• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Are there ANY Christians on RIU?


Well-Known Member
Alrighty then... I dont push it on anyone guy... Im fairly certain that if u read the Bible, and go back to the Hebrew texts, u will see that using kaneh-bosm, or cannabis is not a sin, and wont land one in hell... But thanks for trying to guess where my soul will end up when I die... I aint got any hate for u either, I just think that if everyone can say their piece on my Lord and Saviour, then I am also entitled to say my piece back... Imo definately keep it green, and happy, and believe what I feel convicted to believe, and live my life by... I was just asking for MY fellow Christian pot-heads to answer my call, and I see I am not alone... Read up on the Universal Life Church, and The Bible and cannabis... Just sayin... Not pushin... I didn't make this stuff up...

Not trying to start you up or anything. I think it's great that you have faith and you smoke.

Here's what I'm talking about. . .

Is smoking weed a sin? Although the Bible does not address marijuana directly, it does discuss other mind-altering drugs. Specifically, the Bible addresses the use of drugs in the book of Galatians:

Now the deeds of the flesh are evident, which are: immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, disputes, dissensions, factions, envying, drunkenness, carousing, and things like these, of which I forewarn you, just as I have forewarned you, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. (Galatians 5:19-21)

So, where are the drugs mentioned in this verse? Actually, the word translated "sorcery" is the Greek word pharmakeia,4 from which we get the English word "pharmacy." The primary meaning is "the use or the administering of drugs" (usually associated with sorcery or idolatry). Since this verse comes from a list of things that if practiced would preclude one from heaven, this should be a reasonably strong suggestion that the Christian should not practice drug use. In addition, the book of Revelation lists drug use as one of the things for which the unrepentant will suffer the wrath of God.5

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
why bash athiests for not believing the drivvel christians believe why not go one step further and bash all the other thousands of religions who believe in a completely different made up god than the christian one .surely that is the biggest insult a christian can recieve , someone discarding the christian god but not only saying he dosent exist but claiming that they believe in another god who created the earth and everything so everything in your bible is lies .i would be much more pissed off with that , than someone saying they dont believe in any god .


New Member
I've yet to find a religion that doesn't think they are the "ones." How is it that all religions say that anyone who is not of their beliefs will not go to heaven? Organized religion is the greatest scam ever pulled. Just like the Nigerian Prince who needs $30,000 to get his $56 million out of the bank and then he'll pay you back double. I wish you all the best of luck and hope you get everything you want in life. I just thought I would drop my $0.02

I'm here to learn about weed and teach some others what I know. No need to argue with me. I'm not getting in a debate over these comments. Those are my beliefs. I have a very ironic name though huh? I get that all the time...


Well-Known Member
I dont even have words to say about the heretics and haters Ive seen pop up here... These r my beliefs, and if u dont like em, then fine... I can clearly see the red dot pointed at Christianity, just like the government has its reticle on destroying the mj movement... Thatz cool... Peace out... Cancel my account... Im out...
I am not trying to feed the flame. I very rarely post on RIU but i LOVE this site as a reference. I am not tryin to fan the flame but i would like to throw in different ideas to stir the pot and see what everyone thinks.I personally think that all the "main" (christian, buddhist, muslim, etc) are/possibly/could be all the same religion. If you cross reference them they have a "virgin" birth, a "great flood", and their own "commandments", that are basically the same. Do good, be good, live good.Now, of course you will not be able to cross reference everything in every religion, but arent they all pretty similar?I believe that the old testament of the bible is jewish folklore. I mean really, who was writing genesis as it happened? Did go have a note-taker while he was creating? Did he create and dropped a book? I doubt it. Who is to say how long a day is to god? Days are just a human term so we can have some concept of time. We cant expect to hold aa diety to human standards. Our "day" could be 1000 years of gods time.The light came. The earth came. The plants came. The animals came. The people came. That sure looks alot like evolution to me. Who is to say that the theory of evolution and the bible cant work together? The bible leaves alot of questions. That is why they call it faith. Faith and religion are two completely different things. I am a christian and i am contemplating ordination. I do not believe that all of us came from adam and eve. That is not feasible. A talking snake? Oh come on. Now a talking spirit? A demon taking shape of an animal then talking? Its possible i wasnt there. Organized religion has brought more bad into this world than good. People want to take everything as literal truth, no matter where your "faith" may lie. I take the old testament and try to see how i can fit it in with other concepts and theories. Just to try to make the puzzle make more sense. No 1 book is going to have all the answers everyone may seek. Did yall read only one grow book? Did you only grow one strain? This is why we have variety so each individual can suit their needs. The bible says nothing directly about cannabis, BUT and original torah does. The cannabis (kaneh'bosm) translation was done away with 400 years ago by king james. It has been changed to cane and/or calamus (depending on what translation you use.I do believe in cannabis being the tree of life, the plant of ezekial and so on. And i also believe Jesus died for all of us. He is my lord and my savior i will bow to NO ONE else. I could go on and on but it is 4/20, and i am about to give a burnt sacrament offering. May peace be with you all on this day, the day of our cannabis plant.


