Annoying ass Christians.... not the religion just the people


Pickle Queen
I think if you're going to do this you should follow it with a positive. Like..."Ma'am if you're just fat, i'll knock you up for the low price of $75 so that you can park in the handicapped spots and ride the scooters." A ride for a ride type deal?
I will not fuck the suspension on my scooter, bitch can sit her fat ass on in a wagon if she can't jog along side , just dip the rope in chocolate, she wont let go ;)


Well-Known Member
Did I mention there is actually an entire section devoted to this?
Actually, I should add that MY personal belief is that God loves me so much that he put everyone else on this earth strictly for the purpose of entertaining me. But you'd know that. If you had stayed in the section that was intended for this conversation.
Fucking thread Nazis. :cuss:

Obviously, the only member here who has a problem with the placement of this thread is you.

Which means that your comments are out of place here.

I am not saying you should not post here. I am merely pointing out to you what it obvious to the rest of us.

As for me, I will post anywhere I damn well please.


Well-Known Member
Fucking thread Nazis. :cuss:

Obviously, the only member here who has a problem with the placement of this thread is you.

Which means that your comments are out of place here.

I am not saying you should not post here. I am merely pointing out to you what it obvious to the rest of us.

As for me, I will post anywhere I damn well please.
Actually, this thread is in completely the wrong section

The Spiritulity section is full of Christian-bashing yet the most outlandish philosophical and mystical theories/beliefs are accepted without question 'because it's a stoner forum'.

Don't you think the numerous threads singling out Christianity are needlessly hurtful and inflammatory? To come into toke and talk taking pot shots at Christians is perfectly acceptable? Being honest ChronicObsession's thread was a little on the heavy handed and hysterical side but it was in response to many threads passed.

People shouldn't start that kind of anti-religion crap when we are trying to have a quiet smoke and chat in this section. Since when is ok for one member or group of people to be stigmatised like that?

And in fairness, Christians shouldn't come starting hysterical 'Repent! You're all hellbound losers' threads in toke and talk either.

No one should be attacking eachother over a topic like this, especially in this section and you're ALL making the corner you fight for look bad.


You know I went to church today and what did they talk about? The duty of evangelism and compassion for those who scorn you. I'll kill you all with love if I have to, just drop the bravado. I swear if this carries on you'll take it down to comparing dick size to determine who's in the right...


Well-Known Member
Oh I know... 'In the last days' and so on. But the point is no one shukd be victimised in this fashion and start religious drama in the safe, relaxed atmosphere that is meant to be Toke and Talk. This isn't even about Christianity anymore, I'm astounded at some of the mean-spirited childishness and opportunism for troublemaking exhibited by grown adults. If they really must kill eachother over this kind of topic, not here... If this was the Spiritualty forum I could even accept an 'if you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen'-Type comment.


Well-Known Member
it baffles me that anybody still practices any religion

doesn't make any sense to me man :?

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
I'm astounded at some of the mean-spirited childishness and opportunism for troublemaking exhibited by grown adults.
Well you care what everybody thinks of you. I can understand why you would be. =) Flaming can be great fun. There is an incredible difference between trolling and flaming that nearly everybody mistakes. I have only known maybe two trolls on all of RIU. If people want to flame eachother let them, if you feel it is against the rules report it and be done with it. =)

How were services this morning Kuroi? =)


Well-Known Member
Actually, this thread is in completely the wrong section

The Spiritulity section is full of Christian-bashing yet the most outlandish philosophical and mystical theories/beliefs are accepted without question 'because it's a stoner forum'.

Don't you think the numerous threads singling out Christianity are needlessly hurtful and inflammatory? To come into toke and talk taking pot shots at Christians is perfectly acceptable? Being honest ChronicObsession's thread was a little on the heavy handed and hysterical side but it was in response to many threads passed.

People shouldn't start that kind of anti-religion crap when we are trying to have a quiet smoke and chat in this section. Since when is ok for one member or group of people to be stigmatised like that?

And in fairness, Christians shouldn't come starting hysterical 'Repent! You're all hellbound losers' threads in toke and talk either.

No one should be attacking eachother over a topic like this, especially in this section and you're ALL making the corner you fight for look bad.


You know I went to church today and what did they talk about? The duty of evangelism and compassion for those who scorn you. I'll kill you all with love if I have to, just drop the bravado. I swear if this carries on you'll take it down to comparing dick size to determine who's in the right...
If what you say is true, then the most correct course of action would have been to report the thread to a mod and ask that it be relocated to the appropriate section.

But I do not believe it is inappropriate.

Here is what I think is inappropriate.

Having the name of a deity I do not believe in on my currency.

Subsidizing churches, which do not pay property taxes, with my property taxes.

Being expected to recite the words "under God" in a pledge of allegiance to my country.

Being subjected to prayer out in public. When this happens, I do not bow my head. I stare straight ahead; and think about pornography - the pornier the better. :hump:

Pat the stoner

New Member
If what you say is true, then the most correct course of action would have been to report the thread to a mod and ask that it be relocated to the appropriate section.

