Canna Sylvan
Well-Known Member
this is getting to be more interesting than JFK.
Martin was a Ron Paul supporter and wanted to end the Fed. We now have conclusive proof you don't fuck with the Rothschild clan and expect to live.
this is getting to be more interesting than JFK.
Martin was a Ron Paul supporter and wanted to end the Fed. We now have conclusive proof you don't fuck with the Rothschild clan and expect to live.
i will say this though, if i am wrong, feel free to make the "i told you so" thread a stickey. i don't mind admitting if i am wrong, but i just don't think i am here.
Theres no doubt in my mind that he will be brought to trail and he will be found guilty.Theres too much public and political pressure for anything less.That being said if he is found guilty on what little evidence is available now it would be a failure of the justice system.If some new evidence comes to light that supports your claims that he hunted down his victim and killed him then I hope this guy rots.Better yet they should turn the black panthers loose on him and televise it.
you endorse a hate group enforcing vigilante justice?
no wonder you seem so removed from civilization as i know it.
unless they can prove this is a hate crime, he gets a slap on the wrists. and it will not be due to political pressure if it does happen, it will be due to the facts of the case.
have fun basing your conclusion on a single eyewitness account, i'll look at the totality of the facts.
Show me one shred of evidence that points to zimmerman starting the physical confrontation.
"are you following him?"
"we don't need you to do that"
following someone is not starting a physical altercation.
Show me one shred of evidence that points to zimmerman starting the physical confrontation.
following someone is not starting a physical altercation.
i'm sorry, you said "confrontation" originally, which is far different than "altercation".
neither would have happened had zimmerman simply stood his ground.
as it happened, zimmerman pursued martin to the point where martin's girlfriend told him to run away. i would say that as martin described the situation to his girlfriend, he had a legitimate fear for his life from a possible kidnapper/sexual deviant and was right in doing whatever he did to defend himself.
think of it this way. you're a 180 pound 17 year old white male walking through your own neighborhood at 7pm. you just picked up a bag of candy and a sugary beverage, and it starts to rain on you as you leave the store. throw your hoodie on, leave the store. almost home, a black man nearly twice your size starts following you, eyeing you suspiciously, is on the phone to someone.
you continue to go home, leaving the street portion of the complex for the walkway away from the road, where the creep who is trailing you for no reason can not drive. but he gets out of his vehicle, and starts following you on foot now.
myself, a 180 pound white male, would feel pretty threatened if a 250 pound black male followed me by car and on foot.
i would ask him "why are you following me?"
if the discussion were civil, i would not expect there to be any reason why my cell phone call with my girlfriend would end right after he asks me "why are you here?"
and if i ended up dead at the hands of the black man twice my size who followed me for no reason, i would expect some major questions to be asked.
you seem to have come to a conclusion based on one eyewitness account that contradicts the accounts of everyone else who the police attempted to "correct" into making the right statements. i look at the bigger picture.
keep widening your goal posts,i find it pathetic and hilarious.
Actually, we don't know when the actual threat started, that's the point. Zimmerman may have assaulted Trayvan, got in trouble and resorted to the firearm out of fear. If he did, legally he's screwed. I'm not saying your wrong either, I'm just saying we don't know at this point.
but they gave him good advice. by ignoring it, zimmerman was no longer "standing his ground".
the justifiable use of force statute makes it very clear.
776.041 Use of force by aggressor.The justification described in the preceding sections of this chapter is not available to a person who1) Is attempting to commit, committing, or escaping after the commission of, a forcible felony; or
(2) Initially provokes the use of force against himself or herself, unless:
you're right, nigger deserved it for looking so black. just like women wearing skirts are asking to be raped, trayvon martin was asking to be killed just for looking a certain way.
did anyone mention he might have sold pot? on this website, that will surely earn the guy a lynching.
good Dog.
BTW, a black organization has placed a bounty of 10,000 dollars on Zimmerman.
Glad race is not involved... You know, except on this forum![]()
Does this bitch Zimmerman say "fuckin coon" @ 2:21-2:23
zimmerman aggressively pursued martin, called him a fucking coon, shot him to death, and then claimed self defense.
you seem to toe whatever line fox news tells you to.
partisan hack gonna hack partisanly.
an internet gaylord is calling me names on a pot forum! heavens to betsy, whatever shall i do?
it's "toeing the line", not "towing the line". you are not a boat. you are a partisan hack who stands behind whatever nonsense fox news puts out.
what more do we need?
zimmerman, who is twice the size of martin, aggressively pursued him (fact, zimmerman himself said so), called him a fucking coon (fact, easily audible on 911 tapes), and shot him dead (fact).
are you going to try to tell me that fits the narrative of self defense? i fucking dare you. go ahead.