Well-Known Member
I am, but like most others I dont really post here.

My fav threads here are toke n' talk and smoke reports.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
...some really good posts happening here in the last couple of days. Nice to see the believers writing their thoughts. Maybe we could have a flame suppression device installed so more people would feel free to discuss what they believe.



Well-Known Member
there it be me. non believers are taking over the world... hey you know what that means, rapture is soon to come! brothers and sisters we'll be going home soon!!!! im so stoked and very tired.
Brother, you have had one hell of a hard row to hoe in life & deserve a rest.
I really do hope so! I can't understand the hatrid and antagonizing behind some of these posts... I can only pray for them...

only one side of this is wishing eternal damnation on the other, thats hatred for you


Well-Known Member
No doubt! Itz funny how, I am a Christian, who also smokes and grows pot, and wants legalization to happen, but my beliefs r bashed about like they r total shit, and totally unaccepted here, all but a few of u(and God sees these posts and what is in your hearts, so thank u to all who have stood beside me here), but just ponder this: If all of these non-believers and antagonists are soooo against Christianity, and will not even tolerate it, nor even let us speak freely of our faith, and accept it in any way without coming on here talkin shit, then how do they ever think that the moral majority who ARENT cool with pot will EVER accept our collective beliefs in legalization? Not to say that the two will have anything to do with each other in votes, but just making a point about tolerance here... I have seen 5% of u who r tolerable of our beliefs, and the rest just about all tear us apart... So, why should we tolerate these other beliefs and faiths, and lack-thereof? Again, I ask, why is there even a forum for spirituality, when it is a barbecue pit for Christians? Thatz what this forum should be called, is the "SHIT ON CHRISTIANS FORUM"... Sure Im pissed off... Im pretty sure if I said something like Scroglodite said, like "non-Christians... yum yum... I just love it when they cross my narrow path, and I take out my "M-4 of righteousness", and flip it to fully, and lay down "judgment" on them, and then take em back to camp and eat them..." or something off-the-wall like that, that it would be greatly frowned upon- but at this point in here, I really don't care who I piss off for speaking my mind! I just asked if there r any other Christians on RIU, and took a mighty big beatin' for it... So much for ever going into any of these other forums... I will only stay on RIU to help out the FEW friends I HAVE got here, and GENERAL MJ GROWING is where I might be... I really tried to be as open and honest as I could be here, and now I see where I stand, even among my peers in the growing world... Really encouraging... I try to open up, and feel like I took a lashing for it.... Awesome! Bring it on...


Well-Known Member
I am not wishing eternal damnation on anyone... U r way too quick to speak, and dont even see the forest for the trees... Noone wants eternal damnation... And I certainly NEVER said I hope nonbelievers r punished... No hatred here, but from u it looks like...
only one side of this is wishing eternal damnation on the other, thats hatred for you


Well-Known Member
I am not wishing eternal damnation on anyone... U r way too quick to speak, and dont even see the forest for the trees... Noone wants eternal damnation... And I certainly NEVER said I hope nonbelievers r punished... No hatred here, but from u it looks like...
what else does the rapture mean?


