• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Are there ANY Christians on RIU?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I do anticipate being taken out of such an evil world that is so mis-led and so lost, and so bleak... I do not anticipate seeing anyone perish... I would much rather see them become saved before the Lord does return...
still not making a good case for yourself


Well-Known Member
No doubt! Itz funny how, I am a Christian, who also smokes and grows pot, and wants legalization to happen, but my beliefs r bashed about like they r total shit, and totally unaccepted here, all but a few of u(and God sees these posts and what is in your hearts, so thank u to all who have stood beside me here), but just ponder this: If all of these non-believers and antagonists are soooo against Christianity, and will not even tolerate it, nor even let us speak freely of our faith, and accept it in any way without coming on here talkin shit, then how do they ever think that the moral majority who ARENT cool with pot will EVER accept our collective beliefs in legalization? Not to say that the two will have anything to do with each other in votes, but just making a point about tolerance here... I have seen 5% of u who r tolerable of our beliefs, and the rest just about all tear us apart... So, why should we tolerate these other beliefs and faiths, and lack-thereof? Again, I ask, why is there even a forum for spirituality, when it is a barbecue pit for Christians? Thatz what this forum should be called, is the "SHIT ON CHRISTIANS FORUM"... Sure Im pissed off... Im pretty sure if I said something like Scroglodite said, like "non-Christians... yum yum... I just love it when they cross my narrow path, and I take out my "M-4 of righteousness", and flip it to fully, and lay down "judgment" on them, and then take em back to camp and eat them..." or something off-the-wall like that, that it would be greatly frowned upon- but at this point in here, I really don't care who I piss off for speaking my mind! I just asked if there r any other Christians on RIU, and took a mighty big beatin' for it... So much for ever going into any of these other forums... I will only stay on RIU to help out the FEW friends I HAVE got here, and GENERAL MJ GROWING is where I might be... I really tried to be as open and honest as I could be here, and now I see where I stand, even among my peers in the growing world... Really encouraging... I try to open up, and feel like I took a lashing for it.... Awesome! Bring it on...
Excellent play of the hurt card. You began this discussion by framing it with judgmental and antagonistic tones. I've seen no more opposition to your views than I encounter with my own, and I have never felt the need to whine. Then again, I don't count legitimate criticism as bashing, in fact I welcome others to look for errors I may have missed.

I see you treating anyone who doesn't believe as if they are worthy of nothing but hell, yet you are the one crying about tolerance. You belong to a cult that celebrates human sacrifice, are telling anyone who doubts that they will burn forever, cloak it all in the pretense of compassion, and you have the nerve to act offended at anything said here? Jesus demands that we love him above our parents, our children, our family and dismisses all those that don't to be horribly tortured for eternity. You are surprised when you encounter serious opposition to ideas like these?


Well-Known Member
May I ask a question to the "real" Christians out there...?

I have a decent decent grasp on Christianity, have read the bible (recently) and consider myself pretty tolerant.

But it seems to me, that modern Christians, for the most part, are very separated from the real history of the religion itself.

For example, the Bible is held as "the word of god" yet it has been "edited" and re written hundreds of times in the last 1000 years

I am not anti-God, or anti-religion, it just seems irrational to believe in something with a history created by those who see fit, caving under political pressure, killing, enslaving and torturing millions "non believers" etc... This is not the word of God, it is the word of POWER

So I guess my question is..

Why would you want to associate with a historically corrupt religion?

Jesus teaches we are all the son of god, but this most important lesson was lost many moons ago...

And at least, my God, has nothing to do with any book or rules, my god created the universe, and is not to be bothered by trival matters, rediculous cerimonies or crack-pot theries pumped to the masses by the Tea party...

Great question, Rising

Just know that there are a lot of sects in Christianity, and not all of them embrace the concept of an infallible bible. The faith that I embrace is liberal Quakerism-- they don't believe in a 'literally true' bible.

One thing I would recommend to you, and others here: the Belief-O-Matic (made all the more charming by being a bit tongue in cheek). Answer a bunch of questions, find out the faith that fits your beliefs (including non-Christian). Here's the link if your curious, and no, it isn't a marketing ploy:


Active Member
im christian but i dont practice it. i could care less what people think or if they are or not. i've lived a very blessed and fortunate life here in america. maybe it was god, maybe not. i dont really care. glad its me and not someone else.


Well-Known Member
I would like to point out that Christ did not expect people to have faith, he (allegedly) performed miracles, thus completely validating his (alleged) divinity. Emulating Christ is what makes one a Christian. Therefore Faith is not a Christian tenet.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
I would like to point out that Christ did not expect people to have faith, he (allegedly) performed miracles, thus completely validating his (alleged) divinity. Emulating Christ is what makes one a Christian. Therefore Faith is not a Christian tenet.
...faith is built on the 'rock' (Peter - Pineal). This is what is meant when they wrote about uniting the head and the heart, the right and the left, the dark and the light - etc. The pineal is activated and the 'eye of God' is the result. In common terms that equates to seeing both sides of the story, etc. Think about it like this "the I of God" <---that's the switch, a person recognizes where they are from - who they are from. It builds compassion. "build my church on the rock - peter - faith" - that's the compassion reference. So, yes, faith is the main tenet of belief (in all faiths).

