Why bash Islam?

Kill Hitler. Rape Bin Ladin with my dick covered in bacon. He would be disgraced and couldn't enter into heaven to diddle his 72 virgins. The virgins will bless me for it.

" ... an' squeal like a pig." cn

<edit> But would that not be dishonoring your faith in order to, uhm, stick it to his? (And just what is the Church's position on necro?)
One quran was burned by accident and got dozens of troops killed for no reason. America didn't do shit about it. Just like they wouldn't do shit about it again. Think before you speak. There are americans stuck over in the middle east right now in a complete stale mate because they thought that they were fighting for a good cause. Now they are forced to suffer and die over stupid ass decisions like 'burn a quran a day' preacher. If you hate them so much, go join the military and "fight the good fight" bro cause I promise you with an attitude like that nobody wants your dumbs around. Not even the military.

You're an idiot if you join the military and don't think you're going to encounter people who hate you. Maybe if more soldiers stopped following orders to kill random civilians we wouldn't be in the mess we are in.

There's nothing good about our military on foreign soil. We shouldn't be there in the first place.

No remorse for people who join the military of a corrupt government.
My list is bigger than yours. It's also viewed by billions of terrorists on a daily basis. Until it's removed from their "holy" (thats a huge stretch btw) books nothing will change.

Btw you should have linked to this: http://kurzman.unc.edu/islamic-statements-against-terrorism/
It's better formatted.

I wish that pastor went through with his "burn a quran" day. I'd take it off from work every year.
also, with your stated views and opinions, you obviously would not want some islam walking through your front yard with gun in hand, yet you have a problem with people protecting their morals and homeland? Even as Americans most of us can admit that we liven a corrupt system but are okay with it cause we are not on the receiving end of it. Can you imagine being on the opposite?
also, with your stated views and opinions, you obviously would not want some islam walking through your front yard with gun in hand, yet you have a problem with people protecting their morals and homeland? Even as Americans most of us can admit that we liven a corrupt system but are okay with it cause we are not on the receiving end of it. Can you imagine being on the opposite?

As mareejooana owners and operators ... we are. cn
You're an idiot if you join the military and don't think you're going to encounter people who hate you. Maybe if more soldiers stopped following orders to kill random civilians we wouldn't be in the mess we are in.

There's nothing good about our military on foreign soil. We shouldn't be there in the first place.

No remorse for people who join the military of a corrupt government.
By citizens you mean islam? They're no where near innocent in your mind though, or am i just missing something?
I burned a quaran. it did not explode go figure. Everyone in my town in America burns quarans once a week Small towns all across america burn qurans every saturday. I happen to teach an art workshop where we paint Allah with swines blood.
The Quran is a beautiful piece of literature and physical spirituality. It is almost identical to the bible. And did you know that Jesus is mentioned more than anyone else in the Quran?
I burned a quaran. it did not explode go figure. Everyone in my town in America burns quarans once a week Small towns all across america burn qurans every saturday. I happen to teach an art workshop where we paint Allah with swines blood.
I've been to just about every town in CO so you can go ahead and exclude us. I guess we are just too busy painting murals and making true pieces of art. damn the luck . . .
The Quran is a beautiful piece of literature and physical spirituality. It is almost identical to the bible. And did you know that Jesus is mentioned more than anyone else in the Quran?

The bible has 109 verses that tells believers to commit violence? I must have missed that part.
Hmm you got me there. I apologize. Keep killing them i don't mind. We still shouldn't be there in the first place tho.

If they want to kill themselves we should just let them.
so the point that you are trying to make is to pull our troops out. By seeing YOUR people get killed by THEIRS, it has created some sort of hate towards their culture. I'm sure that everyone can agree with you there bro but the true point is that we all make our own decisions like listening to retards on the news and enlisting for some revenge mission. But if you were smart enough to dodge that bullet, then you are smart enough to agree that once again, there are rotten apples out of every group. So instead of being racist about it, don't! enjoy your life without having to bash the bs arounf=d you. trust me, you'll feel a lot better!
the bible is far more violent and cruel than the quran.
Unfortunately I know the bible front to back and in no way shape or form does it ask you to be violent towards others. Was God, sure. Does it give examples of the type of ppl not to like, sure. but it does not say to go out and hurt someone. don't assume.