do your parents know?


Well-Known Member
yeh my old man knows i blaze and grow,,hes cool with it coz he blazez too,,but im 27 so i wouldnt care about him finding out if he didnt know,,,
i love smoking weed,i dont drink achohol,i dont do the white or brown stuff,i dont do pills or lsd nomore so ganjas all i got,and aint noone guna stop me toking...,,,


Well-Known Member
My Parents don't talk about it to me, but I think they have a good idea. My mother and father in-law both know, and we smoke with them! :) My wifes side of the family is pretty cool that way! My side of the family not so much. I am a little different then most my family! LOL. And someone asked about kids? Why should you hide it from your kids? I don't get why people do that? They will allow the kids to know they drink beer, but they hide the fact they smoke bud? Are they ashamed of it? If so, why do it? I dont get that! I say educate your kids, just like you would with alcohol, and don't allow them to do anything like that until they are adults and legal age to drink and stuff.


Well-Known Member
dang hella long ago.

when i was a young lad i would come home high everyday and when i didnt my parents would ask whats wrong with me your acting funny no joke LOL.

thats funny... my parents had the same reaction. if I didn't come home high or drunk, they asked me why I was acting funny, it was great.


New Member
I agree with you about this and kids BUT how do you explain that although there is nothing wrong with doing weed. why do we have do hide it then daddy???
Depending on their age this could be a difficult thing for a child to handle. To share your moral thoughts and opnions about weed with your kids is one thing but to ask and expect them to lie for you is another.
It just sends kids mixed messages.

I can remember when i was a kid having to hide underneath blankets because my parents didn't want to pay extra for me at the drive -in:?
Or being told to lie about my age for the same reason. It just never sat well with me and made me question my parents integrity at an age that just was not appropriate.

Thats just my 2 cents:roll:
My Parents don't talk about it to me, but I think they have a good idea. My mother and father in-law both know, and we smoke with them! :) My wifes side of the family is pretty cool that way! My side of the family not so much. I am a little different then most my family! LOL. And someone asked about kids? Why should you hide it from your kids? I don't get why people do that? They will allow the kids to know they drink beer, but they hide the fact they smoke bud? Are they ashamed of it? If so, why do it? I dont get that! I say educate your kids, just like you would with alcohol, and don't allow them to do anything like that until they are adults and legal age to drink and stuff.


Well-Known Member
I agree with you about this and kids BUT how do you explain that although there is nothing wrong with doing weed. why do we have do hide it then daddy???
Depending on their age this could be a difficult thing for a child to handle. To share your moral thoughts and opnions about weed with your kids is one thing but to ask and expect them to lie for you is another.
It just sends kids mixed messages.

I can remember when i was a kid having to hide underneath blankets because my parents didn't want to pay extra for me at the drive -in:?
Or being told to lie about my age for the same reason. It just never sat well with me and made me question my parents integrity at an age that just was not appropriate.

Thats just my 2 cents:roll:
I think sneaking in at a drive in is stealing, and same with lying about your age to save money. I would not ever teach my child that stealing was ok. That would for sure make a child question a parents integrity but I don't think a child will question it if you are standing for something you believe in. Wouldn't they actually think you have more? Also a child knowing more about marijuana and stuff before it becomes an issue in school will help. When it is offered to them at school, they won't be all "WOW I have never seen or heard of this stuff, I gotta try it." It won't be a big deal, and I bet you have a better chance of your child holding off until they are an adult. Thanks for your input Lacy! :)

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
My daughter knows about it and she is 10 years old. I explained to her about how you sometimes have to break a law that is unjust in order to change it. She has never seen me smoke it although she has walked in on me when I was vaporizing and knows that this is Daddys medicine. I am a medical user and keep my grow room locked at all times when I am not in it. My Dad was a folk singer and an old pot smoker and we grew up with it. In his later years he relied on me to find hm the good stuff. My mother is still alive and often asks me how my plants are doing.


New Member
Yes I totally agree with you. I mean if you can't trust your own parents to do and teach you the right thing then it makes it difficult trusting others later in life.

I have always wondered about telling children about marijuana and at what age is appropriate BUT I have never had chcildren. Hubby didn't want kids so we have dogs which is ok because they are priceless to me.:mrgreen:
Thanks also
I think sneaking in at a drive in is stealing, and same with lying about your age to save money. I would not ever teach my child that stealing was ok. That would for sure make a child question a parents integrity but I don't think a child will question it if you are standing for something you believe in. Wouldn't they actually think you have more? Also a child knowing more about marijuana and stuff before it becomes an issue in school will help. When it is offered to them at school, they won't be all "WOW I have never seen or heard of this stuff, I gotta try it." It won't be a big deal, and I bet you have a better chance of your child holding off until they are an adult. Thanks for your input Lacy! :)


Well-Known Member
My parents don't, my dad might be cool with it, although doubtable, as his brother got a little too into drugs and such, and that's left a bad image with him, but my mom's a strict nut, and would call the cops on me if she knew. She's that typical stuck up parent who always called the cops on parties, etc...


Well-Known Member
Well I'm 21 and moved out so it aint a big deal but yeah they know and their fine with it as long as it aint affecting my career etc and it isn't. I remember the first time I came home drunk and try'd sneaking up the stairs when they came out and asked me where I'd been and what time it was so I said it the most sober voice i could.

"Ahhh...I was out n a bout with the....the...the...thing's"

Then I fell down the stairs and landed in a heap in front of them laughing. Think they had an idea I'd had a drink.


Well-Known Member
I am a parent,,,,question is,,Do my kids know:mrgreen:

Keep on Growin


rofl, this guy is funny ^^


My dad kill'd one of my plants because he wanted to smell it, bent it to much and broke off a whole collar ! I was so pissed but he took it home and smoked it ^^

my mum she's an angel and buy's me pots :D



Well-Known Member
My mom hates weed. She believes all the lies on the commercials and news. Its actually very sad because she thinks anyone who smokes pot deserves to be in jail and is a screwup. Well mom this bong rip is for you bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
loads of dads smoke weed ;)

I used to deal with the parents of my friends ^^

more money ;) More security ! more succes ;)


Well-Known Member
My mom hates weed. She believes all the lies on the commercials and news. Its actually very sad because she thinks anyone who smokes pot deserves to be in jail and is a screwup. Well mom this bong rip is for you bongsmilie
thats the exact same as me