Man Flees Naked From Home After Finding Spider In Bed

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Spotting a spider at 50 paces is my specialty. The other day a little mutha tried to creep and then scurry across the floor. I flung my day planner, I know old tech-so sue me, at it and nailed that sucker like I was practicing the Hammer Toss for the Olympics.

I thought, 'Got you, you little bastard". End of story.
My mother can sense them. She feels something watching her and tracks it down. She found a couple of Black Widows that way. Scary woman my mother. I call her Bruja when I'm not referring to her as Vieja Loca.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
I am more a freeze and start rocking and keenly whining kind of girl..something between a beep and a whistle...anyway, I can't imagine running naked anywhere for any reason...I would definitely hop out of bed is a spider, not an anaconda...I mean take 4 steps and you outrun them...they are pretty small...
I have had an Anaconda in my bed. Kinda liked it.


Ursus marijanus
My mother can sense them. She feels something watching her and tracks it down. She found a couple of Black Widows that way. Scary woman my mother. I call her Bruja when I'm not referring to her as Vieja Loca.
My xgf told me once that she knew a fellow, part-Native, who had ... abilities. She liked spiders as I do, but had a bit of an infestation. She did not want to lay poison. He came by and asked the spiders to leave that house. They did within the next day. I'm either incredulous, or ... amazed. Not sure which. She's not around any longer, but i still rescue spiders from in here all the time. Except Black Widows. Sorry, dearies. cn


Well-Known Member
if someone is posting at the very time your page refreshed it disappears for a minute....i had to ask someone that too :D

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
My xgf told me once that she knew a fellow, part-Native, who had ... abilities. She liked spiders as I do, but had a bit of an infestation. She did not want to lay poison. He came by and asked the spiders to leave that house. They did within the next day. I'm either incredulous, or ... amazed. Not sure which. She's not around any longer, but i still rescue spiders from in here all the time. Except Black Widows. Sorry, dearies. cn
We're not allowed to kill them. Spider Grandmother taught the people how to weave so my mom says no spiders are to die in our house. It's bad luck. Same thing with killing snakes. No matter how deadly. We carry them down to the river when they are found on the property.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
My xgf told me once that she knew a fellow, part-Native, who had ... abilities. She liked spiders as I do, but had a bit of an infestation. She did not want to lay poison. He came by and asked the spiders to leave that house. They did within the next day. I'm either incredulous, or ... amazed. Not sure which. She's not around any longer, but i still rescue spiders from in here all the time. Except Black Widows. Sorry, dearies. cn
Nature abhors a vacuum. So I think a bigger spider family moved in the next day.


Well-Known Member
When I was 7 I wanted to wear my rubber boots but I threw them in the garden some time ago (little shit I was!). So I got the boots stood there and started to put them on. I slid my foot in the first one, toes slid in, all okay. Second one my foot started travelling down. My toes slid passed the heel and it started to get a bit hard to move, I had no idea why so I slid my toes further and something started to brew in there, something was really pissed off about my foot going in its lair :D

I felt all these legs running around in there touching my toes, I was wearing a woolen sock thank god, but those legs were very powerful I could feel them. This was the dude:

Now that is a BADMAN!! I saw this black blur launch itself out of the boot and make a run for it. I was right on its back throwing boots at it with a broomstick all the way into the bushes. This one was an escape artist!

It can bite and all those hairs on its body it will shed when its threatened. The hairs will sting you causing a massive rash, lasts months. I can understand being scared of big spiders, but under an inch diameter and your a pussy, no way :D



Ursus marijanus
lol i take it u lived near the desert to get a tarantula in ur boot....pretty uncommon lol
I live in a semiarid region. I have some local hills in which I "hike". I was about to put my foot down on a dark pebble when it shifted. I bobbled my balance in order to not crush a glorious tarantula. only one I've seen in the wild. cn

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
lol i take it u lived near the desert to get a tarantula in ur boot....pretty uncommon lol
Not so uncommon. I grew up with two mantras. Always check your shoes before putting them on. Always check any space before you put your hand in it.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
SHIT!!! Scorpions and Tarantula, too. ~

There are no tarantulas native to Florida; however, as mentioned by another responder, the Red Rump is introduced and well-established. Red Rumped Tarantulas are known (so far) from St. Lucie County, and are most commonly found along canal banks and in citrus groves. They live in burrows, the entrance of which is about the size of a golf ball.
Please see my article “tarantulas in Captivity” at… for more information.
Happy spider hunting!
[h=3]Source(s):[/h] I am a zoologist with over 35 years experience at the Bronx Zoo and in field research, and am currently the animal care consultant for