Gastanker's 600+w Organic UV Grow

I like video spam :) I really have been wanting to try making stuffed squash blossom. Should have done it to my spaghetti squash last year - we didn't eat even a quarter of the stuff we grew.

yeah us either, I have already took that into play and will be donating alot of vegetables to the local food pantry this year, and we might look into donating to local homeless shelters or soup kitchens. I also want to get into canning, my sisters sister in law made some awesome pickled green beanss.

i will definitely be trying the squash blossoms this summer and i want to use all of the same ingredients. the GF isn't too fond of using goat cheese but w/e they might be so good i don't need her help eating them :)
Well the house has a huge AC and I have a 12,000btu portable AC but the attic just gets sooo damn hot. In the summer it'll hit 110 here in the shade on some days which means the attic will be ~130 or higher? Not too sure a 12,000 btu portable AC would do all that much. I'm pretty sure even a huge AC would be working it's ass off. We'll see though.

All you gotta do is throw some drywall up with insulation. I don't think it would be a huge challenge, but I've never grown in an attic so I could be wrong;)
yeah, i helped a mate out, we put powdercoated sheets over fat bat insulation, it will still be warmer getting the direct sun up top, but it will help for sure, if you're sucking cooler house air through the attic constantly, it will stay cooler overall anyway, if you can that is....if u can vent some heat from the ceiling, maybe a whirly up top
I'll have my 6" 440cfm fan exhausting the attic 24/7 but it's a large attic so I doubt that would be enough airflow to keep the temps down. Drywall and insulation would work if I could get it up there but unfortunately it's a tricky entrance and I have no help. Not sure I'm down for cutting drywall into tiny pieces and then hauling it up a ladder through a tiny angled hole by myself. It would be really nice to have a legitimate room up there though.

I do have a whole house fan that will pump house air into the attic at 10,000cfm which will vent the entire attic to a degree, but I'm not about to AC the entire house just to pump all of the cool air into the attic faster than the AC is making it. And the fan is located in the ceiling of a bathroom and is quite loud so I'm not really interested in letting is run 24/7. Perhaps if I can hook it up to a thermostat it will let me grow for a bit longer... Still think I'll be shutting down when it gets warm though.
Start a new class today - Plant molecular and cell biology with a focus on how plants respond to biological and environmental stresses. Doesn't that sound just perfect for my hobby?

Not sure evolution of crop plants will have as much relatable . :( Agricultural entomology will be fun though. I'll have to take my camera to take macros of insects for you guys.
yes please! that sounds like a lot of fun...i wish i could temper my schedule with some more bio classes. i was pre med a year ago but all the bio is more anatomy and physiology. now much like matt im in all computer classes. its cool learning how to make anything electronic be your bitch, but goddamn i miss classes that go outside. lol. i mean that literally and figuratively. i loved all my bio electives, organic chem, etc...

too bad schools so fucking expensive.
Don't remind me about the expenses - uhg. I'm just taking classes for the fuck of it which is cheap from a community college but this is a major university so they charge out of the fucking ass. Going to learn how to raise bees as well. I'm not scared of bees but I wouldn't consider myself a big fan of them either but having fresh honey and tons of pollinators around would be pretty bad ass.
could do maybe, maybe the butane is a lighter gas, i heard butane has oils in it to begin with, but i haven't researched as i don't agree with butane, did it once and it stank crap. :( let us know gas, sounds interesting, that would be like free-basing in a way

nice work hammer! good to hear someone making lotions and stuff! i make tinctures with brandy and hash oil, and a few drops on your tounge gives a pleasant buzzing tingle and my mrs thinks it relaxes her to rub it on her temples. i just don't like brandy full stop, or alcohol for that matter, i just don't like the smell or tastes.

i mixed .5 gram of hash oil to 15ml of brandy, smells superb, well changes the brandy smell anyway!! it takes a little to dissolve but through an eye dropper, this stuff is amazing, mrs take it everywhere like that chick on cruel intentions 1 with the coke around her neck in the little vial hehe

thanks flowamasta, this shit works great for us. ive tried alcohol tinctures and havent had much luck with them. but i didnt use hash oil. i put the buds in 180 proof everclear. (tastes like apple pie.) its been sitting for about a year now and still cant get anypain releif from it. so ill have my friend drink it down to get rid of it. lol
all right guys ur making me very hungry. very hungry. so with that said ima gonna make this for my moms birthday. wish it was in a video. but here it is.. give it a try.

Pork Loin with Strawberry-Morel Stuffing
Source: recipe by Vivian Ebert of Crockett, California was a finalist in the 1997 California Strawberry Festival's Berry Off cooking contest.
Servings: 4

1 1/2 oz. dried morel mushrooms (get them in a gourmet shop or a well stocked grocery store)
2 cups boiling water
2 T extra virgin olive oil
1/2 cup chopped shallots
1 clove garlic, minced or pressed
3/4 cup fine bread crumbs
1/2 cup strawberries, finely chopped
1/4 cup fresh parsley leaves, chopped
3 to 3 1/2 pound center-cut boneless pork loin
2 T fresh lime juice
2 cups chicken stock
2 large fresh strawberries for garnish
salt and pepper to taste

In a small bowl, soak morels in boiling hot water for 30 minutes. Trasfer morels with a slotted spoon to a paper towel to drain. Pour morel soaking liquid through a strainer lined with a damp coffee filter or paper towel into a small saucepan and reduce to about 1/3 cup. Add 1/3 of the morels and set aside. Finely chop remaining morels.

