The problems with Christianity stem from so many sects; they all want to be right, and pushing it on other people is a way to self-justify their own beliefs. The truth is, everybody is wrong. How in the world can one, out of all religions, be correct? They are either all right, or all wrong. I lean towards the latter. The Sumerians got it right, because they wrote directly what they were given. They were taught mathematics, agriculture, economics, ... astronomy.. all 6000 years ago. They even wrote that their written language was handed down to them.
Look at it this way, when were "aliens" invented by man, if they are an invention of mankind? Pretty modern invention, right? I mean, when did we figure out that the earth was round, that the sun was the center of the solar system, that we had outer planets? They described all of that in their cuneiform tablets, even a description of Neptune and Uranus, descriptions that we would never have known if we hadn't sent the Voyager (1&2) spacecraft out there. Things like the tilt, the color, the previously "invisible" rings, retrograde moons, and so much more. How could they even imagine this, without a telescope? They wrote that aliens (God) came to Earth and created Man (Sumerian word for man is Adamo) and Woman from the most advanced life existing on Earth at that time (the dust of the earth) and then genetically modified their genes to make Humans. Ergo, the "missing link" doesn't exist and never has, AND this accounts for the few genes we have that aren't found in any other life form on the entire planet. So, when did we figure out that the root of life is DNA? Their carved stone figure for "life" was an intertwined snake, strikingly similar to the DNA double-helix. How could they know that? Just luck? Coincidence? A lot of coincidence..? They wrote that we were "hard wired" to collect precious metals like Gold because the aliens didn't want to keep doing it themselves. So they made us stewards of the planet, and programmed us to do the things they need us for, and they left.
And don't even get me started about the Bible. It helps to know who wrote what, and how it came to be. Genesis, the most problematic book of the bible, wasn't written in first-person like the rest, because Moses (who wrote the 2nd book, Exodus) "compiled" Genesis from available texts at that time. Other books in the bible describe "God" and it reads like God is some kind of flying ship. WTF. And THEN, King James has his version of the bible printed, in the 16th century I think, and specific things WERE CHANGED. For example, the ten commandments were translated into English from Greek. There are different words for "kill" and "murder", and in the commandment "thou shalt not kill", the greek word is actually that for murder, not kill. Thats a big thing, isn't it? The very next chapter describes in great detail about lawful killing, eye for an eye and all that. Adultery? Thats when somebody married cheats on their spouse, NOT sex without marriage. In fact, a few pages later describe what a virgin is worth when a man doesn't marry the woman, and he has to pay per family. I think it was called a virgins dowry or something like that. Bear False Witness? Thats about manipulating people to get someone in trouble so you can benefit from it, "ya I saw him kill those people (woo hoo, now I can take his land)" Its not about white lies. Can you imagine being asked, "are you hungry?" and you kinda are but say, "no, not really." Well, some people really think you would burn in hell for that. I don't see why. Its not a sin towards God. Its against man. Man isn't God, and neither is the pope. In fact, the pope is supposed to be "keeping the seat warm" until Jesus returns to Earth. Well, if or when he does, I highly doubt anybody would believe Him and The Church would never give up their power to anyone.
See, there is value in reading and understanding the bible because you have fuel to fight crazy religious people. The one about looking at a woman and committing adultery in your heart, if its just as bad then whats the point, you may as well go rape her right? Thinking about murdering someone? Well, you're already going to pay for it in hell because you thought of it, so you may as well go murder that person anyway. THAT DOESNT MAKE ANY SENSE. Unless, it is limited to the scope of a married man looking at some sweet haughty hottie, and ya I can see how that can affect his relationship with his wife even if he doesn't touch that chick.. usually only if she's with him and catches him...
All the christian religions I've studied all seem to have their short-list of "most important things" from their version of the bible, and redact everything else. What slays me is how they can read 3 or 4 "lines deep" out of something simple to conjecture something huge, something that is plainly refuted elsewhere in the bible. For example, "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog." Read into it, and someone might see "dogs are lazy and slow and can't jump" and then read into that, "laziness is a sin," and then determine, "all dogs are going to hell." Its absolutely crazy. People are stupid and will see what they want to see.