But I do not believe it is inappropriate.

Here is what I think is inappropriate.

Having the name of a deity I do not believe in on my currency.

Subsidizing churches, which do not pay property taxes, with my property taxes.

Being expected to recite the words "under God" in a pledge of allegiance to my country.

Being subjected to prayer out in public. When this happens, I do not bow my head. I stare straight ahead; and think about pornography - the pornier the better. :hump:
First off snitches , rats and shitbirds are not cool . Anyone who expects you to say things you can't believe in just because they do is way off . And the tax thing , a properly functioning church , whether you believe in that or not should benefit the community in ways that actually save money . But the whole tax thing has me pissed anyway . Why ? Because it's done without my having representation - not in a religeous sense , but look at the mmj issue . They print the money which is worth whatever they say it is , then they want us after working hard for it to just give it back to them . What do we get for it , a congress that gives itself raises at will while the rest of us pay into programs like social security that will not possibly even exist for us and if they do we still get robbed . Paying for what you don't get used to be called stealing in this country . What they write on the money does not change it's value but for you it's just another way your not being represented . Theres way bigger problems in this country than a couple people praying , wanting to control what people think about or do , when it doesn't harm you is the train of thought that makes weed illegal . Who cares what someone wants to believe in ? I don't go around telling little kids theres no Santa Clause even though I think it's messed up .


Well-Known Member
First off snitches , rats and shitbirds are not cool .
Reporting what you believe to be a misplaced thread is not snitching. Mods are not coppers.

Anyone who expects you to say things you can't believe in just because they do is way off . And the tax thing , a properly functioning church , whether you believe in that or not should benefit the community in ways that actually save money . But the whole tax thing has me pissed anyway . Why ? Because it's done without my having representation - not in a religeous sense , but look at the mmj issue . They print the money which is worth whatever they say it is , then they want us after working hard for it to just give it back to them . What do we get for it , a congress that gives itself raises at will while the rest of us pay into programs like social security that will not possibly even exist for us and if they do we still get robbed . Paying for what you don't get used to be called stealing in this country . What they write on the money does not change it's value but for you it's just another way your not being represented . Theres way bigger problems in this country than a couple people praying , wanting to control what people think about or do , when it doesn't harm you is the train of thought that makes weed illegal . Who cares what someone wants to believe in ? I don't go around telling little kids theres no Santa Clause even though I think it's messed up .
I do not object to people practicing their religion. It's their business. I stated previously the First Amendment stands, and I meant it.

You seem to believe my concerns are trivial. I disagree. Every example I gave is unconstitutional when the government is involved.

The GOVERNMENT has no business decreeing on my currency what I believe.

The GOVERNMENT should not pick and choose who pays taxes and who dodges them based on a belief in an invisible man in the sky.

I have no interest in wanting to control what other people think about or do. That is exactly my argument against public accommodation of religion. I should not be forced to conform to other people's religious beliefs just because they are in the majority.

Cannabis is prohibited because people wish to impose their morals on others. My money makes a liar out of me because someone else imposes their beliefs on everyone.


Well-Known Member
Well I believe this one is actually extrapolated directly from the First Amendment you say you stand by. =)

How does the First Amendment endorse tax-free status for religious entities?

It seems to me just the opposite is true. By granting tax-free status, the government is endorsing religion.

My property taxes are higher because churches pay none. The government says I must pay, but churches get a free ride. Meaning I subsidize religion.


Well-Known Member
someone probably looked at the religious and said, fuck, these guys need all their money to pay for the later mental house bills.

well, that or

some bribed the government, same as with the drugwar.


Well-Known Member
someone probably looked at the religious and said, fuck, these guys need all their money to pay for the later mental house bills.

well, that or

some bribed the government, same as with the drugwar.
It's a situation where the majority lords over the minority.

Just the sort of situation the Constitution was designed to prevent.


Well-Known Member
It's a situation where the majority lords over the minority.

Just the sort of situation the Constitution was designed prevent.
yeah, too bad we got capitalism to prevent real democracy from happening.

money makes the rules.

not right or wrong.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member

How does the First Amendment endorse tax-free status for religious entities?

It seems to me just the opposite is true. By granting tax-free status, the government is endorsing religion.

My property taxes are higher because churches pay none. The government says I must pay, but churches get a free ride. Meaning I subsidize religion.
To tax a church the state would involve itself in the church. =) It is not suppose to be involved it is supposed to be separate. ;)


Well-Known Member
To tax a church the state would involve itself in the church. =) It is not suppose to be involved it is supposed to be separate. ;)
You will not find the phrase "separation of church and state" anywhere in the Constitution.

To tax a church means it is treated like every other company or individual. See the Equal Protection Clause.

To not tax a church like everyone else solely based on religious grounds flies in the face of the Establishment Clause.