Do Not Talk to the Police

Have you ever actually tried this with LEO?

no, and fortunately havent had to, and hopefully never will, cause it would be a pain in the ass and for all intensive purposes would still get locked up against my will, even if it ever should occur...

now i can tell you how that i have studied law for years and this is the way it is or whomever can just ignore me and just go along and be happy little slaves...

i just urge everyone to educate themselves on the legal system and what it truly is, and knowing that the law and legal are different... the law is common law and has been set up for quite some time and thankfully is still here...

TO MAKE IT CLEAR... the system of "legalities" or statutes, acts, and the likes etc... are NOT LAW... they may "act" as law or act as if having the "color of law"... but are NOT LAW...

see they now call it "ancient" as if "it no longer applies" but that is a LIE and A MISREPRESENTATION ON PURPOSE...

however... and regardless... that is still not going to prevent me... a free being... from asserting my sovereignty as equal to all human beings as there is no one above you (unless you give them that authority "over" you) also the same goes the other way that we are not above others, unless they themselves give us their consent to be ruled over... ;)

and fortunately the "legal" system is secondary to LAW as common law is still the supreme law of the land...
even though the legal system has attached itself to it in what is called "color of law"... so even the legal system is under common law and there cannot be a true crime if there is no "physical" victim...

the system of legalities has disguised itself well over the years to act as if the "state" is a victim but we all should know that the state is not a REAL LIVE BEING it is a corporation and that is why you see things like the 14th amendment etc... where they can "act like a person"... but are nothing more than what is called a "legal fiction" and therefore the state cannot be a victim, unless you "allow" it to be a victim...

so in order to best combat this issue... i dont live within any legal system... so they have NOTHING within the "legal system" to affix me to it...

nor do i exist in the legal system either... ;)

what is being said is that, this doesnt mean that an abusive system or people within the breadth of a "legal" system wont physically abuse others and take them prisoner...

because when it comes down to it, its a matter of bad human behavior in which people will want to control the thoughts and actions of other people anyways and will always want some form of subservience and now as it stands they'll want money as well...

what is being said here, is if they are trying to arrest you and lock you up...(no matter which country or system of legalities all the way from some tribe in the forest, to an advanced civilization like the us...

(so again if they are going to "arrest" you and hold you hostage and require "payment" aka bail for your freedom anyways...

the post i provided earlier is the only method of following the specific and set laws, that has been set in place that actually govern... which has been so named common law)...

if taken by the forest people with their own set of legalities, such as guerrillas in the jungle etc... and as an "officer" of the group will grab you and hold you hostage and then take you to their "leader" or one considered to be in "authority" to determine how much money they can get from you and demand a ridiculous amount and tell you that they will let you go free as long as you pay them...

it is the same concept and purposefully designed system wherein a nation, or "legal entity" such as the us... where an "officer" will grab you and take you hostage, then take you before the authority figure, just titled in the us... as a "judge", in which they will act as a banker and assess how much money or "bail" can be set for your freedom to not be locked up... and even then they still keep you locked up just as they would do in the jungle, and here is the part where it differs from "jungle justice" as i like to call it...

it will be essentially more "civilized"(one would hope but unfortunately not always) and this is where it has been designed for maximum profit...

they will keep you for x number of years while "earning" a price on your head from others through taxes that keep feeding the system whether it be the district attorney's salary or the judge's all the way even to the funding of prisons whether private or public...

on average any # of prisons will profit JUST FROM RECEIVING TAX MONEY FUNDED BY THE PEOPLE... anywhere ranging from around 10-30 dollars a day per capita... that is per person that they lock up and keep they make money from the taxes that people pay into the system...

so say a "person" is given a sentence of 10 yrs that gives the state or county or wherever... the "excuse" and or notation on the books that they will receive x amount of dollars for that prisoner from the system funded again by taxes and other if a private "enterprise" as prisons are BIG business...

