FinShaggy's Hateclub II


Well-Known Member
Buck's trolling has gotten stupid, so I have made a place so that my other threads can keep some direction.
And since Buck likes following DIRECTIONS that I give him :D I figure he will respect this request, and help me move the pointlessness. If you don't have anything to ACTUALLY debate with me, bring it here.

Hate me here.
So we can get on with shit elsewhere.

Bring any complaints about me here.
If you think I'm stupid, say so.
Think I'm bat-shit crazy? Let me know.
Feel like bringing up stuff you know about me that you think is stupid? Go for it.
Have a Meme you want to share? (Or Beiber picture for some people :lol: )
Want to talk shit about my videos?

Just do any hating here so either my threads can die and wait for searches to hit it, or to actually go somewhere with a discussion of some sort.
The trolling has gotten sad, I would kinda like to see ya'll step up your game in here. :D

And I'll reply at least every couple of days before I go to Mexico.
Then I'll come check to see what's been said while I was in Mexico (after I show my face & make my first real videos) :D


Well-Known Member
So you haven't gone to Mexico yet? Nor have you revealed your face to the world? I thought all this was going down way back in March? What happened? The anticipation of whether or not you're actually a cylon from Battlestar Galactica is killing me!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member

you can call him... "buck nasty" if you'd like to... LOL ;)


Well-Known Member
So you haven't gone to Mexico yet? Nor have you revealed your face to the world? I thought all this was going down way back in March? What happened? The anticipation of whether or not you're actually a cylon from Battlestar Galactica is killing me!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry, things got bumped back :D But soon :D


Well-Known Member
Check this out, it's a quote from my rep.
Not only does Buck bump my threads, and tune them for SEO, he thinks he's effecting me somehow :lol: :lol:
Here it is.

Thread: FinShaggy's Hateclub II

lol, my trolling clearly did not get to you in any way. clearly.

"Get to me"
You think this thread was made because I DON'T want you to troll me. :lol:
This thread is here for you to fine tune your craft, because you are getting shitty. And I need a good bitch boy to keep discussion interesting. Not someone to say the same things over and over, they get that I havea $100 dollar check comeing that you don't believe in. Move on to the next topic (on that thread) or fine tune your trolling (here).
So get to practicing :dunce:

That's an order.


Well-Known Member
i don't hate you...i don't even know you. hehe

why are you going to mexico? didn't they just find 46 mutilated bodies on a highway over there? that place is a warzone.


Well-Known Member
i don't hate you...i don't even know you. hehe

why are you going to mexico? didn't they just find 46 mutilated bodies on a highway over there? that place is a warzone.
Every-time they find a large group of bodeis, later they find out they were all gang members.
Mexicans don't just kill everyone for fun :lol:

America is the worse of the two evils, it's fueled by greed, stays alive through power control, and has been getting criminals from all over the world sent to it for centuries.

In Mexico they are very religious, very family oriented, and very nice to their Indians.
Don't let a few rotten apples spoil the whole bunch, the whole country isn't gang affiliated, most of them are better people than Americans.


Well-Known Member
And I'm going there because the weed is cheap, I want to smoke a lot of weed, I want to meet some international friends and I want to make some international videos :D


Well-Known Member
And I'm going there because the weed is cheap, I want to smoke a lot of weed, I want to meet some international friends and I want to make some international videos :D
They dismember their own kind and dump them in the highway. What you think they gonna do to whitey? you think you see hate here ? jump that border. btw, wtf happened to the original hate thread?


Well-Known Member
They dismember their own kind and dump them in the highway. What you think they gonna do to whitey? you think you see hate here ? jump that border. btw, wtf happened to the original hate thread?

A rival gang is not "your own".
And killing competition, is not an example of what you do to your tourists :lol:

I don't walk around all gringo lookin anyways, so don't worry about me. I got some business to take care of, I don't care what you have to say about "whitey".


Well-Known Member

A rival gang is not "your own".
And killing competition, is not an example of what you do to your tourists :lol:

I don't walk around all gringo lookin anyways, so don't worry about me. I got some business to take care of, I don't care what you have to say about "whitey".
a mexican is a mexican, their own kind.