Dog in my neighbors yard crying/barking since last night...


Active Member
The funny thing is, Buck hides behind a keyboard and talks shit all day in the security of his lil home. I on the other hand will fucking shoot your whiney ass dog and kick you head in , and spit in your ol ladys face for good measure. So yes i do talk to people like that if they have it coming to them. Im a decent guy who just like motorcycles and has drives for toys for tots and wheelchairs for kids.
Now that's a contradictory hypocrite if I've ever heard one.
Get a piece of meat or liver, cut a slit in it and insert a teaspoon of canna-butter.
Seal the opening with superglue.
Throw meat at dog.
Wait an hour till dog goes to sleep.

repeat 2 days later when dog wakes up.

It works.


Well-Known Member
Neglected untrained dogs bark, mine doesn;t make a squeek, not even when other dogs are barking.
Worst culprits are people who leave their dogs with a line of sight to the street.
A dog is not a lawn ornament...



Staff member
Okay get a .22 rifle, get 5 condoms, climb up to your roof, put 1 condom over the tip of the barrel, aim right behind the ear, squeeze the trigger and repeat until dog stops barking. You may need more fire power but at 20 feet you should be okay.
If that fails get a .40 cal hand gun, knock on your neighbors door, when they open the door put 2 rounds in the chest and one in the head, walk through the house, open the back door, and give the dog some water

Let me know how it goes..

Edit: Whatever you do don't call aspca, nobody likes a snitch
so if you cannot get to an animal and its being mistreated its skinny, hurt, dehydrated you wont fucking call the aspa? because you think people are snitches?

its immature people like you who disgust me. people who call others rats and snitches....we arent talking about a pot field were talking about something that is breathing, can feel pain. If i seen someone get beat senseless id fucking call the police doesn't make me a rat , pot in my opinion should be legal but that doesn't mean if i see a murder im a snitch or a rat.
you disgust me

panda call the ASPCA . they can get to the animal


Well-Known Member
assholes who would give the ultimate punishment to a defenseless dog for the irresponsibility of its owners are among the scum of the earth.
Buck would rather see it suffer. I bet he's fapping to the thought of suffering dog right now. LOL!


Well-Known Member
Just get a fan to keep on at night time when sleeping,if u cant sleep with a fan on,,,,then there are the many other suggestions posted.

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
Did you Check yet and make sure the owners aren't out of town or dead? the dog may need help, that's usually why I bark.


Well-Known Member
I hope the dog gets taken care of. Did you know the greatest reason for canine death is euthanasia?

Because the youth in Asia like to throw cook outs as often as they can.


Active Member
I'm not sure what to do in this situation.. My neighbors don't speak English and I don't speak Spanish, so there's really no way for me to tell them to check on their dog (not like it would be effective anyway, as it's chained up to some steak in the ground with 3 or 4 of them right on the other side of a small fence, the dog is clearly visible and they can hear it from where they're at). It actually woke me up this morning at 7. It's been barking so long it sounds hoarse, like a person does after a day at an amusement park or something.

What should I do about this?
I would as earlier suggested, write them a note in spanish about the dog. Give them the chance to make it right. If not, try a silent dog whistle. PM me and i'll explain how.


Well-Known Member
Fuuuuuuck, thing woke me up again this morning at 6:30.. It'll crybark for an hour straight, then stop for an hour, then start up again.. I was watching it yesterday and it seems like it only does that for attention. One of the guys walked over to get his clothes from the clothesline and it fuckin' started up for 45 minutes after he left! Then just goes and lays down in the 6' x 6' space it's got. It's a big dog and that's definitely not enough space. I haven't seen it unchained the entire 3 days I've been watching it. That's gotta be illegal right? There are also a few other dogs over in another part of the yard that seem to be roaming much more freely than that dog.