NOT ONLY THAT... they will also get the use of CHEAP SLAVE LABOR from inmates and have them produce products for the public(one notable one is of course used to be license plates and some still do say in ohio for instance... btw...)

so the legal system not only gets paid for locking up people, they also get paid for the labor... AND they also get paid for the products they produce... AND paid for services that they provide... and only pay the prisoners a minute amount... sometimes NOTHING AT ALL as if it were a cambodian sweat shop...

so the only numbers you'll ever see is from how much money is spent in "taxes"... but thats just the TIP OF THE ICEBERG... there is much more "profit sharing" that goes on and is not reported in the general data...

what i am posting is of course a conservatively low amount... but doesnt take a genius to see that there is easily other "funding" that occurs on the federal level with regards to when "bills" come to pass legislation... WHICH THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT A BILL IN CONGRESS IS... ITS EXACTLY HOW IT SOUNDS... ITS A FUCKING BILL... AND GUESS WHO GETS TO WORK EACH DAY AND SLAVE AWAY TO PAY IT... THATS RIGHT THE AMERICAN PEOPLE...


so again if that "person" were locked up for 10 years and you do the math for a county prison... they'll usually keep someone for a short time so they get the first piece of the profit pie, and get around say 30 dollars a day... so say they keep the prisoner there for a year... so at 30 dollars a day thats $11,000 a year PER PERSON and there is at least in most county jails lets say the average is 1000 prisoners... thats almost 11 MILLION dollars a year just for a lousy county jail...

why do you think that they make so many statutes that go after "non violent" people... ITS CALLED THE LOWEST HANGING FRUIT... its easy pickens for them...

now most people who serve longer than "months" usually go to a larger facility... so the county jails are just a "stepping stone" where they keep as many as they can (so they get their piece of the pie).... then later there is a "transfer to another facility so the prisoner is just being passed along like a piece of "profit pie" for the next facility to make money off of...

private facilities sometimes more often now than they used to (cause they can get away with it)... is they will "invest" in acquiring a population to fill their cells so that they can get the biggest chunk of profit...

so they look for big contracts within state or federal govt to ensure that they have not only their population needs met they also have a vastly higher amount of profit margin... and are essentially large private corporations in which each prisoner is an "employee" and they are the poor prisoners sole provider for labor...

some "private institutions" have a higher need so they get the bigger chunk of the pie and can even get up to 30 or more dollars a day per prisoner...

So anyways lets take that same person who was "sentenced" (or you want to know why they call it "charged" cause youre being assessed for how much money they are going to charge you and the taxpayers to keep you locked up)...

so back to the 10 yrs... which btw the judge acts as a banker and balances the incoming flow of revenue, aka "incarcerations"... so the judge then has what is called a leeway when it comes to sentencing which is why they have such range such as 5-10 yrs...

so essentially he is setting up initially the amount in which the local govt can handle as far as income in respect to adjusting for any such over or under populations in prison should they occur for the fiscal year...

anyways... so just imagine a typical "state" prison has 5,000 inmates... and the state has say as an average 10 state facilities... because as it stands the us has 2.5 MILLION prisoners... so thats right at 50,000 prisoners per state... so at 10 bucks per prisoner lets say as a low average... each state takes from its taxpayers...

theres 2.5 MILLION prisoners in the us... now take the total money per prisoner per year at 365 days a year times the low average of 10 dollars per day and you get 3,650 dollars per prisoner per year times the total number of prisoners and ITS... about 10 BILLION FUCKING DOLLARS FOR THE ENTIRE LEGAL SYSTEM GETS PAID... PER YEAR...

and again there like mentioned before that there are other factors and alot more money that goes into the "drug war" and or "legal system" that compensate the system...

PRETTY FUCKED UP RIGHT... if you ever wonder why things that are "illegal" stay that way... THERES YOUR FUCKING CLUE... (p.s. not directed at you curious2garden... ;) just sayin to whomever reads this that its ridiculous...)

and this is even more RIDICULOUS... the fact that "CANNABIS ONLY" arrests... account for about(in number only not total in prison) a huge amount... so about 900,000 people are arrested on cannabis only "charges"...


that would be equivalent to about 36% of THE ENTIRE PRISON POPULATION...

although not all 900,000 of them all have jail time... but a vast majority do... and some of them get away with only having to pay fines and fees (which again fund and fuel the system)... and or the poor cannabis people... get the RIDICULOUS choice between jail and REHAB, which not to go down that road but shit like that is another heavily funded issue, i wont get into now...

anyways... so you can clearly see that the system that has been set in place has an insatiable lust and thirst for the system's desire for profit... because it will never run out of greedy people who have that insatiable lust for power and money... who will always it seems... step up when the last generation of czars die out to fill in their place and keep the greedy shit going on in a messed up "shit cycle" so to speak...

so of course... if all of the arrests and incarcerations per year accounted for OVER half of the prison population then im sure and hopefully it never comes to it... but maybe then people might get together and say WELL FUCK THIS... and end prohibition right then and there... BUT...

