Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now


Well-Known Member
all plants this grow veg 3 nodes in red cups then transplant to the 3/4 or 1 gal pots
at 6 internodes i put them into flower except for bud tah it went in at 5 internodes
my latest experiment 3 and 6 till finish
im not even keepin track of time start of flower
to focus closely on finish of flower
all just to keep from being bored and answer sum questions to self
an for me i have to see for myself
to stay all the way in tiny pots


Well-Known Member
thanks PB
those air pots use a lot of soil
and it takes a lot of liquid to soakit up good
wit soil i soak every other day
i like them so far but i do a lot of hangin contraptions and a couple of them would be heavy as hell


Well-Known Member
i think they are the green -think 10's
i got the blue also they are way to big be nice for sumbody wit moving lights -think they are 14's
i gotta move my plants up and down
i might use blue outside for sumtin like tomattos


Well-Known Member
i think they are the green -think 10's
i got the blue also they are way to big be nice for sumbody wit moving lights -think they are 14's
i gotta move my plants up and down
i might use blue outside for sumtin like tomattos
My 10ltrs are red mate an the 6s im usin now are yellow.

4G63T 831

I know this is an old post but Im just posting this to show my photographR how I want em to take pics of my babies..awesome detail..love how the tricomes stand out so clear.....is that a special lens/cam or can I get that quality with a nikkon D5100 or a Cannon T2..16.0+ mega pixl??..Plz reply if u have the time

Keep it Legal
Keep it Organic
Keep Cali
Peace Mike


Well-Known Member
thank you sir
oh i like that av

i use a cannon power shot sd 1000 digital elf
7.1 meg pix
3x opt zoom

i hope this helps you
cam must do closeups (have the flower as setting option)

good luck
if you grow healthy good looking plants
you should serve them justice wit good photographic skillz
from a good cam


Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
hi dweezie, ,are you as sad as me. im crying. i dont know what happened. i lost the most important last month of my journla. im so fuckin upset. i

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
how can you be so soft 323? your just going to brush this off?. youve got to fight for your rights brotha. You gotta let these fools know they cant get away with this. we have to beat them down. How dare they insult us like this. ITs about RESPECT!


Well-Known Member
the doc is right

i dont know of sad i do know mad

an im mad as hell

if i could get my hands on the dorky hacker creep
id stretch the hands out on the sidewalk an use a sledge hammer
wont be hitin no puter keys for a while
id finish when the 2 inch thick hand was about 1/4 inch of mush
fingers and hands just bags of crushed bone and blood

dam im enjoying this virtual revenge -sadistic mauhfuka

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
right on dweeze, i agree with you. So sorry you lost important notes. I know how important this journal is for you. I feel the same way about my journal. I had a friend come onto my journal trying to tell me its no big deal what happened, that all my friends got to see my journal and what i did. Thats nice, but its not why i made my journal. I made it for myself and if others found it helpful, all the better.