Well-Known Member
You have a choice... You'll find out... Itz not me who will judge u... But I wont entertain any more of this absurd shit against my God, and my Saviour, either... From the overwhelming sound of this forum, the rapture probably isnt too awful far away, either... I said I'll be glad when it happens so I can be taken out of this world, because I am not of this world, but unfortunately I must live in it for now... I didnt say Id be glad to see judgment cast on anyone... In fact, Im sure there'll be a great many tears and much sadness for those who do face the wrath of God... It is not what Christians want to see... That is why we present our faith, and try to lead men to Christ, but just because u can lead a horse to water, doesn't mean that u can make them drink... And, so it goes with this ancient battle of good and evil, and men fighting men for different beliefs, and so on and so forth... There will never be peace on Earth, until it has been cleansed once again, but not by water...


Well-Known Member
It's 4-20, by the way... Just wondering if anyone else has noticed, or r we just going to go back and forth on this all day, or r we going to be glad that it is our "holiday", and try to celebrate with each other in peace???

Rising Moon

Well-Known Member
May I ask a question to the "real" Christians out there...?

I have a decent decent grasp on Christianity, have read the bible (recently) and consider myself pretty tolerant.

But it seems to me, that modern Christians, for the most part, are very separated from the real history of the religion itself.

For example, the Bible is held as "the word of god" yet it has been "edited" and re written hundreds of times in the last 1000 years

I am not anti-God, or anti-religion, it just seems irrational to believe in something with a history created by those who see fit, caving under political pressure, killing, enslaving and torturing millions "non believers" etc... This is not the word of God, it is the word of POWER

So I guess my question is..

Why would you want to associate with a historically corrupt religion?

Jesus teaches we are all the son of god, but this most important lesson was lost many moons ago...

And at least, my God, has nothing to do with any book or rules, my god created the universe, and is not to be bothered by trival matters, rediculous cerimonies or crack-pot theries pumped to the masses by the Tea party...


Well-Known Member
You have a choice... You'll find out... Itz not me who will judge u... But I wont entertain any more of this absurd shit against my God, and my Saviour, either... From the overwhelming sound of this forum, the rapture probably isnt too awful far away, either... I said I'll be glad when it happens so I can be taken out of this world, because I am not of this world, but unfortunately I must live in it for now... I didnt say Id be glad to see judgment cast on anyone... In fact, Im sure there'll be a great many tears and much sadness for those who do face the wrath of God... It is not what Christians want to see... That is why we present our faith, and try to lead men to Christ, but just because u can lead a horse to water, doesn't mean that u can make them drink... And, so it goes with this ancient battle of good and evil, and men fighting men for different beliefs, and so on and so forth... There will never be peace on Earth, until it has been cleansed once again, but not by water...
you worship a lord that would do that to people and your waiting with anticipation for the day it arrives. i think your lying to yourself when you say you dont wish judgement on non believers


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I do anticipate being taken out of such an evil world that is so mis-led and so lost, and so bleak... I do not anticipate seeing anyone perish... I would much rather see them become saved before the Lord does return...


Well-Known Member
I dont want to do this! I have said Christianity is about one's PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP WITH JESUS, NOT A CERTAIN RELIGION OR DENOMINATION. In fact if u read what I wrote, I believe I said I do not like organized religion... Because of the man-made "rules and regulations" and how it divides us...
May I ask a question to the "real" Christians out there...?

I have a decent decent grasp on Christianity, have read the bible (recently) and consider myself pretty tolerant.

But it seems to me, that modern Christians, for the most part, are very separated from the real history of the religion itself.

For example, the Bible is held as "the word of god" yet it has been "edited" and re written hundreds of times in the last 1000 years

I am not anti-God, or anti-religion, it just seems irrational to believe in something with a history created by those who see fit, caving under political pressure, killing, enslaving and torturing millions "non believers" etc... This is not the word of God, it is the word of POWER

So I guess my question is..

Why would you want to associate with a historically corrupt religion?

Jesus teaches we are all the son of god, but this most important lesson was lost many moons ago...

And at least, my God, has nothing to do with any book or rules, my god created the universe, and is not to be bothered by trival matters, rediculous cerimonies or crack-pot theries pumped to the masses by the Tea party...