MM Patients Can NOT Drive in Michigan!

Yup, Obama really fucked the medical marijuana movement supporters hardcore and without lube. Inevitably, this topic will come up on the re-election campaign trail and I can't wait to see that motherfucker backtrack and see the shock on his face when he realizes how many people he's alienated with his lying bullshit. From what I understand, colleges are a big campaign trail pit stop and there are some pretty bright college students out there that are gonna call him on his bullshit and he's going to have to publicly address his deceit.
Send letters/email to the Livingston Daily thanking them for publishing that opinion piece - they are a tireless advocate of our cause. Great paper! Their articles could be written by a NORML staffer. It is good to let them know such articles are appreciated, it will encourage them to expand further on the topic.

Yup, Obama really fucked the medical marijuana movement supporters hardcore and without lube.

IMO, yes and no...

He's behaving similar to Bush... but the thing is, he said he would leave everything alone. Those words were more important than anything. Before, the number of people in mmj programs was low, but once he said he wouldn't prosecute people, millions of people signed up for their programs in their respective states, and thousands of dispensaries opened. Now, he is prosecuting as vigorously as Bush did, but there's simply so many of us that we have safety in numbers. There's only a couple hundred DEA agents, but there's thousands of dispensaries and over a million patients in California alone, all with the right to have a garden. They're overwhelmed and the genie can't be put back in the bottle.
here's a good idea dont break the laws while driving and you won't get pulled over driving 85 in a 55 is dumb and that makes it look worse for med patients because that makes it look like all people that medicate are outta control behind the wheel or something

Meaning you are not doing what the other person is doing that caught the eye of the law so you are annoyed that person put the issue in the spot light.

The problem is you do not KNOW the next thing the police will use to pull YOU over (note: I have not been pulled over in over 30 years, and I am STILL careful), so it is arbitrary. In our area it is simple as DWB (driving while black) which give the cops something else to nail you for.

The original reason for being pulled over does not matter of the no THC ruling while driving ruins his life. Minor infractions used to control the population, and the sheeple just bahhh, you shouldn't have been doing that, don't get the attention of the overlords.
I have been pulled over so many times high on weed that I couldn't even give you an accurate count, and I've never even had anything said to me about being high on weed because they didn't smell it on me. I did have a friend that got a DUI/DWI for being under the influence of marijuana and was convicted of it too. I couldn't believe it. I've been an every day smoker for 15 plus years now, and I don't think it impairs my driving at all. Nothing compared to me driving under the influence of alchohol. When I 1st started that would have been a different story. There isn't anyway I could have drove when I 1st started smoking. I would think most people would agree with me on that.
There is going to be an open discussion on Michigan Medical Marijuana and the law at high noon on MLive.
Here is: The Link

An attorney, (Block), will be explaining what he knows, etc.
Probably worth checking out if you have time.
Yup, Obama really fucked the medical marijuana movement supporters hardcore and without lube. Inevitably, this topic will come up on the re-election campaign trail and I can't wait to see that motherfucker backtrack and see the shock on his face when he realizes how many people he's alienated with his lying bullshit. From what I understand, colleges are a big campaign trail pit stop and there are some pretty bright college students out there that are gonna call him on his bullshit and he's going to have to publicly address his deceit.

I don't think he will have to back track at all. His stance will be that the FED's don't mess with medical mj patients. He will point out that the Fed busts are people that are either far exceeding a medical grow and hiding behind the medical laws to traffic, and those not paying taxes on the income gained from medical mj.
IRS wont accept taxes there bob... Have you watched the Harborside video from the discovery channel?

specifically the episode where harborside is dealing with the IRS>...
IRS wont accept taxes there bob... Have you watched the Harborside video from the discovery channel?

specifically the episode where harborside is dealing with the IRS>...

The IRS is happy to take the taxes from Harborside..the issue is the amount. IRS wants 2.4 million and has dis allowed any business deductions under 280E...So I'm not sure what your talking about..