do your parents know?


Well-Known Member
the question here is.. do the children know???? dun dun dun
Good one. :lol: I almost freaked when my oldest caught me, out in the laundry room (where I used to live it was in a separate building). He sniffed around, and I'm holding a big-ass hit, and FINALLY I just had to let it out and he goes, "Mom! You blaze! AWESOME!" :shock: :oops:

I really prefer to keep my shit tight. The folks who are allowed to know that I blaze are always blown away to find out (I don't drink or smoke ciggies, so I think I come across as a goody-two-shoes that way).


Well-Known Member
My Parents don't talk about it to me, but I think they have a good idea. My mother and father in-law both know, and we smoke with them! :) My wifes side of the family is pretty cool that way! My side of the family not so much. I am a little different then most my family! LOL. And someone asked about kids? Why should you hide it from your kids? I don't get why people do that? They will allow the kids to know they drink beer, but they hide the fact they smoke bud? Are they ashamed of it? If so, why do it? I dont get that! I say educate your kids, just like you would with alcohol, and don't allow them to do anything like that until they are adults and legal age to drink and stuff.
It's quite simple for me: The War on Drugs. Our kids are indoctrinated into a certain culture while going through public schooling. I'm sorry, but I'm the adult, and I'm not going to put my child into the position of having to make a choice between doing what they're taught in one arena is the right thing or trying to grasp why mommy and daddy burn when it's, according to the dogma, so wrong. They can deal with it later, when they're more mature and are better able to understand the subtleties of adult life.

So, we live in a particular culture and society, and honestly, we have to operate within the paradigms and norms of that society. Our society finds alcohol consumption, even to rather extreme excess, perfectly acceptable. However, it does not find marijuana use acceptable. It's up to each parent to decide what their children can deal with and when. I chose to wait with mine, and honestly I'm glad I did.

It's just like a child having to learn about certain crimes against children. I preferred to protect my own kids from that knowledge for just a little while. I wanted them to have their childhood.

I just remembered that, when I was a kid, my folks smoked in front of us. However, there was no war on drugs back then, not like how it's been for the past 20+ years. They told me it was turkey feathers, and I remember wondering why anyone would want to smoke turkey feathers, but it smelled a HELL of a lot better than cigarettes. Probably explains why EVERYONE laughed their asses off when I told them that I preferred them to smoke turkey feathers and stop smoking cigarettes. :lol:


Well-Known Member
It's quite simple for me: The War on Drugs. Our kids are indoctrinated into a certain culture while going through public schooling. I'm sorry, but I'm the adult, and I'm not going to put my child into the position of having to make a choice between doing what they're taught in one arena is the right thing or trying to grasp why mommy and daddy burn when it's, according to the dogma, so wrong. They can deal with it later, when they're more mature and are better able to understand the subtleties of adult life.

That just does not make sense to me, you are just going to sit back, and not teach your kids anything, and let them think that every single thing they learn out in the world, or at school is the way it should be. And then one day when they find out you do smoke they are going to think you are the devil and a horrible person. Because you have kept your mouth shut and allowed them to be fed the bullshit they hear at school. I think it is the parents responsibility to teach there kids these things. Not 100% of everything taught at school is correct. The parent should be a huge part in helping their child be educated and ready for the world. And teaching them to just go along with what they are told, is not right in my eyes!
What if you got caught by your child when the kid is in say 5th grade, after just hearing all the D.A.R.E. bullshit at school and they call the police on you? If you already talked to your kids about it, then you have nothing to worry about. I will teach my kids myself as well as a school education, but I will not just leave it to other people in the world (school) to teach my kid what's what!


Well-Known Member
my parents found out i was a smoker when i was 30, started at 27. i never smoked in front of my children. i always found something to do in the barn and the kids wouldn't come close to there. barn = work. now that they are all grown and living on there own, they have come home and asked me what i've been smoking. lol. they know, and they've seen my plant but i still don't smoke in front of them. as far as my parents go, my dad use to go to the barn himself, i never had a clue until he asked me if i was smoker. dear ole mom olny smoked it while she was going thru chemo and raditation treatment for breast cancer about 15 years ago. i think it saved her life, the olny time she would eat was after smoking a joint. never smoked with mom but i remember a many stoned nights with my brother and dad


Well-Known Member
My mom hates weed. She believes all the lies on the commercials and news. Its actually very sad because she thinks anyone who smokes pot deserves to be in jail and is a screwup.
Seconded, mine's the same.


