Who do you want to win the 2012 Election?

Elections 2012

  • Barack Obama

    Votes: 16 27.1%
  • Newt Gingrich

    Votes: 1 1.7%
  • Gary Johnson

    Votes: 2 3.4%
  • Ron Paul

    Votes: 38 64.4%
  • Buddy Roemer

    Votes: 1 1.7%
  • Mitt Romney

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Rick Santorum

    Votes: 1 1.7%

  • Total voters


I would really like to know who most of you would like to win the next election. I have looked at some preliminary numbers, but I'm not one to trust the media any longer. Please cast your vote in this poll and make it a honest one. Don't vote for the most electable candidate, this is not about being able to say "I told you he was gona win!". Just vote for who you agree with the most. Even if they have no chance in America, to win. Thank you. I'm sooo looking forward to the results.


New Member
I would really like to know who most of you would like to win the next election. I have looked at some preliminary numbers, but I'm not one to trust the media any longer. Please cast your vote in this poll and make it a honest one. Don't vote for the most electable candidate, this is not about being able to say "I told you he was gona win!". Just vote for who you agree with the most. Even if they have no chance in America, to win. Thank you. I'm sooo looking forward to the results.
big problem, everyone who presses something besides ron paul/johnson/roemer is just voting for it for this reason - "I told you he was gona win!". Don't believe me? Have them explain why they are voting for who they are voting for then, only Ron Paul voter can give a real answer.

I am voting for Ron Paul and no one but paul unless he drops out then I would vote third party and probably for Gary Johnson.

Here is some of the reasons I wrote I am voting for Ron Paul from another thread, bare in mind these are all things on how Ron Paul differs from the other canididates, none share any one of these views:

Ron Paul is a man of great integrity and honesty, he doesn't take money from lobbyist and corporations and he always backs the people. Ron Paul is uncorruptable and other members of congress don't approach him when they are trying to sneak a bill by the people because they know he will call them out (it has been said) and that he is incorruptible. Ron Paul has stood alone in this as far as consistently he is miles ahead of all, he has been consistent in everything he says and does for the last 30 years. Dr Paul has fought with other independent minded congressman and political figures such as Bernie Sanders, Raplh Nader, Barnie Frank, and Dennis Kusinich on auditing the fed/marijuana & Hemp Prohibition/etc....These men have always had our back...Only one is running for president.

Ron Paul is the only one against the Police State (Voted against Patriot act and NDAA). Ron Paul always votes based on the constitution.

Ron Paul was the first man to audit the fed since its inception in 1916, he found that they had 16 trillion (equal to our national debt) in funds unaccounted for, The fed is a private bank and very secretive. It prints money which causes inflation and makes us poor.

Ron Paul is against all foreign occupation and wants to immediately withdraw all the troops from overseas and bring them home to defend our borders and work here to improve the economy. Ron Paul doesn't believe in undeclared wars and would end all the wars immediately. Dr Paul is PRO diplomacy (talking things out) and against pre-emptive strikes, sanctions, and aggression.

Ron Paul is against the prison industrial complex, he wants to pardon all non-violent criminals from jail and end the war on drugs. Ron Paul is against private prisons, secret prisons, and torture. Ron Paul thinks everyone should be treated equally and that minorities are treated unfairly especially in the drug war, he doesn't believe in the death penalty.

Ron Paul doesn't think corporations are people.

Ron Paul is pro national sovereignty, he voted against: NAFTA, TAFTA, GAT, etc...

Ron Paul is a Medical Doctor and a veteran. (the only medical doctor or veteran running)

Dr Paul follows libertarian philosophies including non-violence and is not a typical Republican or Democrat, he is a libertarian like myself. I have never voted for a republican before.


New Member
delusions of grandeur eh? your more lost that i'd previously thought
Then please explain to us why your voting for who you are voting for in at least one paragraph. I would love to hear it. You would be the first, only Ron Paul voters can describe in detail why they are voting for their candidate without defaulting into pessimism or basically saying you are voting for 'the winner' cause you think your in 'the club' if you do, prove me wrong. Thought so...


Well-Known Member
Then please explain to us why your voting for who you are voting for in at least one paragraph. I would love to hear it. You would be the first, only Ron Paul voters can describe in detail why they are voting for their candidate without defaulting into pessimism or basically saying you are voting for 'the winner' cause you think your in 'the club' if you do, prove me wrong. Thought so...
i dont need to dance to your tune to be able to point out your delusional rantings

i also am not from your country so i will not be voting for anyone but even tho my opinion is void here we go

of all of those politicians i would vote for obama. i believe in universal heathcare and while "obamacare" doesnt go far enough it is far and away the better step in direction. i also believe that in times of economic crisis stimulus spending on infrastructure can help in providing jobs and keeping the countries head above water (as a whole). i like his stance on foreign policy which instead of being "preemptive" (see george bush) is "reactive" i'm a believer that in some cases intervention is a good thing and was happy with the progress in Libya. i like the way that he held himself with regard to the shit storm he received when he took office. while not everything is perfect when i compare him to any of the others in the poll above i cannot help but think how bat shit crazy he makes them all look.

there, get ready to dismiss this as im not american in 5..4..3..2..1....


