compassionate progressive puts uppity clerk in her place

Not that progressives/liberals ARE NOT evil, two-faced, hypocritical, liars who are trying to take all your stuff, but the reason I started this thread is to show that progressives/liberals are elitist snobs who see themselves as better than "low information" voters, and are so unlacking in self-awareness that they post their drivel on public web sites for all to see.

Man those Rush Limbaugh talking points are making the rounds.
Not that progressives/liberals ARE NOT evil, two-faced, hypocritical, liars who are trying to take all your stuff, but the reason I started this thread is to show that progressives/liberals are elitist snobs who see themselves as better than "low information" voters, and are so unlacking in self-awareness that they post their drivel on public web sites for all to see.

lol aren't you against starting stupid pointless wars? seems you actually enjoy it because you just spew pointless crap.
Not that progressives/liberals ARE NOT evil, two-faced, hypocritical, liars who are trying to take all your stuff, but the reason I started this thread is to show that progressives/liberals are elitist snobs who see themselves as better than "low information" voters, and are so unlacking in self-awareness that they post their drivel on public web sites for all to see.


This progressive/liberal is an elitist snob...countless other (justified and rational) negative words. Therefore all progressive/liberals are like him.

He doesn't have any influence on me and I doubt he makes laws. I think we can agree that none of us would vote this person into any kind of seat. What is your point?

This progressive/liberal is an elitist snob...countless other (justified and rational) negative words. Therefore all progressive/liberals are like him.

He doesn't have any influence on me and I doubt he makes laws. I think we can agree that none of us would vote this person into any kind of seat. What is your point?

It fits the stereotype of a prog/liberal. I agree that not all progs are such pricks. No slight to you was intended.
i came back to see what reactions there might be in this thread and, to be quite honest, i could only stomach a couple of pages. it's the same old thing, liberal twits finding any excuse to justify the crude behavior of their kind and always attempting to paint the opposition in the worst possible light. the workplace may not be the best place to air your political views, but since when is speaking one's mind a good reason to toss aside common decency? this is the outcome of the great progressive movement, the degradation of our society to its lowest common denominator. each new protest displays a remarkable disregard for anything other than "the cause". public areas trashed, innocents menaced, crime excused as justifiable anger, the total annihilation of any sort of grace or gentility. it really is quite disgusting how the roots of true liberalism have been been perverted to serve greed and envy.

of course, it's laughable as well. i can well imagine that same ignorant buffoon who so objected to "his president" being maligned stomping his feet and comparing the oval office's last resident to some past fascist. i'm fairly certain that many of those fools who claimed the workplace unfitting for political tirade proudly displayed their anti-bush paraphernalia each day at their jobs. if they were capable of holding down gainful employment at all. i'm sure we'd all be hearing about it in the evening news if some "rabid right winger" had hurled such epithets at a proud member of the hard working proletariat. as long as that worker was a devout believer in the dogma of the left. hooray for universal poverty, at last we will all be equal.
i came back to see what reactions there might be in this thread and, to be quite honest, i could only stomach a couple of pages. it's the same old thing, liberal twits finding any excuse to justify the crude behavior of their kind and always attempting to paint the opposition in the worst possible light. the workplace may not be the best place to air your political views, but since when is speaking one's mind a good reason to toss aside common decency? this is the outcome of the great progressive movement, the degradation of our society to its lowest common denominator. each new protest displays a remarkable disregard for anything other than "the cause". public areas trashed, innocents menaced, crime excused as justifiable anger, the total annihilation of any sort of grace or gentility. it really is quite disgusting how the roots of true liberalism have been been perverted to serve greed and envy.

of course, it's laughable as well. i can well imagine that same ignorant buffoon who so objected to "his president" being maligned stomping his feet and comparing the oval office's last resident to some past fascist. i'm fairly certain that many of those fools who claimed the workplace unfitting for political tirade proudly displayed their anti-bush paraphernalia each day at their jobs. if they were capable of holding down gainful employment at all. i'm sure we'd all be hearing about it in the evening news if some "rabid right winger" had hurled such epithets at a proud member of the hard working proletariat. as long as that worker was a devout believer in the dogma of the left. hooray for universal poverty, at last we will all be equal.

You have more energy than me. Well written, and exactly on point to the original topic.

The reason I started this thread is to show the kind of thinking behind the progressive movement is so utterly unaware of its own condescension and arrogance. The responses to this dumb-ass diarist on the KOS thread is telling. If you count yourself amongst the lib/prog mindset, then this diary entry ought to make you cringe and maybe even grope for a little distance.
You have more energy than me. Well written, and exactly on point to the original topic.

The reason I started this thread is to show the kind of thinking behind the progressive movement is so utterly unaware of its own condescension and arrogance. The responses to this dumb-ass diarist on the KOS thread is telling. If you count yourself amongst the lib/prog mindset, then this diary entry ought to make you cringe and maybe even grope for a little distance.

I have a home in a place that is ruled over these types. My property was a commercially zoned property. Then they changed the zoning of these properties without notice. I have a shop building in the back and a nice big sign out front. Now I have to take down my sign. I was told you cant use your home to promote your bussiness. Why not? Liberals kill bussiness wherever they go with regulations that are oppressive. The meeting that this was discussed was supposedly only about historical zones not any mention of things to be discussed was commercially zoned properties in this area or any other. They wanted to change zoning without any one knowing so there would be no opposition. Many here are pissed about it. Also this bussiness about paying the city to do work on your own house, ridiculous. Is this why we pay taxes? So they can threaten with excessive fines? I recieved notice to remove sign within 7 days or face fines exceeding $2500.00. Thank you communist party of America.
...did you read the part about how the lady was bitching about Obama to the customer before the guy too?

The context you put it in makes it seem as if this sweet little old lady was just sharing her opinion then this liberal fuck lashed out and threatened her with tattling to her manager.