Well-Known Member
Seconded, mine's the same.

i third you and the person before you hahaha!!! my mom is so brainwashed just like the rest of the country who thinks weeds is a dangerous drug and it makes you jump out of windows and have no control over your finances. my mom is a psycho about weed and thinks it is the devil:evil:

my dad on the other day he woke me up from a nap and said "hey...when your buddy's rolll joints in the backseat of your car make sure they pick up the seeds and stems"

i looked at him with such disbelief my jaw dropped and took probably 12 hours to close again....but after that little incident we never talked about it ever again and its an unspoken thing between us


Well-Known Member
and just to answers questions...i never smoked infront of my parents or ever thoguht about it...maybe 10 years from now i might smoke infront of my old man but never infront of my would break her heart


Well-Known Member
Im 21 and I have alway been very passionate about plants. I have been doing outdoor gardening for as long as i can remember. Anyways i was always under the impression that my folks were against MJ because they didn't smoke, didn't drink, and never really had anything good to say about people who did. About a 3 months ago my father told me that i should try my hand at growing cannabis... well you can imagine the kind of shock that gave me.


Well-Known Member
I always assumed my parents never knew I smoked until I got a call one day from my mom looking for some bud. ( My aunt, who smokes to calm the effects of chemo, was flying in for a visit.) When I told my mom that I had no idea where to find any I heard my dad yell, " BULLSHIT!" in the background. So I guess they always assumed. Now they know.


Well-Known Member
I always assumed my parents never knew I smoked until I got a call one day from my mom looking for some bud. ( My aunt, who smokes to calm the effects of chemo, was flying in for a visit.) When I told my mom that I had no idea where to find any I heard my dad yell, " BULLSHIT!" in the background. So I guess they always assumed. Now they know.
thats pretty funny


Well-Known Member
It's quite simple for me: The War on Drugs. Our kids are indoctrinated into a certain culture while going through public schooling. I'm sorry, but I'm the adult, and I'm not going to put my child into the position of having to make a choice between doing what they're taught in one arena is the right thing or trying to grasp why mommy and daddy burn when it's, according to the dogma, so wrong. They can deal with it later, when they're more mature and are better able to understand the subtleties of adult life.
That just does not make sense to me, you are just going to sit back, and not teach your kids anything, and let them think that every single thing they learn out in the world, or at school is the way it should be.
You're making a whole lot of very erroneous assumptions here. What was it about my post that caused you to draw the conclusions you have? I stated that I made a conscious decision that, during their early years, my kids would not be forced to make a choice. Not because I wanted to just hang back and let others teach my kids whatever they need to know, but because I believe that all knowledge must be, where and whenever possible, what is age appropriate. For instance, there's no WAY I'm going to teach an 8yo about sodomy, nor do I want an 8yo knowing about it.
And then one day when they find out you do smoke they are going to think you are the devil and a horrible person. Because you have kept your mouth shut and allowed them to be fed the bullshit they hear at school. I think it is the parents responsibility to teach there kids these things.
Are you sure about that? To teach them that drugs exist? Sure! But at an appropriate age, and 5yo is NOT it. My kids are now 21 & 18 (soon to be 19). Neither hates me, neither thinks that what I did was bullshit. The oldest one, however, has absolutely no respect for his father, with whom I used to argue vehemently because he would smoke, snort, and masturbate in front of them. I'm curious as to what evidence you have to base these suppositions on. Are you a parent, or did you suffer something by your parents and then learned something about them that made you feel this way? Guess what! My folks did the same thing with me and my sisters, and we were not harmed by it. We were deeply affected by our upbringing despite being exposed to the outside world, and we cherish our parents and what they taught us very dearly.
Not 100% of everything taught at school is correct. The parent should be a huge part in helping their child be educated and ready for the world.
Of course. And it has been directly due to my own parenting that my oldest son, all on his own and without direct influence from me, has gotten onto the Ron Paul wagon and VOTES (every year since he turned 18 ) according to his beliefs, which, not surprisingly, have been shaped somewhat by the things his mother has taught him.
And teaching them to just go along with what they are told, is not right in my eyes!
However, NOT teaching your child how to get along in the culture and society they find themselves is an even bigger disservice any parent can commit. Both my kids have been taught many other things, including how to question, that they should always question, and a whole lot of other things (obviously, too much to list here).

