romney leads bullying attack on gay looking student


Well-Known Member
John Lauber, a soft-spoken new student one year behind Romney, was perpetually teased for his nonconformity and presumed homosexuality. Now he was walking around the all-boys school with bleached-blond hair that draped over one eye, and Romney wasn’t having it.

“He can’t look like that. That’s wrong. Just look at him!” an incensed Romney told Matthew Friedemann, his close friend in the Stevens Hall dorm, according to Friedemann’s recollection. Mitt, the teenaged son of Michigan Gov. George Romney, kept complaining about Lauber’s look, Friedemann recalled.

A few days later, Friedemann entered Stevens Hall off the school’s collegiate quad to find Romney marching out of his own room ahead of a prep school posse shouting about their plan to cut Lauber’s hair. Friedemann followed them to a nearby room where they came upon Lauber, tackled him and pinned him to the ground. As Lauber, his eyes filling with tears, screamed for help, Romney repeatedly clipped his hair with a pair of scissors.

The incident was recalled similarly by five students, who gave their accounts independently of one another.


Active Member
Washington post go Fig. Romney already said he had no idea if the guy was gay or not..... Wait till the crap you see once the desparation sets in on team Obama.... He's been campaigning for nearly 4 years....


Well-Known Member
I knew this would turn up on here. And not surprisingly posted by our favorite liberal hack. Ewww, he cut a lock of hair off some kid in the equivalent of high school as a prank. Wowsers, that all you got? It's so freaking pathetic and laughable it reeks of desperation.

Obama admitted to pushing a girl and regularly doing blow, but Romney cut some guys hair... the horror of it all. If that's what you're hanging your hopes on, you might as well vote for Huntsman now and save yourself the embarrassment of throwing your vote away on Obama.


Well-Known Member
Washington post go Fig. Romney already said he had no idea if the guy was gay or not.....
gee, that's funny. first he says he does not remember the incident at all, is he now saying that he had no idea if the kid was gay or not?

you should include a citation.


Well-Known Member
Ewww, he cut a lock of hair off some kid in the equivalent of high school as a prank. Wowsers, that all you got?
actually, the incident was that romney led a group of his friends, sought out this poor kid, tackled him, pinned him down to the ground and cut off his hair repeatedly as he cried and screamed for help.

the kid was traumatized by this, thought it about it a lot for years after it happened.

bullying gay kids around has come under national spotlight lately because this kind of bullying has lead traumatized kids to commit suicide.

a prank is shaving off part of your friend's eyebrow if he's the first to pass out at the party, rounding up a posse and tackling someone that is not part of your group of friends, then pinning him to the ground and cutting off his hair as he cries and screams for help - and all because he simply looks weird or gay - that's pretty shitty bullying.


New Member
One of the kids that helped do it also says he still thinks about it..

I don't know if you ever been to that part of Michigan but its like Beverley hills, probably even wealthier back then, the area is crawling with silver spoon fed people..its a world away from most of Michigan. Spoiled rotten kids and here is Romney the head of the pack lmao


Well-Known Member
actually, the incident was that romney led a group of his friends, sought out this poor kid, tackled him, pinned him down to the ground and cut off his hair repeatedly as he cried and screamed for help.

the kid was traumatized by this, thought it about it a lot for years after it happened.

bullying gay kids around has come under national spotlight lately because this kind of bullying has lead traumatized kids to commit suicide.

a prank is shaving off part of your friend's eyebrow if he's the first to pass out at the party, rounding up a posse and tackling someone that is not part of your group of friends, then pinning him to the ground and cutting off his hair as he cries and screams for help - and all because he simply looks weird or gay - that's pretty shitty bullying.
So now we're inside the mind of Romney in 1965 and can definitively say what he was thinking and why he cut a few locks of his hair off? So, we now have access to a time machine AND a mind reading device.

Romney said he didn't remember the incident and has no idea what the haircut victim's sexual persuasion is. Those two realities can coexist without any contradiction at all. Nice try.

When I was in high school in the 80's, bullying actually involved getting your ass kicked, I imagine in the sixties, things were even tougher. Parents in the sixties used to beat their children in a manner that would get them locked up these days. Applying the left's hyper sensitive standards of today, retroactively to the sixties is hard to swallow at best.

This is a orchestrated attack on Romney, timed perfectly and oh so coincidentally with Obama's support of the gay community just yesterday. It won't work, it won't divert attention away from the failures of this administration and it doesn't deserve another second of attention.


