do your parents know?


Well-Known Member
LOL sorry but majority of this forum is adults, 99% of us coulden't careless if "parents" know


Well-Known Member
Yes my folks know, on xmas last year my cuz and I toked up in front of the whole family, minus the young ones.


Well-Known Member
Well, yes my parents know. they have for 30 years. I actualy smoked with them. My mom once, she said she didnt feel it but she sure looked stoned. that was the end of that. My Dad asked me to score for him after they divorced. I got him an oz of Colombian Gold. $60 That tells you how long ago that was.


Well-Known Member
dang hella long ago.

when i was a young lad i would come home high everyday and when i didnt my parents would ask whats wrong with me your acting funny no joke LOL.


New Member
I beg to differ with you pyrex. (no mister)

I am an adult and have always cared what my parents thought:evil:

But last year I did tell my mom that I was doing weed again and growing it. Both my parents came over and this is what I had outside on the backdeck.

My father didn't say a thing. He didn't know what it was ;)
LOL sorry but majority of this forum is adults, 99% of us coulden't careless if "parents" know



Well-Known Member
haha that'd be funny. He's all smelling it like "beautiful plant you got there son! you make me proud." lol I would throw some in a fire pit so they got high too, then they wouldn't think it's so bad.


New Member
Yeah. That would be funny.
We have a HUGE firepit too:fire:

(thinks about it momentarily:roll:;)
Funny:mrgreen: There were 5 huge beautiful plants
haha that'd be funny. He's all smelling it like "beautiful plant you got there son! you make me proud." lol I would throw some in a fire pit so they got high too, then they wouldn't think it's so bad.

humbo jumbo

Well-Known Member
I beg to differ with you pyrex. (no mister)

I am an adult and have always cared what my parents thought:evil:

But last year I did tell my mom that I was doing weed again and growing it. Both my parents came over and this is what I had outside on the backdeck.

My father didn't say a thing. He didn't know what it was ;)

Dam lacy you are a badass! :hump::hump: