Look at what I found! Hilarious!
kitkat over year ago
He smokes pot every morning starting at 5:00 AM, then again at night, (for at least the past 10 years...), works full time, yet verbally abuses me because I'm not working. Does the smoking have much to do with the mood swings? He is always angry and blames me for everything. I suffer from severe depression and have zero
self esteem, as nothing I do pleases him. I would leave, but have no job or money. I have no job because he has emotionally beaten me down for so long and I have panic attacks when I leave the apartment. (Because I can't do anything right at home, I feel that I'll really screw up out in the world). I don't know what to do, he controls everything in my life, and I've lost all ambition and hope. I hate myself for letting him treat me this way. If I am upset at him for the way he treats me and try to stand up for myself, the abuse gets worse. If he were to stop
smoking marijuana, would the moods be more even and he would stop being so cruel?
Guest over year ago
Hi. I just saw your post Ive been dating my boyfriend for almost 8months and he sounds exactly like your boyfriend. I dont know what to do either
Guest over year ago
I can completely relate, although I dated my boyfriend for 3 years. When we first dated, it was very nice, but often, he wasn't "there" and it was tough to have a conversation with him, or he wouldn't be willing to have a conversation until after he smoked, and then it was like talking to a brick wall.
My boyfriend also became verbally abusive. I am a performing artist and he would always say things like "how did you ever think you could make money off of this?" "Were you parents so dumb that they didn't tell you to get a real degree in
college?" I got so used to this, and other things, that I didn't realize it was wrong until I started to talk to a close friend about it who was schocked. Everything always can look good on the outside, but behind closed doors, he was really a different person.
Please know that you are worth so much more than you probably feel like, I hope that your situation has changed since you posted this... let us know.
kev333 over year ago
A few "red flags" went up when I read this.
1. you dont work and have no money.
2. You admit have no self esteem.
3. Your boyfriend smokes weed at 5am.
HELLO, these are MAJOR issues.
First the boyfriend: If you have a boyfriend that smokes weed at 5am everyday that means weed is REALLY REALLY REALLY X10 important to him. Your probably never going to break that cycle. Also his weed smoking is so severe that he will probably get him(and maybe you) in trouble with the law.
Second if you don't work, have no money and don't contribute, I don't know how many live in boyfriends would be happy with that!
Third if you have serious self esteem issues, panic attacks and don't work you're probably a huge nag. You probably always say stuff like "im fat". When he says your pretty your bounce back with "no I'm not". If he no longer says your pretty It's likley your fault for always rejecting the compliment.
He can't fix your issues only you can! Your esteem issues and panic attacks are most likley magnified by the fact that you don't work (trust me I've been there). Make to do lists and get them done (include job searches in your to do list). Also get involved in some kind of hobby/work out routine or
meditation. TRUST ME!
Guest29 over year ago
keving333; Putting down someone who already feels like sh*t is always nice! You're probably her boyfriend or someone like him. She didn't ask for your
attitude, she asked for advice and its quite obvious you have no good advice to give. I can see that you have issues with women, maybe getting help yourself would be a good idea.
KitKat2008; Being alone is scary, but you have to find the strength to leave your boyfriend. If you don't have any friends or family to help you, find a clinic and get some therapy...sometimes if you get another person without bias you will get a better perspective on your situation and your choices, we all have the power of choice and I suggest you use that power.
Guest over year ago
i just read your comment and thank god im not the only person who is dealing with a selfish prick on weed..... i think you should move in with a friend or move home i know its hard to leave the person you
love but he sounds like my ex who is also a complete d**k, who will never consider giving up weed... They are without the lowest of the low ..do yourself a favor and get out there and start living..
all the best
Guest over year ago
You should just dump the losers, but if you have to come on here and ask opinions your not going to do that.
Guest over year ago
Omg...weed is not the reason for how he is. Maybe if he smokes too much, he will be broke all the time, yes, but a lot of ppl smoke and don't act like an abusive psycho. These are issues he has on his own. They will only get worse if he stops
smoking, bc he will be more stressed out.
Guest 6 months ago
Again blaming 'cannabis' for someone being an a-hole.
Maybe he is just a selfish d**k? Not everyone who drinks minimally has a problem or is violent.
Yet studies show people who tend to partake in Alcohol have an increase motivation for violence.
Nothing is simple in life, it is very complex our chemical makeup.
We always partake in chemicals that originate from foods and naturally.
The problem with this is, you believe you can fix him if he quits Cannabis.
However, he chooses to partake for various reasons.
Pain relief (
chronic pain), euphoria (depression)...
If he visits a doctor and tells him he needs medicines for chronic pain and depression.
Most likely they will give him a script for some vicodin and an anti depressant.
He will most likely be emotionally changed with mood swings and very doped up.
Worser than Cannabis. Prescription drug abuse is most serious.
Also many actors, musicians die from prescription drugs ( mixtures given by doctors )
Yet a person smoking or vaporizing Cannabis, tend to be "peaceful" while high.
Little chance of death, only thing can happen if one is outside of his own
environment (home).
That person can be at risk, similiar to someone being intoxicated on alcohol in public.
Cannabis has it's ugly face in the public eye due to propaganda.
However the true problem is the fact he has some issues he needs to deal with.
And resolve, if he can take the steps to-do so, he may have a differnt persona.
Regardless of his Cannabis intake.
Skeptikos 1 month ago
I doubt the
marijuana is causing your relationship problems. It seems more likely that your boyfriend has a separate issue. He may be a sociopath. Visit this site and think
about it.
http://www.lovefraud.com/ From what I've seen and read, sociopaths often do a lot of illicit drugs.
In any case, it sounds like you shouldn't be in this relationship!
Lordjin a few minutes ago
Kitkat, your boyfriend and his pot-smoking are just symptoms of your problem... not your actual problem. You can't find feelings of self-worth anywhere but from within yourself. You have to call a truce with yourself before anyone worthwhile will be attracted to you.