You're way off base in your assumptions of my role, skills, and duties as a parent.
What if you got caught by your child when the kid is in say 5th grade, after just hearing all the D.A.R.E. bullshit at school and they call the police on you? If you already talked to your kids about it, then you have nothing to worry about. I will teach my kids myself as well as a school education, but I will not just leave it to other people in the world (school) to teach my kid what's what!
Hardly! When that kid is still struggling to fit in it is not fair to teach that kid that they have to essentially lie for you. Remember, I wasn't caught out til my oldest son was 14yo. Do you think your kids won't talk to other kids about what they know? If that's what you think, then you're a fool not at all ready for parenthood. By the time my son caught me we'd already addressed many things, among them the idea that it is not good to choose the state over your family (in certain regards).

And what would give you the idea that just telling your kids, "Hey, I'm a head and I smoke pot" would relieve you of any worry? Are you going to sit there and say that there have been NO instances of teenage revenge for a grounding gone too long or a restriction unwelcomed that hasn't resulted in accusations to authorities that then go on to ruin people's lives? Again, if you think such is not the case, then you're a fool. I've had kids in my own home who have bragged about accusing a parent or stepparent of abuse, physical, sexual, drug abuse, simply for revenge, and RUINED their family's lives. Of course they were sorry about it afterwards, but by then it's too late, isn't it?

I will reiterate, you've taken my post and made some exceedingly erroneous assumptions based on it. First and FOREMOST, beyond anything else, ANYONE who would choose their "right" to smoke pot over their responsibility as a parent is severely fucked up in the head, and believe you me, you'll pay for it later. You've got to have your priorities straight when you decide to reproduce, and one of those priorities becomes the well-being of the child(ren) over your own pleasures.

This actually speaks to a larger issue to the drug-using and pot-smoking communities, and that is the idea of responsible drug use. That's where I base my ideas, ideals, and ACTIONS. It is, plainly and simply put, WRONG to put a child in the position of covering up for you just because you want to avoid the scenario you've outlined earlier. You seem to think that just telling your kids what you do relieves you of the pressure of the laws of the land, and in one sense it does. However, in another very real sense it transplants some of that pressure onto your child, who did not ask to come into this world or to have YOU as a parent, they are innocent in all this.

Acting as a responsible parent who is involved in my children's lives is one major way that I demonstrate that I can both use and be responsible, that I can enjoy yet keep my priorities straight, and thusly nullify anti-pot arguments.


Active Member
haha my parents found out as soon as i started but they will only smoke joints if there streesed out and i also got em to take a line of coke but that was only when they were pissed lol gd times gd times


Well-Known Member
My parents are no longer here but they knew i was trying new things as a teenager so back then they kind of looked the other way as long as i didn't cause trouble.


New Member
Props for you seamaiden. Very well written!!!!!!!!

We don't have any children but I have always had an interest in this topic and in the topic of honesty and teaching it to children. Of course the appropriate age should come into play. Kids understand when they are being lied to at a certain level. Its confusing to a child for a parent to say to them not to ever lie but at the same time be a hypocrite and tell them to keep secrets. It sents mixed messages. I then became a liar because it was an easier way out. Now for the last dozen or more years I try to be as honest as possible because I hate liars.
Either way when you lie to your kids you ultimately teach them to lie.

I hated when my parents would make us lie for their own advantage and wonder why we were confused about honesty. I never even considered the thought that your very children could become vindictive and blackmail you. This could very well be the case for some families out there. I know when I started toking my parents knew it but our family was not the communicating kind. All of that was swept under the carpet but yet they would still go away every weekend and leave the house entirely to us. :confused: :twisted:

I'm not sure how the rest of you parents broach this topic but I can imagine it wouldn't be easy.

Good read seamaiden:mrgreen:

You're making a whole lot of very erroneous assumptions here. What was it about my post that caused you to draw the conclusions you have? I stated that I made a conscious decision that, during their early years, my kids would not be forced to make a choice. Not because I wanted to just hang back and let others teach my kids whatever they need to know, but because I believe that all knowledge must be, where and whenever possible, what is age appropriate. For instance, there's no WAY I'm going to teach an 8yo about sodomy, nor do I want an 8yo knowing about it.

