Are there ANY Christians on RIU?


Well-Known Member
while the all have the same roots arabs or jews do not consider jesus to be god and you ask many a christian if they are worshipping the same god as allah they would say no.
Most Christians actually believe Jesus to be the Son of God. Some of them do form a trinity doctrine because of a mistranslation of John 1:1.


Well-Known Member
...I'm trying to find the humor, see, 'believers' know that this is the same God. *shrugs*
I've never met a Christian that believed that, and I was one for 13 years. You may hold that belief, but it wasn't anywhere near a consensus to my knowledge.


Well-Known Member
I've never met a Christian that believed that, and I was one for 13 years. You may hold that belief, but it wasn't anywhere near a consensus to my knowledge.
Allah is the God of Abraham. Jehova is also the God of Abraham. Jesus Christ's father is also, the God of Abraham.

Your beliefs are trumped by facts.

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
fuckin hillarious , now your saying that everyone is worshiping the same god lol unbelievable the bullshit that comes out from some people lol , theres other religious people not to far away from you that would gladly behead you for worshiping the christian god .
and how incompatent must this one universal all knowing all creating god be to have you all using different religious books from each other all claiming to be gods word . i guess its ok for a muslim to eat pork coz the bible says so lol :clap:

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
all the people who have died throughout history untill mpresent day coz they believe in a different god lol , but guess what ,,, actually they all got it wrong and everyone is worshiping the same god lol.


Well-Known Member
Only about every word he posted for me in here... I wont sit back and let a bunch of faithless heathens just push me around like some sort of lil bitch... Christian or not... What does it matter? What did I say to deserve the barage of insults, and the numerous bashes to my own faith and beliefs? Why didnt u say something about all that? How bout go back and read this lil love letter a lil bit and then u might figure it out... I tried, but I gave up, and I dont care what u think I should do... I have alot of activities I could think of to tell several folks on here what they should do... U guys think Christians dont sin, or that they dont stand up for themselves, or that we wont come out swingin"??? Wrong assumption... I'll never give it up...


Well-Known Member
It wouldnt hurt my feelings a bit if u guys wanna go taddle on me and complain, and get me thrown outta here... I wouldnt miss a minute of sleep... If speaking insults isnt approved on here, then I guess Im not alone, then am I?


Ursus marijanus
GG, you now as well as I do that insult is hardly a reason to get kicked off of RIU.
In any case, I spoke my support earlier and don't recall having received a response.
I don't think you should let yourself get pushed around, no.
But really ... to portray some rough&tumble on the Internet as "getting pushed around" does not especially commend your self-confidence. Jmo. cn


Well-Known Member
And after what Ive seen this thread, I can guarentee u I'll never try to discuss anything other then cultivation on this site... I'm glad people who use hydro systems dont treat soil growers like everyone has treated the tiny Christian populous on here...


Well-Known Member
If I missed responding to your support, then forgive me... I was neck deep in assholes, trying to swat each one away, as best I could... Fail as I may have, I just started this whole thing to see if a few folks would say something like "yeah, we r here, too", and not start some sort of a "Holy War"... So, now that itz gotten way out of hand, Im just wondering why some "fake God" would spark SO MUCH attention... I mean, if there's nothing to it, but made-up fairy tales, then why is it such a "hot" topic? Almost 200 posts now... Keep em comin... Im on vacation, and can keep this up for a good while...

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
Sometimes you cant help but hurt others feelings when they cannot accept that their beliefs hold no certainty, no truth value.

That is why it is so much better to have ideas rather than beliefs, there is no reason to get offended over something if it is a thought without truth value (Idea), rather than an idea you claim has certainty(belief).