Why is Fried Chicken Racist?

In some places they call it "grape drink" and it is good with some okra and cornbread i dont care who you are!No im not black nor racist,im quite white thank you!

Why is it they play sweet home Alabama in the KFC commercials...very odd indeed.

Here are more black people LIKE ME that know how to laugh. Stop being butthurt, america. It's 2012:clap:
Colombian soda drinks?? I like cola , root beer or fruity flavours

yes that's right. Colombian stuff! From colombia. You would have to actually leave your country to know it. Like I did. I said fuck anticannabis legislation. I'm an adult. Why not go to a decriminalized country. Ahh yes. Smoking lots of weed without paranoia. What's that? ounces of kind for cheap??? NO WAY! yes way, in colombia. Now you know :)
it's got nothing to do with chicken or black people. it has to do with all this hyper pc bullshit.

the fact is that pictures of black people with chicken are only racist if the "beholder" is racist themselves. some people see racism everywhere. i remember a lot of cartoons depicting bush as a monkey. make those same cartoons about obama and you're a bigot. that's about the most ignorant, race-war inciting logic i can think of.

all this, "that's OUR word. you can't use it." and "you can't draw this, say that, have that opinion, because that's OUR shit" is the EXACT same separatist bullshit that led to jim crowe laws in the first place. the irony of current opinion on the matter is hilarious to me.

labeling something as racist or hurtful is the very action that gives this shit its power. if it provides any type of shock value it can be used to coerce people out of their holes to rant and rave about something that they otherwise would have kept to themselves about.

a lot of young people aren't even aware of the black people and watermelon stereotype. calling a woman a "broad" barely gets an eyeroll. know why? it got old and people stopped paying attention. the beauty of free speech.

keep fussing, people. no better way to kill something than to talk about it 24 hours a day :roll:
The reason that fried chicken and watermelon has the "black people food" label in the US is because they were the staples of the slaves diet in the US.. According to one of classes I took in School if the slaves took a pig or cow to eat then the slave owner would know it was gone for sure and those animals were valuable but chickens grew quickly and were in abundance. Slaves invented the box lunch by taking fried chicken and watermellon in a small box into the field with them for lunch. Slaves quarters had no running water and they had no canteens and few drinkable water sources so they would eat the watermelon to stay hydrated. That's why it's only a US thing because it happened here. Fat white plantation owners would look out and see the slaves eating watermelon working the fields so somehow it turned into the lazy blacks eating watermelon while real deal was lazy ass slave owner were talking shit and without the watermelon they would have worked them to death.
This black fella did not like the term black hole LOL (A black hole is a region of spacetime from which nothing, not even light, can escape)

This black fella did not like the term black hole LOL (A black hole is a region of spacetime from which nothing, not even light, can escape)


I just said the USA has a blackhole (federal reserve) about 30 seconds ago.
This black fella did not like the term black hole LOL (A black hole is a region of spacetime from which nothing, not even light, can escape)


I lived in dallas, and John Wiley Price is a world class idiot! He is the biggest racist and instigator of racism I have seen in a loooong time. He want's to be Al Sharpton, but he's too stupid. HE is part of the reason ignorant people are still racist against blacks.