Are you sure about that? To teach them that drugs exist? Sure! But at an appropriate age, and 5yo is NOT it. My kids are now 21 & 18 (soon to be 19). Neither hates me, neither thinks that what I did was bullshit. The oldest one, however, has absolutely no respect for his father, with whom I used to argue vehemently because he would smoke, snort, and masturbate in front of them. I'm curious as to what evidence you have to base these suppositions on. Are you a parent, or did you suffer something by your parents and then learned something about them that made you feel this way? Guess what! My folks did the same thing with me and my sisters, and we were not harmed by it. We were deeply affected by our upbringing despite being exposed to the outside world, and we cherish our parents and what they taught us very dearly.

Of course. And it has been directly due to my own parenting that my oldest son, all on his own and without direct influence from me, has gotten onto the Ron Paul wagon and VOTES (every year since he turned 18 ) according to his beliefs, which, not surprisingly, have been shaped somewhat by the things his mother has taught him.

However, NOT teaching your child how to get along in the culture and society they find themselves is an even bigger disservice any parent can commit. Both my kids have been taught many other things, including how to question, that they should always question, and a whole lot of other things (obviously, too much to list here).

You're way off base in your assumptions of my role, skills, and duties as a parent.

Hardly! When that kid is still struggling to fit in it is not fair to teach that kid that they have to essentially lie for you. Remember, I wasn't caught out til my oldest son was 14yo. Do you think your kids won't talk to other kids about what they know? If that's what you think, then you're a fool not at all ready for parenthood. By the time my son caught me we'd already addressed many things, among them the idea that it is not good to choose the state over your family (in certain regards).

And what would give you the idea that just telling your kids, "Hey, I'm a head and I smoke pot" would relieve you of any worry? Are you going to sit there and say that there have been NO instances of teenage revenge for a grounding gone too long or a restriction unwelcomed that hasn't resulted in accusations to authorities that then go on to ruin people's lives? Again, if you think such is not the case, then you're a fool. I've had kids in my own home who have bragged about accusing a parent or stepparent of abuse, physical, sexual, drug abuse, simply for revenge, and RUINED their family's lives. Of course they were sorry about it afterwards, but by then it's too late, isn't it?

I will reiterate, you've taken my post and made some exceedingly erroneous assumptions based on it. First and FOREMOST, beyond anything else, ANYONE who would choose their "right" to smoke pot over their responsibility as a parent is severely fucked up in the head, and believe you me, you'll pay for it later. You've got to have your priorities straight when you decide to reproduce, and one of those priorities becomes the well-being of the child(ren) over your own pleasures.

This actually speaks to a larger issue to the drug-using and pot-smoking communities, and that is the idea of responsible drug use. That's where I base my ideas, ideals, and ACTIONS. It is, plainly and simply put, WRONG to put a child in the position of covering up for you just because you want to avoid the scenario you've outlined earlier. You seem to think that just telling your kids what you do relieves you of the pressure of the laws of the land, and in one sense it does. However, in another very real sense it transplants some of that pressure onto your child, who did not ask to come into this world or to have YOU as a parent, they are innocent in all this.

Acting as a responsible parent who is involved in my children's lives is one major way that I demonstrate that I can both use and be responsible, that I can enjoy yet keep my priorities straight, and thusly nullify anti-pot arguments.


i never told my parents when i was younger and now i dont smoke when they're around and hide any pipes and weed if i know they are coming around.
last year i was showing my mom some things we did around the house and as we walked from the backyard she says "I thought i just saw a big pot plant" so i said "How do you know what a pot plant looks like?" and that was all that was said.


Well-Known Member
shit when i was little my mom told me that they would go to jail if people knew they smoked. i was 4 and i thought that ciggs and pot were the same so i didnt tell anyone that they had ciggs. now mom has stopped but dad still tokes up daily.



Well-Known Member
shit when i was little my mom told me that they would go to jail if people knew they smoked. i was 4 and i thought that ciggs and pot were the same so i didnt tell anyone that they had ciggs. now mom has stopped but dad still tokes up daily.

How did you turn out? Would you rather your parents lied to you? Some parents think lying to their kids is the right thing to do. I don't! Whats worse knowing your parents smoke pot, or finding out they are hypocrite? LOL. I think a hypocrite is one of the worst things in this world, and I refuse to be one!