compassionate progressive puts uppity clerk in her place

Awww its so sad i never get to run into ppl like that woman, nothing makes my day more than meeting bitches/assholes and getting to have a chat with them. What kind of a fucking sick-o goes around fucking with old ladies, you gotta be a real bitch to fuck with a poor old lady who is still having to work at 75, and then bitch them out and threaten to call there manager just because you don't like something they are saying about the fucking moron we have in the white house.

Sorry for the language but thats the one thing that bothers me the most about our generation, no respect, for our elders, for our peers, or for ourselves (and vanity and pride are a totally different concept then self respect). We act like everyone owes us something just for being here, or for not making things easier on us, we want to say everything we want and scream freedom of speech at every turn, until someone says something we don't like.

Well some people only beleive in freedom of speech if its speech they approve of, Regardless of that though what kind of douche threatens to have an elderly person fired simply because they disagree with what she said, I was taught to respect my elders and I do.
Awww its so sad i never get to run into ppl like that woman, nothing makes my day more than meeting bitches/assholes and getting to have a chat with them. What kind of a fucking sick-o goes around fucking with old ladies, you gotta be a real bitch to fuck with a poor old lady who is still having to work at 75, and then bitch them out and threaten to call there manager just because you don't like something they are saying about the fucking moron we have in the white house.

Sorry for the language but thats the one thing that bothers me the most about our generation, no respect, for our elders, for our peers, or for ourselves (and vanity and pride are a totally different concept then self respect). Some of us need to go back to preschool and learn how to play with others, word like please, thank you, and your welcome are lost to so many of us. We act like everyone owes us something just for being here, or for not making things easier on us, we want to say everything we want and scream freedom of speech at every turn, until someone says something we don't like.

He said older lady not ELDERLY lady. Jesus, you guys could spin a book out of a limerick.
The last thing I want to hear after work is some idiot who has me as a captive audience, knows it and uses it to spout political bullshit at me. She was rude and her choice of topic was inappropriate and, judging by her response, against company policy. If she had been spouting leftist bullshit, you righties would have had her fired without batting an eyelash.

Carne, When did manners just evaporate? She was wrong for talking politics, religion or race, absolutely. But how it was handled was very, very low brow and it showed that the writer is very crude in his treatment of others.

The kindest way to handle this would be, 'I sorry, Miss, I was taught it's not nice to discuss politics, religion or race.' This being said with a direct stare. He would have politely put her in her place, showed he had some class. Instead he showed his poor upbringing.

Edit: I do not excuse her, either. They were both wrong.
He said older lady not ELDERLY lady. Jesus, you guys could spin a book out of a limerick.
He DID say "should no longer have been working", which certainly does seem to suggest "over 65". And WW makes a very good point imo: to be right without being nice about it is a "lose" overall. cn
Did you miss the part where he was relatively polite, then noticed she was gearing up to fire something back, THEN became rude and threatened her?
Now I know you're lying. Unless Indians got something extra.

How am I lying? They get SSI and they had a cost of living increase over the last two years. My dad is white by the way and my mom is only half native. She doesn't live in the rez so she doesn't get any money from the tribe. We have never received any money from the tribe.
He said older lady not ELDERLY lady. Jesus, you guys could spin a book out of a limerick.

My bad, i was under the impression the author was a middle aged female. There was no sexism intended, and i over looked any evidence of the author being male.

No need to get upset man. You seem to over react regularly. I would like to take this chance to apologize if i have offended you and would like to let you know i meant no disrespect to you in my comment. My words/language were in no way directed toward you.

I make mistakes just like everyone else, i misread and perhaps misunderstood some of the article in question. If you personally feel the need to berate me and my personal view feel free to continue. I just wanted to my intentions clear so as not to further offend anyone while i take part in this conversation.
Did you miss the part where he was relatively polite, then noticed she was gearing up to fire something back, THEN became rude and threatened her?
I saw the part where she was apparently preparing to respond. I did not see the "fire back" part, which does of course imply that the principal opened (verbal) fire. cn
Carne, When did manners just evaporate? She was wrong for talking politics, religion or race, absolutely. But how it was handled was very, very low brow and it showed that the writer is very crude in his treatment of others.