HOW MUCH IS TOO MUCH??? I SAY JUST 1 but hey thats just me i guess...

now... when it comes to the draconian "drug war" JUST CANNABIS ALONE it accounts for about 20% of the prison population, WHICH ARE PEOPLE WHO NEVER HARMED ANYONE OR STOLEN FROM ANYONE AND THE ONLY THING THAT THEY DID WAS CONSUME A DRUG...

keep in mind that the data for "incarcerations" that most people are allowed to view... come from ONLY VOLUNTARY REPORTS FROM THE STATIONS... which are then reported to the feds etc... as they arent even REQUIRED TO SHARE THE COMPLETE AND TOTAL DATA FOR THE AVERAGE PERSON TO SEE WHATS REALLY GOING ON... again more bullshit... geesh...

so as long as people keep letting the system make money off of these poor victims (cause the only victim was the poor user of drugs... all the way from having been kidnapped and held hostage and kept as prisoner)...

this will never stop and will only get worse as the # of occurrences only increases each year... until practically an entire FUCKING STATE is a prison and other than the wealthy or the ones who dont take drugs (that is until the pharm companies get their hands on a product and then contract to make whatever shit they spit out "legal" (again only legal cause they paid the state in taxes to "allow" it to be sold)

anyways... dont want to rant down that tangent... but this has got to stop and if not soon then again you'll start to see entire "prison cities" start to pop up and develop their own set commercial enterprises and the entire population within them are "wards of the state" and continue to be property of the state and then the only "jobs" available will be offered ONLY FROM THE STATE within the whole SICK FUCKING structure...

so basically a sick and depraved population of an orwellian 1984... if not worse CAN take place if the people of the population dont do something to prevent it and keep it in check...

not saying it will and that everyone is out to get you or me or oh noes... the spiracy is coming after me like some crazy theorist... lol ;)

its a slow process and may take 50+ years to happen, but it has happened before in many other countries where the people allowed for such UNJUST LEGAL SYSTEMS TO PERPETUATE... JUST LOOK UP GULAGS where there were prison forced labor camps in russia...

i know it may sound like some fucking crazy ass conspiracy but it is the cold hearted truth... and just because it is america dont think it cant happen...

these things take time to sneak in... its not some conspiracy that a group of profit and wealth driven individuals set up something such as a business to make shit tons of money and TRUST ME THE PRISON SYSTEM IS ONE OF THOSE BUSINESSES...

so isnt it simply quite reasonable and not far fetched to think that some people would make it this way and design the "engine of the system" to run on its fuel of people???

its not that america is getting more violent and that is why the prison populations are increasing... it is because the amount of "statutes" and the locking up of peaceful cannabis users or any drug for that matter keep rising in proportion to the population so it is a more steady climb... THE FROG IN THE WARM WATER EFFECT...

anyways just getting the info out... hope you people take heed... again theres much more but already spent a half an hour typing this so dont need to make any longer...

and p.s. this is to... and in response to, mindphuks earlier comment... you may be intelligent enough to have darwin as your avatar...

but when it comes to this subject, and perhaps HOPEFULLY ONLY in regards to this subject... and sorry to be a dick and facetious about it... but... perhaps your username is quite accurate... your mind is fucked... or perhaps after years of indoctrination your mind has been fucked... sorry just sayin... (may not even be your fault)...

i hope you can recognize the gravity of the situation...
apparently you have NO idea of the difference between the legal system and LAW... ;)

Obviously, you have no idea my level of knowledge in this area.

People that take your advice are likely to end up with some injuries as they are forced to comply with the police procedures during the arrest and booking and likely to get additional charges and will probably end up in a restraint chair at the jail. The best advice has already been given. Comply with all their instructions but give no statement, do not make any deals and hire a competent defense attorney to represent you.
if they dont know who u are and u never tell them then what can the cops do? keep u locked up forever? i mean refusing to identify urself while being held in custody, no matter how long they hold u.
if the cops come to ur door, dont answer it. they need a search warrant to come in, if they didnt then they would have kicked ur door in already.
u dont need to identify urself to a cop, they need a reason to ask u. respond to this by asking for his name, if he doesnt give as requested by law then walk away.
cops have no expectation of privacy, this means u can video record a cop in a public place and not be arrested (some places have laws against this).
encrypt ur phone because cops now can copy all ur phones info into a device, if they take ur phone and give it back then the cops got all ur contacts and pics, everything.

theres alot of ways to keep urself safe from cops.
Obviously, you have no idea my level of knowledge in this area.

