Well its my first attempt at CO2 but after reading quite abit and making designs, I figured this would suffice. The right jug has my sugar/yeast mixture, and in an effort to help the yeast multiply and hopefully last longer I added ... an air rock to add O2 and circulation, a multi-vitamin, molasses and abit of maxi-grow. Pressure builds from the CO2 and the air rock, which is then transfered thru the blue tube to the 2nd (left) jug where a constant bubble stream is able to be monitored. I realize the pressure added thru the air stone will create alot of the pressure inside the 2nd jug but I can turn the pump off and still get a steady bubbling. The 2nd jug is basically an air lock that allows you to monitor the output via the bubble stream. The lid on the left jug has holes to allow the pressure to release after bubbling thru the clean water. I was hoping it would remove some smell... not very effective at that, still smells like my alcoholic uncleI like that CO2 generator, what is the second bucket for though, I havent seen them built quite like that
Well its my first attempt at CO2 but after reading quite abit and making designs, I figured this would suffice. The right jug has my sugar/yeast mixture, and in an effort to help the yeast multiply and hopefully last longer I added ... an air rock to add O2 and circulation, a multi-vitamin, molasses and abit of maxi-grow. Pressure builds from the CO2 and the air rock, which is then transfered thru the blue tube to the 2nd (left) jug where a constant bubble stream is able to be monitored. I realize the pressure added thru the air stone will create alot of the pressure inside the 2nd jug but I can turn the pump off and still get a steady bubbling. The 2nd jug is basically an air lock that allows you to monitor the output via the bubble stream. The lid on the left jug has holes to allow the pressure to release after bubbling thru the clean water. I was hoping it would remove some smell... not very effective at that, still smells like my alcoholic uncle
ever heard of google?
Infinit, the leaves are Reilly reaching up. that look so cool.
UCC, its an interesting method for sure. The only problem is you really dont know how much CO2 its producing. Also, since CO2 is heavier than air, the CO2 you are producing is most likely only going to benefit the plants that are immediately next to that generator. The only way you are REALLY going to know how much CO2 is in your room is to use a tank and regulator, but its expensive, bulky, and impacts the environment from production.
Im going with an organic solution; small, vented mycelial blocks in a bag. Ive grown mushrooms before, and by experience I know mycelium produces quite a bit of CO2. Ive found these blocks on amazon at better prices before than what they are now, but they really do work. My first grow utilizing these had a 7 ft tall Himilayan Gold, with arms as long as 3 feet... pretty bad ass. The bag was sitting above/next to this plant its entire life.
The two that I know of are Boost Buddy and ExHale. Ive used both and they work as well as the other although Boost Buddy talks itself up in its product description but it is the same thing as ExHale. The only difference being that the mycelium is probably a different strain but that has virtually no affect as to how much CO2 is produced. Each bag is rated to make differences of rooms up to 4'x4' with no specific height. Since my tent is 4'x8'x6.5' and actively ventilated, I have 4 of these bags dangling from the support bars. It works REALLY well, and costs the same if not less over a 4 month period as using a CO2 tank with regulator without having to worry about dragging the tank out to resupply it. No fuss, no muss.
It takes a bit of math, but you can get a good idea of how much CO2 is being made. You just need to know the temp, amount of yeast, and amount of sugar. As far as distribution, a series of air pump tubing ran to each plant perhaps? As long as every tube is the same length, you get even distribution in theory.
Sounds like a lot of work and cost ineffective along with a lot of variables. Im not knocking the guy at all; it is a really clever way to produce CO2. I would just prefer something that is effective, consistent, easy to use, easy to replace, cheap, and doesnt take up a lot of space. This really fits the bill all across the board.
Oh yeah, and it doesnt smell at all..
I already ferment beer in my flower room, so smell wouldn't be an issue for me. I'm a fan of all things DIY though. I get alot of free time, so new mays to MacGyver things are always fun. Most of it's downside is the lack of regulation, followed by he smell.
EDIT: On the plus side, UCC's CO2 generator can't get stuck on and asphyxiate you in your sleep.
Thats pretty slick, you ever do any mead? I swear its almost impossible to find any mead in my region and if you do, even harder for it to taste good.
Im all about DIY too but everyone has more important factors for themselves I suppose. With my grow tent in my bedroom (severe space limitations) having a CO2 tank in here doesnt seem like a good idea lol. I also dont have the time to rig stuff like that up. In the future when I expand with more equipment, I will need consistent results with materials that are readily available and dont require much, if any modification.
Beagle, 50lbs of CO2 lasted 2 grows from start to finish? I wonder about your setup
Pm s take to long . And I can see what you guys are up to. It is all on topic anyway, it is all about growing. right????
Not to mention the PM limits are absurdly low on this site. Used to frequent the shroomery and you can pretty much message til the cows come home without ever deleting anything. Oh well. Just not used to limits on things like that.
Anyway... good news friends, my 660 bulbs came in today. I haven't opened or installed 'em yet, but i should have 'em in sometime tomorrow perhaps. I think I am going to go ahead and bump my second set of ladies to 12/12 now without all the bulbs in play... get 'em a little headstart before i harvest...