT BELIEVE THE LIVERAL MEDIA". they are the ones who championed this fake into office! and the liberal rags despise any other veiwpoint. this is called "communism". hitler, and all other socialst countrys, do the same. only ONE viewpoint on radio stations. THIERS!! its called communism. speak bad against your country there, and you go to prison. ITS CALLED COMMUNISM. all companys are taken over by the govermnet, and tiny amounts of money are shared with the people, keeping every one poor. its CALLED COMMUNISM. wake up america. the gov dont owe us anything! we owe ourselves. and, ounce we oust the pres, comapanys can start moveing forward, instead of haveing to flee the usa, to staly in buis, from all the tax's, laws, and REGULATIONS.
tin foil bro.
what we've got is more like fascism than communism.
learn your "ism"s and don't use them interchangeably. it doesn't make you look like a moron, it exposes you for the moron you are.
even members i disagree with i can at least respect for using proper "ism"s.