FinShaggy's Hateclub II


Well-Known Member
Yo fin I love this thread it's funny!!
More power to ya ! You will have a blast in Mexico!!!

A tip; a little town called salulita north of peurto V.
CHEAP!!! There is a amazing beach all the Mexican ammenites
But there is a guy growing purple kush !!! 50$ an ounce if you buy in quanity...
Look for the guy selling fruit in front of the surf shop if you make it...;)


Well-Known Member
oh man i just stumbled upon this tread fin!!! I thought you deserted us. Damn I guess you have been doing good, got your own club now and shit, haha. Hows mexico going for ya?

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
Man, I need me a hate thread! I built me a fan following in the spirituality forum lol They said even though Im a massive idiot, my stupidity doesnt stack up to yours, which makes me respect you! There needs to be more bat-shit-crazy stupid fanatics like us on this site. Everyones a bunch of SQUARES I tells ya!


Well-Known Member
Man, you stupid homie.

Those innocent people were immigrants from south america and southern mexico.

And your comment about america being the worst, get a grip homie, we have civil rights here and a right to a fair trial. You are truly uneducated about mexico.

The only postive about your comment is that most native mexicans are nicer then most americans

Every-time they find a large group of bodeis, later they find out they were all gang members.
Mexicans don't just kill everyone for fun :lol:

America is the worse of the two evils, it's fueled by greed, stays alive through power control, and has been getting criminals from all over the world sent to it for centuries.

In Mexico they are very religious, very family oriented, and very nice to their Indians.
Don't let a few rotten apples spoil the whole bunch, the whole country isn't gang affiliated, most of them are better people than Americans.


Well-Known Member
The only weed you will find is dirt weed. DTO's aint gonna give you any good stuff nad the vids you speak of,

Hopefully it aint. A torture vid by the DTO you were trying to score " cheap weed" from

And I'm going there because the weed is cheap, I want to smoke a lot of weed, I want to meet some international friends and I want to make some international videos :D


Well-Known Member
Fin, why did you create a new account and pretend its buck?

Personally I think you should go to Columbia and buy 5 kilos of coke for 10 grand, tape it to your body and fly back to the US with it, I think its your calling in life. Just think, 25k a kilo once you get into the US!


Active Member
I don't even know u but you making this thread really tempts me to start a troll acount. It just seems like too much fun to miss