Are there ANY Christians on RIU?


Well-Known Member
Only about every word he posted for me in here... I wont sit back and let a bunch of faithless heathens just push me around like some sort of lil bitch... Christian or not... What does it matter? What did I say to deserve the barage of insults, and the numerous bashes to my own faith and beliefs? Why didnt u say something about all that? How bout go back and read this lil love letter a lil bit and then u might figure it out... I tried, but I gave up, and I dont care what u think I should do... I have alot of activities I could think of to tell several folks on here what they should do... U guys think Christians dont sin, or that they dont stand up for themselves, or that we wont come out swingin"??? Wrong assumption... I'll never give it up...
It looks like we have another poster that cannot tell the difference between being critical of, or even insulting a belief, and making a personal insult or attack against an individual. I feel comfortable enough in my beliefs and positions because I can defend them using sound, rational arguments.


Well-Known Member
If I missed responding to your support, then forgive me... I was neck deep in assholes, trying to swat each one away, as best I could... Fail as I may have, I just started this whole thing to see if a few folks would say something like "yeah, we r here, too", and not start some sort of a "Holy War"... So, now that itz gotten way out of hand, Im just wondering why some "fake God" would spark SO MUCH attention... I mean, if there's nothing to it, but made-up fairy tales, then why is it such a "hot" topic? Almost 200 posts now... Keep em comin... Im on vacation, and can keep this up for a good while...
You STARTED this thread, why are you complaining about REPLIES? With a title of a thread such as "Are there ANY Christians..." what did you expect, a revival? =P

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
Only about every word he posted for me in here... I wont sit back and let a bunch of faithless heathens just push me around like some sort of lil bitch... Christian or not... What does it matter? What did I say to deserve the barage of insults, and the numerous bashes to my own faith and beliefs? Why didnt u say something about all that? How bout go back and read this lil love letter a lil bit and then u might figure it out... I tried, but I gave up, and I dont care what u think I should do... I have alot of activities I could think of to tell several folks on here what they should do... U guys think Christians dont sin, or that they dont stand up for themselves, or that we wont come out swingin"??? Wrong assumption... I'll never give it up...
theres nothing more irrational than a butt hurt christian .


Well-Known Member
GG, you now as well as I do that insult is hardly a reason to get kicked off of RIU.
In any case, I spoke my support earlier and don't recall having received a response.
I don't think you should let yourself get pushed around, no.
But really ... to portray some rough&tumble on the Internet as "getting pushed around" does not especially commend your self-confidence. Jmo. cn
I started off peacefully too. I was intrigued that one might state a biblical case for (or against) the use of cannabis. He decided to be offended by that so I just started a thread to ask that question.


Well-Known Member
If the abrahamic gods are all the same, then why does geographical location determine which flavor people see? Why do followers of Allah not have visions confirming Jesus? No doubt these are all branches of the same superstition, but the fact that they branched is evidence of human fallibility, not some divine construct.

What about those poor bastards in India? What about the Greeks?

You seem to be ignoring that geographical location is only part of it. Which god you subscribe to has a great deal to do with chronological location as well.


Active Member
And after what Ive seen this thread, I can guarentee u I'll never try to discuss anything other then cultivation on this site... I'm glad people who use hydro systems dont treat soil growers like everyone has treated the tiny Christian populous on here...
Did Jesus force his teachings on anyone? Or did He teach that if someone doesnt want to hear it, leave them and wipe the very dust off your feet out of protest as you leave.
Remember. Some people are destined to never believe and be saved. ITS ONLY BY REVALTION FROM GOD HIMSELF CAN WE UNDERSTAND WHATS WRITTEN. Please dont let yourself be compramised by non-believers. Remember Bad company corrupts good character, rather than the other way around.
Jesus also taught NOT to throw your pearls to pigs, least they be trampled underfoot, which is what your experiencing right now. You know in your heart whats right because God allowed you to see it but now its up to you to continue training your spiritual strength to overcome all adversity to your flesh.


Well-Known Member

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
If the abrahamic gods are all the same, then why does geographical location determine which flavor people see? Why do followers of Allah not have visions confirming Jesus? No doubt these are all branches of the same superstition, but the fact that they branched is evidence of human fallibility, not some divine construct.

What about those poor bastards in India? What about the Greeks?

You seem to be ignoring that geographical location is only part of it. Which god you subscribe to has a great deal to do with chronological location as well.
...sure it has to do with location. The splintering of the tree, as it were, is the result of human fallibility. The flavoring is just that. Different people saw the same images according to their ancestry, and recorded it that way. That is a heavily psychological aspect of worldviews. I don't know that it could have been otherwise.


Well-Known Member
...sure it has to do with location. The splintering of the tree, as it were, is the result of human fallibility. The flavoring is just that. Different people saw the same images according to their ancestry, and recorded it that way. That is a heavily psychological aspect of worldviews. I don't know that it could have been otherwise.
i could see it happening in an entirely different way. if it was the true unambiguous word of god then there certainly wouldnt be the confusion we have now ;)


Well-Known Member
See, I think there is something. I can feel it. It's a very subtle thing, that if you don't believe enough to look, It can't find you, if you are only nattering mind. IT needs a still mind to communicate.

Is it GOD? Is it Super-Conciousness? Is it another part of Self we don't know about? I'm sure now, it's more than just sobbing for immortality. In fact, immortality is the most preposterous of all claims.

But, I think, the only thing that is worse than blindly following a religion, is to practice abject denial about other parts of "higher" Self. IT, in my experience, needs no proof or claim, IT is IT. But, to seek IT, requires an itch to seek. Atheist have no itch but denial.


Well-Known Member
"ITS ONLY BY REVALTION FROM GOD HIMSELF CAN WE UNDERSTAND WHATS WRITTEN. Please dont let yourself be compramised by non-believers. Remember Bad company corrupts good character, rather than the other way around."

This is such a good example of condecension and cult logic. You can't understand the cult unitl you believe in the cult.

So judgemental. Folks want to discuss the subject precisely because of the snide tyranny and causual violence of thought.
Hiding behiind freedom from religion, but expecting all of us to at least, support their beliefs. That's not in the Consitution.

Who says you have good character and we don't?> Christians often seem of low character, quite touchy, and smug.

"Lord, thank you that I am not like other men." :)


Well-Known Member
See, I think there is something. I can feel it. It's a very subtle thing, that if you don't believe enough to look, It can't find you, if you are only nattering mind. IT needs a still mind to communicate.

Is it GOD? Is it Super-Conciousness? Is it another part of Self we don't know about? I'm sure now, it's more than just sobbing for immortality. In fact, immortality is the most preposterous of all claims.

But, I think, the only thing that is worse than blindly following a religion, is to practice abject denial about other parts of "higher" Self. IT, in my experience, needs no proof or claim, IT is IT. But, to seek IT, requires an itch to seek. Atheist have no itch but denial.

An atheist must be shown something which passes doubt before he is able to deny. In the case of God, the atheist hasn't been convinced that there is anything to deny. In the case of super consciousnesses or higher self, I can not say, because each atheist will have their own view. The sort of God an atheist doubts has a pretty clear definition.


Active Member
amen brother i cant bash anyone for their beleifs but somtimes people on here do take it to far with the whole god bashing thing buts its ok like i said i dont take it personal its just ignorent somtimes how much people can be so one minded i beleive but im not forcing my beleifes on other people