So, that's my take on it from what I've come to understand through experience.


Well-Known Member
...faith is built on the 'rock' (Peter - Pineal). This is what is meant when they wrote about uniting the head and the heart, the right and the left, the dark and the light - etc. The pineal is activated and the 'eye of God' is the result. In common terms that equates to seeing both sides of the story, etc. Think about it like this "the I of God" <---that's the switch, a person recognizes where they are from - who they are from. It builds compassion. "build my church on the rock - peter - faith" - that's the compassion reference. So, yes, faith is the main tenet of belief (in all faiths).

So, that's my take on it from what I've come to understand through experience.
I dare you to prove it!


Well-Known Member
...faith is built on the 'rock' (Peter - Pineal). This is what is meant when they wrote about uniting the head and the heart, the right and the left, the dark and the light - etc. The pineal is activated and the 'eye of God' is the result. In common terms that equates to seeing both sides of the story, etc. Think about it like this "the I of God" <---that's the switch, a person recognizes where they are from - who they are from. It builds compassion. "build my church on the rock - peter - faith" - that's the compassion reference. So, yes, faith is the main tenet of belief (in all faiths).

So, that's my take on it from what I've come to understand through experience.
what experiences have you had with your pineal gland? how do you tell if its your pineal gland and not your medulla oblongata << serious question


Well-Known Member
Excellent play of the hurt card. You began this discussion by framing it with judgmental and antagonistic tones. I've seen no more opposition to your views than I encounter with my own, and I have never felt the need to whine. Then again, I don't count legitimate criticism as bashing, in fact I welcome others to look for errors I may have missed.

I see you treating anyone who doesn't believe as if they are worthy of nothing but hell, yet you are the one crying about tolerance. You belong to a cult that celebrates human sacrifice, are telling anyone who doubts that they will burn forever, cloak it all in the pretense of compassion, and you have the nerve to act offended at anything said here? Jesus demands that we love him above our parents, our children, our family and dismisses all those that don't to be horribly tortured for eternity. You are surprised when you encounter serious opposition to ideas like these?
*Like* and +rep...

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
what experiences have you had with your pineal gland? how do you tell if its your pineal gland and not your medulla oblongata << serious question
...they are hard to explain, really. It's not that it can't be put into words, it is more like 'which friggin words?'. You can see plain as day on the forum that people do try to explain. I think the reason is that you have the experience, then later you start to read up on it (if the experience shakes a person enough - I'm guessing). Over time you develop a body of work and knowledge to be able to describe as best you can what it means to believe. It is based on experience - and 'taste' is another biblical (or holy book) way of saying 'experience'.

I think the bottom line is that they are all very unique, but share what is known as an archetypal quality.

Anyway, minute bit of my take on that :)

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
alot of the christians on here think there beliefs should be imune to questioning or ridicule , the very same so called christians are on other threads bashing someone for believing that man has not been to the moon .and are quick to point out evidence to him that we did go to the moon .
everyone is entitled to there beliefs but be prepared that others wont share that belief and will question argue and ridicule you , thats life im afraid .


Well-Known Member
I am not a Christian, but it is alright if you are..I think people should just stop talking about their religion on here at all...or their lack of religion, whatever the case may be...I see no reason to discuss it at all...I don't understand all this preoccupation with what other people are doing or thinking or believing...because when you openly discuss your points of view you are inviting others to as well, and sometimes that can be a little hard to swallow...for anyone

Rising Moon

Well-Known Member
I am not a Christian, but it is alright if you are..I think people should just stop talking about their religion on here at all...or their lack of religion, whatever the case may be...I see no reason to discuss it at all...I don't understand all this preoccupation with what other people are doing or thinking or believing...because when you openly discuss your points of view you are inviting others to as well, and sometimes that can be a little hard to swallow...for anyone
You are right, however, this is the spirituality section of the forum, where people can, and will discuss such issues.

I think its great to read about what others think and believe...

Because, my mind changes all the time...

As soon as you believe anything, it precludes you from believing something else...

The truth is S L O W L Y being revealed on this planet, and honest discussion and critical thinking are the only tools we have to tease all the details out...

So, speculate on!

Im having fun...


Well-Known Member
...lol, why - I just did :) I offered my perspective by way of typing words into a forum. The fact that you responded is proof enough that you don't need proof.

Hehe :)
Proof [proof]


1. evidence sufficient to establish a thing as true, or to produce belief in its truth.

2. anything serving as such evidence: What proof do you have?

3. the act of testing or making trial of anything; test; trial: to put a thing to the proof.

4. the establishment of the truth of anything; demonstration.

Evidence [ev-i-dence]


1. that which tends to prove or disprove something; ground for belief; proof.

2. something that makes plain or clear; an indication or sign: His flushed look was visible evidence of his fever.

I omitted the definitions that pertain to law, which is very charitable, and yet still nothing you said remotely resembles any of these definitions for either proof or evidence.