People that take your advice are likely to end up with some injuries as they are forced to comply with the police procedures during the arrest and booking and likely to get additional charges and will probably end up in a restraint chair at the jail. The best advice has already been given. Comply with all their instructions but give no statement, do not make any deals and hire a competent defense attorney to represent you.

Obviously, you have no idea my level of knowledge in this area.

well... go ahead... then explain your knowledge "in this area"... and tell us what the difference is then???

oh "wise" one... ;)

what you think is "law" is NOTHING MORE THAN "COLOR OF LAW"... but go ahead and keep thinking that...

do you even know what "color of law" means or "appearance" means for that matter???

like "general appearance" or even the regular meaning of "appearance" (which is what is being defined in the meaning of "color of law") ???

a "judge" may have "jurisdiction over a "matter"... BUT NOT YOUR BODY... WHAT PART OF THAT DO YOU NOT COMPREHEND???



this is the kind of thinking that causes people to lose more and more rights each and every day...




and tucking your arms and legs in shouldnt give you ANY injuries, and if THEY ABUSE YOU... YOU WIN... ITS THAT SIMPLE...



you apparently didnt read or comprehend what i was saying...


anyways... im NOT trying fight or argue with you... im trying to help you and teach you... but if you want to ignore me then FINE, but if you want to give your consent over to be under their authority of what you can or cant consume... then fine go ahead... enjoy being a good little slave...

but geesh... this is the kind of thinking that just needs to stop already...

PLEASE stop ALLOWING yourselves be a part of, AND giving over your CONSENT to a fraudulent system...
if the cops come to ur door, dont answer it. they need a search warrant to come in, if they didnt then they would have kicked ur door in already.
u dont need to identify urself to a cop, they need a reason to ask u. respond to this by asking for his name, if he doesnt give as requested by law then walk away.
cops have no expectation of privacy, this means u can video record a cop in a public place and not be arrested (some places have laws against this).
encrypt ur phone because cops now can copy all ur phones info into a device, if they take ur phone and give it back then the cops got all ur contacts and pics, everything.

theres alot of ways to keep urself safe from cops.

(directed to you drsmoke)>>> good advice... definitely correct about the phones...

(to everyone)>>> and you NEVER btw have to identify yourself... in fact... it would be impossible for them to ever "identify" you "legally" or "lawfully" without you giving it to them... or acknowledging them in affirmation to ANY of their questions...


i know this is hard to imagine... EVEN THOUGH this eliminates your chance of ever having the ability to have a credit card, bank account, or even to drive your own car... (scooters and bikes do just fine btw... ;)


because as it stands people... the "less" you involve yourself in their "legal" system and or put yourself within their "scope" you lessen your chances of ever having to EVER deal with them... NOW that doesnt mean you cant have a "life" cause you can still have plenty of friends and have just as much fun...

its just a simple choice to live a slightly different life and its WELL WORTH IT TO HAVE TRUE LIBERTY...

AND you completely ELIMINATE the chance that they can have any "legal" authority over you...

as long as you do not physically harm another, nor take any property from anyone else without their consent...

then YOU HAVE KEPT THE LAW... if you have however, physically harmed another OR taken their property without their consent, then and ONLY THEN, IS IT A CRIME.... AND ONLY THEN... HAVE YOU BROKEN THE LAW...
According to his location, it looks like Neverland.

in all seriousness... great observational humor... i really did lol... glad to see that your sense of humor is still intact... ;)

and geez why bother with you people... its no wonder this kind of poor thinking keeps perpetuating itself...

the JURISDICTION is WHEREVER COMMON LAW IS... that includes america btw... heyzeus fucking christ people... :)

oh well... i guess no one likes to be "helped"... so just keep going on ignoring facts... and just be happy with your subservient lives... and just keep PLUGGING your f-ing ears everytime someone lets you know something that will ACTUALLY HELP you...

good luck you guys... ;)
in all seriousness... great observational humor... i really did lol... glad to see that your sense of humor is still intact... ;)

and geez why bother with you people... its no wonder this kind of poor thinking keeps perpetuating itself...