Pre-heat oven to 375°F.

In a large skillet heat 1 1/2 tablespoons of oil over medium heat and sauté shallots and garlic until softened (about 5 minutes). Transfer mixture to a boil and stir in chopped morels, bread crumbs, strawberries, parsley and salt and pepper.

To make a hole for stuffing that runs through the center of the pork loin take a long thin sharp knife and make a lengthwise cut toward the center of the loin. Repeat the procedure starting from the opposite end of the loin. With the handle of a wooden spoon or your fingers, open up the incision to create a 1 1/2 inch wide opening. Working from both ends of the loin, push stuffing toward the center.

In a skillet heat remaining 1/2 tablspoon of olive oil over high heat until hot. Brown loin on all sides in the oil. Transfer pork loin to a roasting pan and roast in the middle of the oven for about an hour or until a meat thermometer reaches 160 degrees. Transfer loin to a cutting board and let stand for 10 minutes. Add lime juice to roasting pan and de-glaze over moderate heat. Add stock and reserved moel liquid with morels and simmer sauce for about 5 minutes. Slice pork loin and serve with sauce. Slice remaining strawberries and use for garnish.

Click here to view:
Don't remind me about the expenses - uhg. I'm just taking classes for the fuck of it which is cheap from a community college but this is a major university so they charge out of the fucking ass. Going to learn how to raise bees as well. I'm not scared of bees but I wouldn't consider myself a big fan of them either but having fresh honey and tons of pollinators around would be pretty bad ass.

I was actually watching some videos on bee keeping the other day lol, i guess you have to go find a swarm and relocate them to your hive.

funny that you mentioned this, i literally was thinking about it less than a week ago :)
all right guys ur making me very hungry. very hungry. so with that said ima gonna make this for my moms birthday. wish it was in a video. but here it is.. give it a try.

Pork Loin with Strawberry-Morel Stuffing

Yummm. I love pretty much any recipe with morels. Take a picture :)

I was actually watching some videos on bee keeping the other day lol, i guess you have to go find a swarm and relocate them to your hive.

funny that you mentioned this, i literally was thinking about it less than a week ago :)

My aunt is an entomologist and has a few bee hives. Like you said, she goes out and finds swarming hives and then sorts through the swarm to find the queen. Once you have the queen you have the hive but sorting through thousands of very similar looking stinging insects sounds like a bit much.
I'll have my 6" 440cfm fan exhausting the attic 24/7 but it's a large attic so I doubt that would be enough airflow to keep the temps down. Drywall and insulation would work if I could get it up there but unfortunately it's a tricky entrance and I have no help. Not sure I'm down for cutting drywall into tiny pieces and then hauling it up a ladder through a tiny angled hole by myself. It would be really nice to have a legitimate room up there though.

I do have a whole house fan that will pump house air into the attic at 10,000cfm which will vent the entire attic to a degree, but I'm not about to AC the entire house just to pump all of the cool air into the attic faster than the AC is making it. And the fan is located in the ceiling of a bathroom and is quite loud so I'm not really interested in letting is run 24/7. Perhaps if I can hook it up to a thermostat it will let me grow for a bit longer... Still think I'll be shutting down when it gets warm though.

totally understandable :( pitty there's not an easier way, i really cant think of one though, without it being somewhat costly, but in the long room, i love the idea of a having a much more secure grow in the attic!! feels much safer provided you take the precautions, as you have..i'm sure you'll figure something out

thanks flowamasta, this shit works great for us. ive tried alcohol tinctures and havent had much luck with them. but i didnt use hash oil. i put the buds in 180 proof everclear. (tastes like apple pie.) its been sitting for about a year now and still cant get anypain releif from it. so ill have my friend drink it down to get rid of it. lol

maybe your erbs has low cbd maybe , i hear that that is good for the pain relief, and sleeping, i think my strain produces a high CBD, as its always a very strong sleeping agent type weed, it also helps with cramps i believe, my mrs always says it helps with pms ehem....

i wish i could get 180 everclear here, i just haven't seen it, that would be perfect i believe , as it draws all sugars and essential oils out of the plant matter, not perfect for high grade hash oil, but maybe help with the pain relief..? the trick with tinctures, is to find a good balance of consistency with high strength oil, and just enough alcohol to dilute it down, it does get a little thicker over time, as the alcohol evaporates as to why i chose brandy, strong enough to dissolve, yet keeping that strong essence of oil flavour, i dont like alcohol personally, but i like the smell of this tincture rubbed on your skin, like a cooking oil and cannabis smell :), and the brandy gives it that spice, and it literally tingles under your tounge... i think enough of it, maybe 5-6 drops would be enough for a relaxant under the tounge, and my mrs says she can feel the effects almost straight away, try my brandy method, it would also work with full melt bubble hash, i think that would completely dissolve
My aunt is an entomologist and has a few bee hives. Like you said, she goes out and finds swarming hives and then sorts through the swarm to find the queen. Once you have the queen you have the hive but sorting through thousands of very similar looking stinging insects sounds like a bit much.

the video i watched he just knocked the hive into a 5 gal bucket and introduced them to the new hive. this is not the same vid i watched but same concept.

Yeah, that seems a bit easier than finding the queen. Maybe she was describing moving an established hive to me. Where she lives they have terrible problems with HUGE hives in peoples walls and she's the go to lady to take care of them if you don't want to just kill em all.

a new build, food, and now bees?


Just keeping it classy :)