New Member
i dont need to dance to your tune to be able to point out your delusional rantings

i also am not from your country so i will not be voting for anyone but even tho my opinion is void here we go

of all of those politicians i would vote for obama. i believe in universal heathcare and while "obamacare" doesnt go far enough it is far and away the better step in direction. i also believe that in times of economic crisis stimulus spending on infrastructure can help in providing jobs and keeping the countries head above water (as a whole). i like his stance on foreign policy which instead of being "preemptive" (see george bush) is "reactive" i'm a believer that in some cases intervention is a good thing and was happy with the progress in Libya. i like the way that he held himself with regard to the shit storm he received when he took office. while not everything is perfect when i compare him to any of the others in the poll above i cannot help but think how bat shit crazy he makes them all look.

there, get ready to dismiss this as im not american in 5..4..3..2..1....
What an empty paragraph...looks like it was tough for you....So you are pro aggressive wars, Pro prohibition, pro slavery/torture/detainment of citizens without trial, pro big pharama (healthcare is not health insurance, all Americans are already treated)....You believe corporations are people and that the banks should continue to rob us and just dump massive debt on us that they don''t feel like paying all while being in bed with the government and the whitehouse....so basically your in favor/against all of that all because of identity in the way he "handled" himself..you like his character...he is like Queen Elizabeth or something for you...Doesn't seem like you really care about or understand America, Do you want to try again?

(further, obama is no different the george bush whatsoever)


Well-Known Member
What an empty paragraph...looks like it was tough for you....So you are pro aggressive wars, Pro prohibition, pro slavery/torture/detainment of citizens without trial, pro big pharama (healthcare is not health insurance, all Americans are already treated)....You believe corporations are people and that the banks should continue to rob us and just dump massive debt on us that they don''t feel like paying all while being in bed with the government and the whitehouse....so basically your in favor/against all of that all because of identity in the way he "handled" himself..you like his character...he is like Queen Elizabeth or something for you...Doesn't seem like you really care about or understand America, Do you want to try again?

(further, obama is no different the george bush whatsoever)
tuesday,, tuesday was when i stopped beating my wife

why dont you try again?


Well-Known Member
(further, obama is no different the george bush whatsoever)

i can sum up why i will be voting for obama again and why you are dead wrong in two words: SCOTUS picks.

just to expound on how wrong you are and how simplistic your worldview is, i will enumerate a few differences between obama and bush: bush wanted to privatize SS, obama does not. bush led us into unilateral, preemptive war in iraq, obama got us out (and urged not going there in the first place). bush ignored DADT, obama got rid of it. bush ignored bin laden, obama ordered his assassination and carried it out in perhaps the ballsiest way possible. bush lowered our standing in the eyes of the world after the perfect opportunity post-911, obama is restoring it. bush signed in no child left behind, obama incentivizes performance and success. bush did his best to perpetuate trickle down, obama is doing his best to reverse it.

i can go on, want me to?


New Member

i can sum up why i will be voting for obama again and why you are dead wrong in two words: SCOTUS picks.

just to expound on how wrong you are and how simplistic your worldview is, i will enumerate a few differences between obama and bush: bush wanted to privatize SS, obama does not. bush led us into unilateral, preemptive war in iraq, obama got us out (and urged not going there in the first place). bush ignored DADT, obama got rid of it. bush ignored bin laden, obama ordered his assassination and carried it out in perhaps the ballsiest way possible. bush lowered our standing in the eyes of the world after the perfect opportunity post-911, obama is restoring it. bush signed in no child left behind, obama incentivizes performance and success. bush did his best to perpetuate trickle down, obama is doing his best to reverse it.

i can go on, want me to?
Id rather not hear more in depth (sarcasm) differences such as this but perhaps you could get to the biggest difference of all. Obama likes vanilla ice cream and g dub likes chocolate.


Well-Known Member
i dont need to dance to your tune to be able to point out your delusional rantings

i also am not from your country so i will not be voting for anyone but even tho my opinion is void here we go

of all of those politicians i would vote for obama. i believe in universal heathcare and while "obamacare" doesnt go far enough it is far and away the better step in direction. i also believe that in times of economic crisis stimulus spending on infrastructure can help in providing jobs and keeping the countries head above water (as a whole). i like his stance on foreign policy which instead of being "preemptive" (see george bush) is "reactive" i'm a believer that in some cases intervention is a good thing and was happy with the progress in Libya. i like the way that he held himself with regard to the shit storm he received when he took office. while not everything is perfect when i compare him to any of the others in the poll above i cannot help but think how bat shit crazy he makes them all look.

there, get ready to dismiss this as im not american in 5..4..3..2..1....
Ah, this must be Israel I hear chiming in.