The kindest way to handle this would be, 'I sorry, Miss, I was taught it's not nice to discuss politics, religion or race.' This being said with a direct stare. He would have politely put her in her place, showed he had some class. Instead he showed his poor upbringing.

Edit: I do not excuse her, either. They were both wrong.

Thats a much better way to say what I wanted to (I am somewhat lacking in composition skills), thank you.
Carne, When did manners just evaporate? She was wrong for talking politics, religion or race, absolutely. But how it was handled was very, very low brow and it showed that the writer is very crude in his treatment of others.

The kindest way to handle this would be, 'I sorry, Miss, I was taught it's not nice to discuss politics, religion or race.' This being said with a direct stare. He would have politely put her in her place, showed he had some class. Instead he showed his poor upbringing.

Edit: I do not excuse her, either. They were both wrong.

I threw manners out a long time ago.. those are the 3 things people need to start talking about before this whole planet irreversibly gets effed up.
Carne, When did manners just evaporate? She was wrong for talking politics, religion or race, absolutely. But how it was handled was very, very low brow and it showed that the writer is very crude in his treatment of others.

The kindest way to handle this would be, 'I sorry, Miss, I was taught it's not nice to discuss politics, religion or race.' This being said with a direct stare. He would have politely put her in her place, showed he had some class. Instead he showed his poor upbringing.

Edit: I do not excuse her, either. They were both wrong.

Did I not say he could have handled it differently? I also said that if it were me it would have been handled differently as well. She DID know better than to discuss politics while on shift. Any employee handbook (a good HR rep will insist the employees familiarize themselves with and would even have a little written test) will state that religious and political topics are to be avoided while on shift. Especially if you are dealing with the public. I'm not defending the idiot's behavior for using such offensive language towards an older person. Its disrespectful. The reason I chimed in was the way this was being portrayed. Poor little old lady was horribly attacked and ravaged by some insane liberal scum (my interpretation). She needs to keep her mouth shut and do her job. Just like the rest of us.
I have SS(D)I, and it has been flat at 2009 levels for '10 and '11. There was a small increase for '12. cn

I help them with their taxes (I have to) they have had cost of living increases over the past two years. It wasn't much but there was an increase. I didn't realize that veterans weren't getting a cost of living increase. That's fucking stupid.
I saw the part where she was apparently preparing to respond. I did not see the "fire back" part, which does of course imply that the principal opened (verbal) fire. cn

The really sad part is he didn't even have the common curtsy to allow her to say her piece. He was apparently so abashed by this little old lady that he felt it was necessary to interrupt her as she was clearly preparing to speak with threats none the less. He was evidently afraid of what she might say in response, weather it be to intellectually taxing for him to process or of him being un able to control himself when faced with another person who disagreed with him. Either way i he appears both narcissistic and arrogant.
I help them with their taxes (I have to) they have had cost of living increases over the past two years. It wasn't much but there was an increase. I didn't realize that veterans weren't getting a cost of living increase. That's fucking stupid.
To be entirely fair, I am not a veteran. cn
I saw the part where she was apparently preparing to respond. I did not see the "fire back" part, which does of course imply that the principal opened (verbal) fire. cn

"I suggest you keep your political opinions to yourself when you're standing there because you never know who's standing here. I don't appreciate hearing my president trashed like that. That's all I'm going to say."
Her eyes flashed with anger and realization that I must be one of "those people". She drew in a breath, about to say something and I said,
"If you say one more fucking thing I'll go find your manager and all three of us can discuss this."
At that, she suddenly deflated. Now the look in her eyes was fear. She looked down and meekly mumbled "Ok. Sorry sir."

Dude tried to be polite about it and was quicker on the trigger than she was, she must have realized she was at work and could probably get in trouble. I've done the same shit at work with customers before, was going to respond back but didn't for the sake of the job. It's an unfortunate situation, but the lady did initiate it.

Stupid people are stupid regardless of age, yes I agree old people should be respected, but if they say something stupid in public, their age should not shield them from criticism.
To be entirely fair, i am not a veteran. cn

I just spoke with my mom she said that yes they did get a cost of living increase over the last two years but it was offset by the rise in cost for their medicare. But there definitely was an increase.