Is there a one liner that is successful? Wannafuck? Guys have made that work, as a numbers games, at closing time.
I once took several from Playboy and put them together in an order I thought went from mildly suggestive to fairly intimate. I just went with it with one gal, one evening.
I think that's what the fems want if they might be interested. To be melted, put a fun, randy mood, and not being fawned over. Bantered with. Innuendoed. Danced with.
-Give early value clues of yourself, but kinda neg her bit, get her interested in a little verbal jousting. Don't act like you have claimed her. Get her to push you in jest. Touch her back while you look in her eyes for a second.
I can't remember what was first line, but the last one was:
you know what would look good on your ears. (touch her ear, lean in, whisper) Your ankles. (Big smile)