Larry OG vs. Tahoe OG in Dual Monster Plant System (2nd Scrog)

your Sad cheese. And it's Flowamasta
Just because it's not entertaining you. yet you still seem to pop in his thread even when he asks you not to. learn how to spell, and grow up if you can. I don't care if he re-posts sexy chicks, fuck, i bet 99% of others don't care either.. better than seeing your name pop up, all you do is complain and think you know cannabis inside out. go grow your little spindly plants cheese, maybe one day you will gain the knowledge to grow something worth growing, something that will fill enough jars to keep you happy instead of being the miserable human you are, popping up on Jin's thread.
You know what? alot of people on this site don't have a great deal to do, and maybe they don't have to. ever think of that? You gonna pick on me cause i do nothing but get high, and dribble shit all day? I do what i want. Yeah, so do you, but i choose to be pleasant and get along, and have fun growing, you helping people on this site? no...cause you couldn't.

Hey i'm cheese and i can help you grow a plant that looks like a weed you might find next to your letterbox! listen to me.....go cheese. your turn.

This just about sums you up mate ;) have fun. try your best at hurting the FlowaMasta :p u mean mould to me

there's a new avitar for you cheese.
okay so your the inventor of scrabble.... big deal..

I dont know you ... and i have nothing against you ...
Believe it or not ...i think your a descent member ogf the site....
Just dont dick ride ...
i encourage to use creativity. simple......oh wait it's wrong to be possitve? hang on your confusing me. goodnight. thanx for the entertainment.
and compliment. 'Decent'.....not descent. descent is to travel downwards

a smidge over 600 likes in 5 years cheese, come on mate time to be possitive ey?
The Day is Mine!!!

Well, yeah... so is every other day when you don't have a job.

I'm sorry. I really wasn't gonna dignify this with a response, but I just can't help it.

How quickly we go from "Can I be your light holder?" to this... insane.

Now in this life there are sad people, there are stupid people, and then there are sad, stupid people... and then there's 323cheezy. Everything he posts here is clearly a cry for help. He flames me, tries to come crawling back, and when I reject him, he flames me even harder. What a pathetic cartoon.

And why do you go on and on about these 'chicks you're banging?' Didn't anyone tell you that it's the guys that talk who never get laid? Why do you feel the need to pronounce these weak and phony self-affirmations in a thread that has made no mention of you? How do you take anything I'm doing as an attack on you? And how do you expect anyone to believe that anyone would bang a homeless person like you? The answer to all these questions is a simple one: 323cheezy exhibits all the characteristics of an obsessed shut-in consumed by his self-delusion... Alone, unemployed, rejected, he does nothing but read my thread all day. He does nothing but think about me all day. These are exactly the kind of people who one day lash out violently as a protest to their powerlessness.

And this after I told the mods I didn't want you banned from the site?

Come on, man. Seriously. What do you want from me? I seriously think you need to stop bothering me now... with the many profiles you've created.

Oh, spying on me at the Farm now? Talk about obsessed. I wonder how many people at THC Farmer are you? Your idiocy was comical at first, but you're just flat-out creepy now. I can see it now: My blog blows up and 323cheezy, insane with jealous rage, commits a violent crime. So typical. Let's just hope any violence you commit will be against 323cheezy only. If you feel like killing yourself (which we would all understand) please do, just do us all a favor and leave the innocent bystanders out of it.

Edit: And if anyone thinks I'm exaggerating about this guy, just take a look at this:

Click the above for some inexplicable shit clearly indicative of a person not playing with a full deck. This is a lot like the 'screenplay' written by the first Virginia Tech shooter. Hell if I'm gonna have this crazy loser try something on me.

And I would like to add that like ALL emotionally unstable people, 323cheezy is only 'tough' on the internet while in person he's an awkward wallflower that can't even conduct a conversation.
He still thinks I'm 'arguing' with him about PO or who's the boy of whom. What do you call it when an unemployed, illiterate homeless person calls you a loser? That's right.

And he's having 'grower meetings' now. This 'justblaze' is another one of his 'imaginary friend' profiles he created himself.

