Man Flees Naked From Home After Finding Spider In Bed


Active Member
Once I was visiting my sister, and as I walked in the door a HUGE spider ran in and retreated to a corner of the living room. Scared the crap out of both of us. We didn't have pest killer so we tried some right guard...just pissed the spider off...and he...i mean SHE ran at us and veered into another corner...since my sister sprayed the right guard it was MY turn to do i took an old time straw broom and jabbed it with the sorta exploded all over the wall. We thought's dead...and then the little spots of exploded spider started MOVING! tiny babies everywhere! We both ran out of the house and got the neighborman from across the street. He attacks the situation with a simple paper towel. We had a good laugh after it was all cleaned up!


Active Member
Carne, It made me think of you. lol.

— A southern Illinois man awakened to find a spider in his bed and bolted in fear, fleeing naked through a glass door.
And for those who have trouble contemplating how this happened, here's a mere manifestation:


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
......snip.....I can understand being scared of big spiders, but under an inch diameter and your a pussy, no way :D
Ok can you PM me your phone number. Next brown recluse or 2" black widow I come across I'll call you instead of of the bottom of my shoe. :)


Well-Known Member
I believe fear is a choice and that it can be mastered. Many people say they are terrified of spiders? Are they, really? Put in certain situations spiders become insignificant.

Say you're locked up for a crime you haven't committed and in that cell you see a spider. Even the most terrified Arachnophobe would smash that spider in frustration.

Most fear is like that, seen from another perspective it can just vanish like a mist.


Ursus marijanus
I believe fear is a choice and that it can be mastered. Many people say they are terrified of spiders? Are they, really? Put in certain situations spiders become insignificant.

Say you're locked up for a crime you haven't committed and in that cell you see a spider. Even the most terrified Arachnophobe would smash that spider in frustration.

Most fear is like that, seen from another perspective it can just vanish like a mist.
I would befriend my cellmate. cn


Ursus marijanus
oh. My. Goodness. I just had a moment. I reached to adjust the cushion on my Throne of Posting, and I felt something on it that squirmed. Yaagh! spake I and flung my hand away. I saw something run quickly away on the carpet. So I took a pic for my friends here.
candump 12jun13b 001.jpg

I am SO pleased that I did not injure it. It was PISSED as you can see. It was almost to my shoulder by the time I got it to the back porch and (literally) blew it off. It lives to eat garden pests another day! cn