trayvan martin


Well-Known Member
I see no supporter of Zimmerman can answer the question as to why he did not return back to his truck after he said "ok" to not follow. Can I now just follow people around and then shoot them dead if they try to fight or confront me for following them.???
This will be the prosecutions angle, I'm sure. You can't stalk someone, confront them without a uniform, and expect them to smile and ask, "How may I help you."

It's weird TM didn't just hug Zimmerman that night. I'm sure African Americans feel totally comfortable being followed at night by a Latino hopping out of his truck and following them. If I were TM, I would have started banging on doors, alerting the neighborhood to this psycho stalking me.


Well-Known Member
Yea, but some people on here already have him convicted.
I have him at fault for not returning back to his truck and following that child. His actions lead to the death of Trayvon. Now could I be on the jury..Hell no and would tell the court that. My mind was made up when he was told not to follow and still did. Trayvon has just as much right to stand his ground on some creepy short bald pervert following him around.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
I have him at fault for not returning back to his truck and following that child. His actions lead to the death of Trayvon. Now could I be on the jury..Hell no and would tell the court that. My mind was made up when he was told not to follow and still did. Trayvon has just as much right to stand his ground on some creepy short bald pervert following him around.
pretty much

i think short people are smug

really comfy slippers

Active Member
I have him at fault for not returning back to his truck and following that child. His actions lead to the death of Trayvon. Now could I be on the jury..Hell no and would tell the court that. My mind was made up when he was told not to follow and still did. Trayvon has just as much right to stand his ground on some creepy short bald pervert following him around.
My thoughts exactly, Sir


Well-Known Member
I have him at fault for not returning back to his truck and following that child. His actions lead to the death of Trayvon. Now could I be on the jury..Hell no and would tell the court that. My mind was made up when he was told not to follow and still did. Trayvon has just as much right to stand his ground on some creepy short bald pervert following him around.
And that fact is going to bite Zimmy in the ass.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
it was like my third post in this thread, absent of any evidence we have now,

i said that ignoring that statement from the "trianed operator" was going to be his downfall . . . funny huh no Willard-ing for me


Well-Known Member
I have him at fault for not returning back to his truck and following that child. His actions lead to the death of Trayvon. Now could I be on the jury..Hell no and would tell the court that. My mind was made up when he was told not to follow and still did. Trayvon has just as much right to stand his ground on some creepy short bald pervert following him around.
I definately see Zim losing the civil lawsuit that will come. The criminal case is a whole different story. I feel that the way it sits now, it will come down to jury selection.


Well-Known Member
I definately see Zim losing the civil lawsuit that will come. The criminal case is a whole different story. I feel that the way it sits now, it will come down to jury selection.
and on this you may be right, because you only need one out of 12 to say no...but I do believe his life will be pretty much be FUCKED after this. My biggest fear is that he may still be able to own a gun. We shall see, but his azz does need to be convicted of manslaughter at the very least.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
I have him at fault for not returning back to his truck and following that child. His actions lead to the death of Trayvon. Now could I be on the jury..Hell no and would tell the court that. My mind was made up when he was told not to follow and still did. Trayvon has just as much right to stand his ground on some creepy short bald pervert following him around.
Po' lil' chile, awl e wanted was play Lego.


Active Member
If it were such a big deal for zimmy to be back at his truck when he told 911 he wanted the police to phone him when they arrived why didn't the dispatcher say "no mr.zimmerman get back to truck."Zimmerman had the same rights as trayvon to be walking around his neighborhood.Trayvon didn't have the right to assault him.


Well-Known Member
to protect and serve has been taken off almost all police vehicles for a while . . . .and I do not think murder 2 is the right charge. .. . . . .manslaughter . . is more like it . .. . .

I do not intend to come off as no matter what Z is guilty of murder . . .. .he didnt intend imo to shoot Martin it just happened but the second he got out of his truck is where it all started negligence or happenstance his actions led to martins death . ..martin was walking home .. . .think about it

is this the message we send to the people in our country . . . .look presentable or you are suspect. . . . dont do anything odd or you are suspect

the people who pass judgement in this way that i detest are not cops judges or lawyers . . .. they are less then intelligent people who are more willing to act then think

and when you condone this kind of behavior in any way . . .. . . you are saying it is ok . .. . .zero tolerance for violent individuals who take matters into there own hands
Ok, 4th time now........why won't you play along with my hypothetical?
Let's say you live in a NON-MMJ state. You cultivate cannabis and have been arrested or convicted for it. You friends/neighbors and police all know this. A skunk crawls up under your house and a neighbor calls the police about the "suspicious odor" coming from your house. You are currently "taking a break" from cultivating as a result of your brush with the law so you have no plants currently growing. Should the police just waltz into your house without a warrant and arrest you? Should you be convicted as a result? After all, you have a "history" of cultivating cannabis. You are OBVIOUSLY guilty, right?;-)


Well-Known Member
If it were such a big deal for zimmy to be back at his truck when he told 911 he wanted the police to phone him when they arrived why didn't the dispatcher say "no mr.zimmerman get back to truck."Zimmerman had the same rights as trayvon to be walking around his neighborhood.Trayvon didn't have the right to assault him.
I see the level of stupidity is about to raise now that you have started to comment today