Larry OG vs. Tahoe OG in Dual Monster Plant System (2nd Scrog)

Great story. Fuckin' cops... though it is a little hard to follow sometimes with those two beautiful distractions in your face.

I dig her attitude. She swears and stuff. That's a real turn-on for me. Seems like a really fun chick. Cool.
hula hooping and nipple tassling should be an Olympic Event!!! got to love women who love to be naked. and a dirty pervert!!! I must have!! lol
Starting Your Grow Journal
Basically set this up as a diary for your grow op, include as much information as you want or as little as you want. This will also help users with questions that they might have.

Anything goes here for now rules will be put in when things need to be changed.


If you need any help visit the support section of the site.

silverpanic99, dankshizzle, kether noir and 8 others like this.
AKA potroast ..

See? There's that pesky little problem of having no rules in place, and then trying to moderate by arbitrarily deleting posts depending upon how one feels that day. Guidelines need to be supported by official policy. No official policy? No guidelines. That's the world I come from.

I never post out-and-out nudity. I post my own photos as well as photos by other photographers that are floating around online without any strict copyright restrictions. So where's the "Crime of the Century?"

Show me a journal with more grow information and grow updates than mine.

Most of the crap on these "canna-boards" is incoherent babbling that couldn't pass for 'information' by a child's standards. I, on the other hand, bring a level of quality in writing and photography that naturally gets the most views on the entire site... But wait! There's a problem! I'm posting "pornography!" Please. If this is pornography then your favorite show is a toss between "Murder She Wrote" and "Golden Girls."

It's called Sex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll for a reason. People want their sex and rock and roll with their drugs. Otherwise it would just be drugs -- and what fun is that?

Honestly, with all the nasty shit that goes on in the world and on the internet, I don't think there is any harm being done here. Why would anyone have a problem with growers just being guys in the most viewed thread on the entire site? No one is flaming, everyone is positive and friendly, and ALL the people commenting in here know their growing with MUCH canna-growing being discussed. Oh right! Sex is a sin! What? This is a community of pot growers. The choir discussion board resides elsewhere I believe.
Hey jin got a question for you! Im seting up a photo booth to shoot bud porn! I have a d7000 nikon
and a sp-1 speed light, my ? Is whats a good cheap suplimental lighting to get?
Hey jin got a question for you! Im seting up a photo booth to shoot bud porn! I have a d7000 nikon
and a sp-1 speed light, my ? Is whats a good cheap suplimental lighting to get?

I would think that for bud macros the gear you describe is more than adequate. You can fire the speed light off camera, right?