the JURISDICTION is WHEREVER COMMON LAW IS... that includes america btw... heyzeus fucking christ people... :)

oh well... i guess no one likes to be "helped"... so just keep going on ignoring facts... and just be happy with your subservient lives... and just keep PLUGGING your f-ing ears everytime someone lets you know something that will ACTUALLY HELP you...

good luck you guys... ;)
To be fair, I understand most of what you are saying but it can only apply to only some individuals in certain situations. For example, I have a job, pay taxes and have my fingerprints on file so there is no way personally I could get away not identifying myself. If a LEO has probable cause that I broke a law, they will arrest and fingerprint me. Our laws are based on English Common Law but what you are saying goes beyond that and I honestly don't think you or anyone else would be able to get away with it. I believe as much as you do in inherent, natural rights, however, enforcement of those rights are given to our government, citizens empower the state to act on our behalf which is why they can legally use force against you but you cannot legally use force against another individual without justification. Without an ability to enforce the rights, they really don't mean anything. Take for example if you visited Mexico and got kidnapped. They are violating your inherent right to life and freedom but unless you personally have the ability to protect your rights, they can kill you are keep you captive indefinitely. It would do no good to argue your rights with the kidnappers. Same thing with governments. They have been given authority to imprison you, even using unjust laws as a reason. Fighting them and declaring yourself a sovereign individual wiill do no good, they will laugh in your face as they keep you in jail. You must work within the system that has been developed.

As for attorneys being officers of the court, that doesn't mean they don't work for you. All it means is that they have certain legal responsibilities that they must abide by. Read about fiduciary duty. There is no conflict of interest between a defense lawyer and the courts as you seem to imply.

In fact, I think the idea of natural rights, legal rights and social contracts are fascinating topics that could be discussed in the philosophy subforum but the problem we are discussing is one not of rights but of practicality and execution.
@ cannofbliss
It sounds like you are making an argument for the sovereign citizen movement, and encouraging people to stand up to LEO and get arrested on principal.

I understand your argument, but the cops aren’t going to care about your theories on individual rights. You can get in the cops face and refuse to recognize their authority all you want. The minute you refuse to identify yourself, they can arrest you.

If this was a discussion about fighting back against an unjust government then maybe we’d have something to talk about, but we are talking about the exact opposite – how to use the rights that the cops DO recognize to avoid getting arrested.
@ cannofbliss
It sounds like you are making an argument for the sovereign citizen movement, and encouraging people to stand up to LEO and get arrested on principal.

I understand your argument, but the cops aren’t going to care about your theories on individual rights. You can get in the cops face and refuse to recognize their authority all you want. The minute you refuse to identify yourself, they can arrest you.

If this was a discussion about fighting back against an unjust government then maybe we’d have something to talk about, but we are talking about the exact opposite – how to use the rights that the cops DO recognize to avoid getting arrested.

wrong assumption... it was only IF you are already going to be "arrested" anyways, and taken hostage and thrown in jail... NOT just go up to any of them and say f u... as that would be just plain stupid...

apparently again people didnt read or comprehend what was being said too well...

why did i even come back to this thread and waste my time??? i guess i care too much... and who said they were "theories" these are REAL FACTS...

just goes to show how brainwashed they have you all...
wrong assumption... it was only IF you are already going to be "arrested" anyways, and taken hostage and thrown in jail... NOT just go up to any of them and say f u... as that would be just plain stupid...

apparently again people didnt read or comprehend what was being said too well...

why did i even come back to this thread and waste my time??? i guess i care too much... and who said they were "theories" these are REAL FACTS...

just goes to show how brainwashed they have you all...

Fair enough, I'm willing to concede that I am not understanding your point. I tried to carefully read your previous posts, and what I basically distilled it down to was that you assert that the cops do not have any legal authority over us and that we should never concede that they do. In practical application however, that just comes down to semantics. So what if I refuse to recognize LEO's authority over me? LEO thinks he does have authority over me, and he has a gun, a cop car, his cop buddies, the courts, the legislature, the prison system, and most of society backing him up. So when all is said and done, any effort on my part to “school” the cop on his lack of authority over me will simply be met with overwhelming force.

Last, and most importantly, you assert that what you are saying are "REAL FACTS". Okay, show me the evidence that support your facts.