MM Patients Can NOT Drive in Michigan!

I dont feel the least bit bad for the guy for more than one reason and he definitely screwed the rest of us with his ignorance and blatant breaking of the law. Lets disseminate this story.

Travelling 83 in a 55. Are you STUPID or just asking to go to jail? Maybe both?

The Grand Rapids press is attacking the MM law if you look at the bias. I love how media does this and how people buy into it. The guy RAN HIS MOUTH about breaking the law. Are you kidding me? He drank and admitted it, then kept going to say he medicated five or six hours previous.

The article ends with
  • The justices called the medical marijuana law an "inartfully drafted act."

How about Obamacare and the bailouts which was rushed through congress at maximum warp speed and billions went to black holes that we have yet to completely uncover?

These clowns make it so that we cant have nice things, seriously.
here's a good idea dont break the laws while driving and you won't get pulled over driving 85 in a 55 is dumb and that makes it look worse for med patients because that makes it look like all people that medicate are outta control behind the wheel or something... i dont think that this will be made into a law unless they make it the same way for people that use pills

I agree, I carry a copy of my card in my glovebox. Sounds like leo would use this for an excuse to get a warrent for blood. If consent was given to search my car or if leo felt he had probable cause for a search, things could escalate. Good thing dogs can't read!

Sounds like don't ask don't tell is alive and well. Additionally if leo had the ability to check your name agaisnt the registry during a general traffic stop or while he was behind you running your plate, things could realy get ugly!
My hope would be that if they can identify active thc with a blood test, then they could have an "over/under" number, similar to alcohol.

I woke up ten minutes ago. I am literally waiting for my coffee. I bet my number is "too high" right now and I won't be high for at least another 10 minutes.
From what I heard last night Active THC is a given in a medical patient who uses several times daily on average.

It could be active 2 or 3 days after last ingestion in a med patient.

We need that legalization petition signed and on the ballot to take the heat off.

As to the Walsh package of bills in the House:
The Representative said, in so many words, these bills will pass and our best hope is to get the newer language inserted prior.
Then he said we need to write a new law and put it before the voters...
I woke up ten minutes ago. I am literally waiting for my coffee. I bet my number is "too high" right now and I won't be high for at least another 10 minutes.

Might be..that's why thier should be an over / under number. After sleeping, even a pretty heavy user should be down below 5ng in thier blood. Many states have put in a 5 ng over / under number, but from what I've read that is too low..should be around 8ng to 10ng.

I wouldn't have a problem with a reasonable over under, but it would need to be high enough to allow for residual thc in heavy medicators.

I can see calling someone that just blew a joint, and is at 50ng, being classified as "impared" when it comes to driving, but according to what I've read, that number drops quickly. Most articles suggest that once blood levels are down to 10 ng or so..the person isn't "high" anymore.
Might be..that's why thier should be an over / under number. After sleeping, even a pretty heavy user should be down below 5ng in thier blood. Many states have put in a 5 ng over / under number, but from what I've read that is too low..should be around 8ng to 10ng.

I wouldn't have a problem with a reasonable over under, but it would need to be high enough to allow for residual thc in heavy medicators.

I can see calling someone that just blew a joint, and is at 50ng, being classified as "impared" when it comes to driving, but according to what I've read, that number drops quickly. Most articles suggest that once blood levels are down to 10 ng or so..the person isn't "high" anymore.

If they set the level fairly it would make a lot more sense.
Why don't I trust them to do anything fairly?
What is wrong with a field sobriety test. I am not bragging, or maybe I am: I have been pulled over many many many many times where I would be considered impaired by a blood or alcohol and have taken field tests and passed. I tell the police that I am always like this, and I am. I am not talking about once or twice either. Now I a few occasions I was arrested for various other shit, but being under the influence - never.
Most people on this site can burn one and function. The problem with marijuana, alcohol, pills, coke, heroin, whatever is tolerance. Some people simply cannot drive after one beer. Many can drive fine after 12, including judges. Well 12 is a little high, but 6 for sure. Some people cannot smoke and drive, MANY drive better after smoking. Many medical conditions interfere with your driving, and medicating makes you safer behind the wheel.
Field tests should weed out the impaired and there are perfectly sober people that are too stupid or just plain fucked-up naturally to pass a field test. Get them fuckers off the road, cuz they keep driving in front of me.
I say all the time, The majority of accidents are caused by sober people and they should have their own roads. These are ours.
If they set the level fairly it would make a lot more sense.
Why don't I trust them to do anything fairly?

