Winter Woman
Well-Known Member
Any bar in any city buddy. I suppose you consider the bartender as your servant and too low in status to engage in conversation.
Damn, where's the like button when you want it?
Any bar in any city buddy. I suppose you consider the bartender as your servant and too low in status to engage in conversation.
Awww its so sad i never get to run into ppl like that woman, nothing makes my day more than meeting bitches/assholes and getting to have a chat with them. What kind of a fucking sick-o goes around fucking with old ladies, you gotta be a real bitch to fuck with a poor old lady who is still having to work at 75, and then bitch them out and threaten to call there manager just because you don't like something they are saying about the fucking moron we have in the white house.
Sorry for the language but thats the one thing that bothers me the most about our generation, no respect, for our elders, for our peers, or for ourselves (and vanity and pride are a totally different concept then self respect). We act like everyone owes us something just for being here, or for not making things easier on us, we want to say everything we want and scream freedom of speech at every turn, until someone says something we don't like.
Awww its so sad i never get to run into ppl like that woman, nothing makes my day more than meeting bitches/assholes and getting to have a chat with them. What kind of a fucking sick-o goes around fucking with old ladies, you gotta be a real bitch to fuck with a poor old lady who is still having to work at 75, and then bitch them out and threaten to call there manager just because you don't like something they are saying about the fucking moron we have in the white house.
Sorry for the language but thats the one thing that bothers me the most about our generation, no respect, for our elders, for our peers, or for ourselves (and vanity and pride are a totally different concept then self respect). Some of us need to go back to preschool and learn how to play with others, word like please, thank you, and your welcome are lost to so many of us. We act like everyone owes us something just for being here, or for not making things easier on us, we want to say everything we want and scream freedom of speech at every turn, until someone says something we don't like.
The last thing I want to hear after work is some idiot who has me as a captive audience, knows it and uses it to spout political bullshit at me. She was rude and her choice of topic was inappropriate and, judging by her response, against company policy. If she had been spouting leftist bullshit, you righties would have had her fired without batting an eyelash.
My parents were quite happy with their cost of living increases.
He DID say "should no longer have been working", which certainly does seem to suggest "over 65". And WW makes a very good point imo: to be right without being nice about it is a "lose" overall. cnHe said older lady not ELDERLY lady. Jesus, you guys could spin a book out of a limerick.
Now I know you're lying. Unless Indians got something extra.
He said older lady not ELDERLY lady. Jesus, you guys could spin a book out of a limerick.
I saw the part where she was apparently preparing to respond. I did not see the "fire back" part, which does of course imply that the principal opened (verbal) fire. cnDid you miss the part where he was relatively polite, then noticed she was gearing up to fire something back, THEN became rude and threatened her?
Carne, When did manners just evaporate? She was wrong for talking politics, religion or race, absolutely. But how it was handled was very, very low brow and it showed that the writer is very crude in his treatment of others.
The kindest way to handle this would be, 'I sorry, Miss, I was taught it's not nice to discuss politics, religion or race.' This being said with a direct stare. He would have politely put her in her place, showed he had some class. Instead he showed his poor upbringing.
Edit: I do not excuse her, either. They were both wrong.
Carne, When did manners just evaporate? She was wrong for talking politics, religion or race, absolutely. But how it was handled was very, very low brow and it showed that the writer is very crude in his treatment of others.
The kindest way to handle this would be, 'I sorry, Miss, I was taught it's not nice to discuss politics, religion or race.' This being said with a direct stare. He would have politely put her in her place, showed he had some class. Instead he showed his poor upbringing.
Edit: I do not excuse her, either. They were both wrong.
Carne, When did manners just evaporate? She was wrong for talking politics, religion or race, absolutely. But how it was handled was very, very low brow and it showed that the writer is very crude in his treatment of others.
The kindest way to handle this would be, 'I sorry, Miss, I was taught it's not nice to discuss politics, religion or race.' This being said with a direct stare. He would have politely put her in her place, showed he had some class. Instead he showed his poor upbringing.
Edit: I do not excuse her, either. They were both wrong.
I have SS(D)I, and it has been flat at 2009 levels for '10 and '11. There was a small increase for '12. cn
I saw the part where she was apparently preparing to respond. I did not see the "fire back" part, which does of course imply that the principal opened (verbal) fire. cn
To be entirely fair, I am not a veteran. cnI help them with their taxes (I have to) they have had cost of living increases over the past two years. It wasn't much but there was an increase. I didn't realize that veterans weren't getting a cost of living increase. That's fucking stupid.
I saw the part where she was apparently preparing to respond. I did not see the "fire back" part, which does of course imply that the principal opened (verbal) fire. cn
To be entirely fair, i am not a veteran. cn