Also, a person with anything real in his life WOULD NOT have the inclination to do things like this.

You don't see me bothering his stupid threads or creating multiple profiles or following people from site to site like a fucking stalker.

Clearly not a mentally competent individual. He has created for himself a twisted, child-like fantasty world that he truly believes to be real. He's confused and probably needs some kind of professional help if this is any indication:
Yah but im wanting supplimental lighting for full size plant pics, what type of light is best?

Flash or strobe lighting can only be augmented by another strobe of equal or greater power. A steady burning light won't impact strobe photography unless you're talking about the sun or a very powerful studio light with greater wattage output than the strobe set to a similar color temperature as the strobe.
We're shooting in July. It's set. Here's a portrait of Carly suitable for all ages. Shit, she's still fucking sexy even in this Old-Timey getup.
Hey LJ - Here is my contribution to your crappy thread that has never helped me and is full of evil porn. hehe






Hey LJ - Here is my contribution to your crappy thread that has never helped me and is full of evil porn. hehe







Thanks, Mohican. Everything is looking lovely. The bamboo is a nice touch.

Your grow definitely has a special place in my heart. You and FM have done me the great service of keeping the canna aspect of my journal alive and well while I masturbate to my girly photos. I can't thank you two enough.

I really am trying to keep the thread positive and will continue to do so despite the occassional troll flame... And I've said it before, but I'll say it again: I do appreciate all that I've gotten from Rollitup and won't easily forget it as I push on to my own URL.

Although Potroast and I haven't had the most open communicaton two people can possibly have, I hope he understands that it is not my intention to undermine his authority here.
You are an artist. And every good artist I know is constantly pushing boundaries and unhappy with the establishment and its restricting rules. Keep creating your art wherever it takes you and leave the flaming to the kooks.
You are an artist. And every good artist I know is constantly pushing boundaries and unhappy with the establishment and its restricting rules. Keep creating your art wherever it takes you and leave the flaming to the kooks.

Let's meet at Starbuck's this weekend. I'd like to buy you a cup of coffee.
A true icon of American pop music has succumbed to cancer at the age of 63.

RIP Donna Summer.
morning :) i stopped my stretch now!! and had to raise my light about 5 inches! some leaves were looking a little bleached! i have never had that! never been able to go so close with the light! :)

here she is on day 5 Jin!! got some babies yet :P ....... ???? I know it's hard to put down Tahoe, well i'm guessing anyway!


man i love this camera
morning :) i stopped my stretch now!! and had to raise my light about 5 inches! some leaves were looking a little bleached! i have never had that! never been able to go so close with the light! :)

here she is on day 5 Jin!! got some babies yet :P ....... ???? I know it's hard to put down Tahoe, well i'm guessing anyway!


man i love this camera

Holy shit. This is the Jack Skunk? That's gonna be fuckin' monster in late bloom.
Okay, so I just went out for my lunch break and got high on my way down to Carl's. Upon returning to my builiding, I saw a little blind lady standing in the courtyard. I passed her and she gently called out, "Is anyone there?" I answered. She asked me if I could help her find a place to eat nearby while she waits for her friend who should be picking her up soon. I thought about it. "Building cafeteria?" No, she wanted something outside of the building. "Subway?" No, not really in the mood. "Little sushi place right next to Subway?" Okay.

So I asked her if she could follow the sound of my voice or would rather hold my hand. She said she would rather hold my hand. (Note: I have an intense, unreasoning fear of blindness and huge sympathy for the blind, so when she said she would rather hold my hand, my insides turned to mush).

So I led her down the sidewalk explaining that Japanese restaurants are common in K-town because even Koreans need their sushi from time to time. She giggled as I led her into the place. I led her to the counter and described the various choices. The eel roll was too much, so she decided on the baked salmon roll with miso soup. I described to her the layout of the sales area and the location of the cashier. She said goodbye with heartfelt "thank-you's."

Hey, sometimes you need little reminders like this. I feel grateful for this one.

I'm probably gonna forget it soon enough and start acting like my old asshole self again, though.