That is literally impossible. You have to take into account "Young, new smokers" and "Veteran 20+ year smokers". How do you have different levels? Are their really weed related accidents? I mean can they be compared to distracted driving, eating, cell phone users, drinking, and/or getting road-head?
What is wrong with a field sobriety test. I am not bragging, or maybe I am: I have been pulled over many many many many times where I would be considered impaired by a blood or alcohol and have taken field tests and passed. I tell the police that I am always like this, and I am. I am not talking about once or twice either. Now I a few occasions I was arrested for various other shit, but being under the influence - never.
Most people on this site can burn one and function. The problem with marijuana, alcohol, pills, coke, heroin, whatever is tolerance. Some people simply cannot drive after one beer. Many can drive fine after 12, including judges. Well 12 is a little high, but 6 for sure. Some people cannot smoke and drive, MANY drive better after smoking. Many medical conditions interfere with your driving, and medicating makes you safer behind the wheel.
Field tests should weed out the impaired and there are perfectly sober people that are too stupid or just plain fucked-up naturally to pass a field test. Get them fuckers off the road, cuz they keep driving in front of me.
I say all the time, The majority of accidents are caused by sober people and they should have their own roads. These are ours.

Field sobriety test for cannabis? Interesting thought.

But you do have a point..I've got Parkinson's. Want me to walk a straight line? Stand on one foot? I'll do better AFTER I smoke some meds...

I've often wondered how a cop would react if they wanted to "field test' me, and I told them I have PD...easy enough to prove, always have a PD clinic appointment card with me, they'd probably want to go straight to a blood test.
That is literally impossible. You have to take into account "Young, new smokers" and "Veteran 20+ year smokers". How do you have different levels? Are their really weed related accidents? I mean can they be compared to distracted driving, eating, cell phone users, drinking, and/or getting road-head?

This is a really tough issue. I see both sides of it. I can tell you right now that if I blazed some of my bubble hash, and jumped in my car, I would ABSOLUTELY consider myself impaired, and would be a danger to myself and others on the road. If I just packed a bowl with some weed and took 4 or 5 rips, then no, I'm not "impaired" and would be fine to drive.

Wow this is a real bite for so many.
There needs to be some relief here or a card could be a reason for them to test, etc.
This is just a real tragedy for patients.

Sure hope this is worked out soon.

i knew that.. was just a matter of time.. !! what about all these people driving around all doped up on vicodins or pychiatric meds.. or any other kind of inhibiting forms of PRESCRIPTIONS DRUGS,, eh.. !? the governments gonna have to regulate pill poppers too.. FUCK IT.. !!!!! NO SOUP FOR YOU.. !!! heh heh heh...
I should add that I very rarely drink anymore, so I don't mysteriously get pulled over 5 times in the next month. lol.
I had a Marquette County cop swear to me that he can tell by the eyes doing something. He told me he was very confident that I had not smoked recently, and amazingly he was correct.
This is a really tough issue. I see both sides of it. I can tell you right now that if I blazed some of my bubble hash, and jumped in my car, I would ABSOLUTELY consider myself impaired, and would be a danger to myself and others on the road. If I just packed a bowl with some weed and took 4 or 5 rips, then no, I'm not "impaired" and would be fine to drive.

Well I guess what I mean is if you have a mm card: your starting level should be 5 or 8 or maybe even 10 nanos.
If weed is ever legalized it should maybe be lower for those without a med card; but I'm not real big on that.

Fact is marijuana users still need to live the rest of their lives, and so somehow this does need to be hashed out.

I wrote hashed out. teehehe.:bigjoint:
This is crystal clear and this case could be fought with some common sense.
Schedule I,a category of drugs not considered legitimate for medical use. Among the substances so classified by the Drug Enforcement Agency are mescaline, lysergic acid diethylamide, heroin, and marijuana. Special licensing procedures must be followed to use these or other Schedule I substances.
cannabis is a legitimate medicinal plant so I think this zero tolerance law can be fought.
This is crystal clear and this case could be fought with some common sense.
Schedule I,a category of drugs not considered legitimate for medical use. Among the substances so classified by the Drug Enforcement Agency are mescaline, lysergic acid diethylamide, heroin, and marijuana. Special licensing procedures must be followed to use these or other Schedule I substances.
cannabis is a legitimate medicinal plant so I think this zero tolerance law can be fought.


i even posted the court case in which would help us.

in oakland county, as the case states, marijuana is no longer a schedule 1 drug because of the will of the voters in 2008 decided to make it medical.
kent county just like isabella county, does not care what oakland county decided. Check out this article and take note of the dates, and locations. Until state law is clarified, every county is going to have a different stance or iterpretation of the law.
The counties won't go against the COA - they have a new directive from the higher Court to abide with now.

I'm just guessing here - but I would imagine that the dispensary cats are working this into their bill they want.
It's a coup for them and their defenders in the legislature.
It offers them a way to entice the average patient into supporting their effort.

Brian Dickerson wrote a great piece today on page 2 of the Detroit Free Press concerning this ruling.
He says its the legislatures job to fix this in order to follow the directive of the peoples vote.
And he calls out Bill Shitte for what he is - an anti zealot who willingly usurps the law at every turn.