Well-Known Member
So now we're inside the mind of Romney in 1965 and can definitively say what he was thinking and why he cut a few locks of his hair off? So, we now have access to a time machine AND a mind reading device.

Romney said he didn't remember the incident and has no idea what the haircut victim's sexual persuasion is. Those two realities can coexist without any contradiction at all. Nice try.

When I was in high school in the 80's, bullying actually involved getting your ass kicked, I imagine in the sixties, things were even tougher. Parents in the sixties used to beat their children in a manner that would get them locked up these days. Applying the left's hyper sensitive standards of today, retroactively to the sixties is hard to swallow at best.

This is a orchestrated attack on Romney, timed perfectly and oh so coincidentally with Obama's support of the gay community just yesterday. It won't work, it won't divert attention away from the failures of this administration and it doesn't deserve another second of attention.
so you thinks its OK to hold someone down and cut their hair ???

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Funny how Romney can't remember it but one of his good friends recalls it quite well. Also, it wasn't just cutting hair. He used to make comments about his victim's sexuality and calling him a woman during class. One of Romney's favorite tactics was to say, "That a girl!" anytime the poor guy spoke up in class. There's more to this than "just cutting hair".


Well-Known Member
Hell I think just holding someone down and taking something away from them that they do not want taken is a like being raped. This Romney is getting uglier and uglier with more info about him

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Hell I think just holding someone down and taking something away from them that they do not want taken is a like being raped. This Romney is getting uglier and uglier with more info about him
I've known what a scumbag he is since the Olympics. I was fortunate enough to be living in SLC during the games. He's a piece of shit.


Well-Known Member
Funny how Romney can't remember it but one of his good friends recalls it quite well. Also, it wasn't just cutting hair. He used to make comments about his victim's sexuality and calling him a woman during class. One of Romney's favorite tactics was to say, "That a girl!" anytime the poor guy spoke up in class. There's more to this than "just cutting hair".
Sounds like the kid had long hair in the sixties, hippy perhaps? More likely that than an anti-gay thing.

Hell I think just holding someone down and taking something away from them that they do not want taken is a like being raped. This Romney is getting uglier and uglier with more info about him
Yeah, good thing we're not considering the high school aged Romney for President. He made fun of people and once cut the hair of a kid in the sixties. Whew, bears a striking resemblance to the guy who now considers "cutting loose", hanging with his children and drinking chocolate milk.



Well-Known Member
So now we're inside the mind of Romney in 1965 and can definitively say what he was thinking and why he cut a few locks of his hair off? So, we now have access to a time machine AND a mind reading device.
he didn't just cut off a few locks of hair. he rounded up a posse and sought out a kid younger than him that was minding his own business. he tackled the kid, pinned him, and terrified the kid. we don't need ESP, we have 5 independent accounts.

...the haircut victim's...
you mean vicious bullying victim. a witness to the incident called the attack vicious.

This is a orchestrated attack on Romney...
yep, romney assaults a kid that's younger than him and he's the victim. yep. got it.

keep spinning and defending bullies.


Well-Known Member
so you thinks its OK to hold someone down and cut their hair ???
No I don't think it's ok. And the high school Romney should have gotten at least one session of after school detention for it. That's about as far as my outrage extends for that act as I'm not fueled by liberal partisan hackery. If it happened to my kid I would ask for an apology and demand some kind of punishment, but I would feel foolish bringing it up 40+ years later as an indictment of someone's character.

Now, assaulting a girl, by today's standards (since that seems to be what's going on here), ditching class, drinking beer and doing cocaine (lots apparently) and other assorted drugs, all while in high school would seem to be a bit more severe. But, let's not talk about that, I mean c'mon, it was years ago...

Derp dee der


Well-Known Member
No I don't think it's ok. And the high school Romney should have gotten at least one session of after school detention for it. That's about as far as my outrage extends for that act as I'm not fueled by liberal partisan hackery. If it happened to my kid I would ask for an apology and demand some kind of punishment, but I would feel foolish bringing it up 40+ years later as an indictment of someone's character.

Now, assaulting a girl, by today's standards (since that seems to be what's going on here), ditching class, drinking beer and doing cocaine (lots apparently) and other assorted drugs, all while in high school would seem to be a bit more severe. But, let's not talk about that, I mean c'mon, it was years ago...

Derp dee der
What I see is one man who owns up to his past without anyone having to bust him on it and another man who can't recall what he did. How can you learn from your mistake when you can't even recall them ???