desert dude
Well-Known Member
Man I don't think I could ever imagine my kid being put to death in that situation. I see no remorse from this guy who is trying to play the victim card as much as possible. I mean how do you walk up behind someone, engage them physically, fatally wound your "attacker" or "suspicious party" and all of a sudden become a victim?
The fact is this guy clearly and obviously murdered. He made very poor judgement calls, as well as the dispatcher. The dispatcher has no way of being able to tell the mental health of this "citizen" , let alone the capacity to properly handle a weapon in that situation. The dispatcher should never promoted this guy engaging another based solely on the fact that the dispatcher knew he was armed and had no way of telling that he would make this sort of piss poor judgement.
All around its murder in the first degree for him and the dispatcher should be charged with aiding a felony at the very least. She failed to do her job, and she failed to save the life of an innocent citizen. Like most in Law Enforcement they are good at fucking up and are disgraceful to think they "serve and protect". More people have died at the hands of LEO then LEO have died at the hands of a citizen. Yet they say "to serve and PROTECT"
Our great first responder did a disservice to the community and failed to protect the life of a innocent young citizen. With as much respect as possible, it does not surprise me.
If you don't think race played any role...let me tell you what the first officer on seen reported to dispatch...1 WHITE MALE...1 BLACK MALE....Yet race ain't important? Every officer follows the protocol of identifying people FULLY and that INCLUDES RACE!
Judgment call on my part, but Mixedmelody seems to be bringing the racial angle into question on page 14. Still no reference to the noted racists, desert dude and NLSX...