Voidlings First Cab


Well-Known Member
They got brought in last night after it got cold, oops. Was rather limp leaves.

Too cold, I'm ready to move south. Somewhere tropical.

Because they rely on my eyes to decypher just how yellow green the solution is. Is it yellow? Is it green? Which shade is it in between? Ha, anyways I've got drops test now hc. Will see what the nutes look like with addition of magical and buffer accordingly


Well-Known Member
So this is the alternating leaves on a side shoot of a romulan

Up potted the two bb's that survived
bb up pot.jpg

Rust spots but they only occur on one of the 10 roms

Up potted most of the roms
up pot.jpg


Well-Known Member
Nice! They are getting some age to them then, eh? Should make for some good smoke. Have they sexed yet?


Well-Known Member
Why do you say they are not accurate lol I have told you 4 or 5 times to get the ph test kit drops cause they are CHEAP and ACCURATE you asshole hehe ;)
That might be my fault :( LOL I told him before test strips suck lol Which your right they will work just fine to show you the range..I prefer knowing exactly And like he said I always having trouble deciphering the colors on the strip to the label
So this is the alternating leaves on a side shoot of a romulan
View attachment 2055000

Up potted the two bb's that survived
View attachment 2055001

Rust spots but they only occur on one of the 10 roms
View attachment 2055002

Up potted most of the roms
View attachment 2055003
ROMS lookin good dude. Them BB's should make it now, Looks like they have enough going on to keep going. Seems you made it outta the seedling stage w. them blueberrues and that is feat you should be proud of!


Well-Known Member
2 out of 6 :( well even if they're both male I'll pollinate the roms to have rom x bb cross to grow out later to try. Thanks


Well-Known Member
2 out of 6 :( well even if they're both male I'll pollinate the roms to have rom x bb cross to grow out later to try. Thanks
Your making me wanna pop my blueberries and give my hand at em.

I got blueberry crosses in veg now and so far all good.

I dunno man, Hope you get a female, Seems you tried all you could so let nature work her maggjic and bless ya with a dank female!


Well-Known Member
Well I'm really wanting a female like HC's.

That's how I felt reading in HC's thread, people kept talking about bb so I went ahead and popped the ones I had.

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Looks like a female blueberry to me lol. Positive vibes!!

Garden is looking awesome buddy glad to see it. Prolly seems like it's taking forever but your really moving along in good shape, keep up the good work!

I started saving half gal milk cartons for my next sog...should be able to cram a shitload of those into a small area haha



Well-Known Member
Yeah I really want those square cartoons but I can't drink milk and they changed the recipe on the chocolate almond milk so I quit drinking it.

Thanks for the vibes


Well-Known Member
I heard that!

A little cab work, and I'll have the room to get cooking.
It'll be cool to see the difference it makes between soil(me) and coco(you),
and veg. Time vs 12/12 from seed.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, mine will definitely veg for a bit considering I need to roms. Though I might have my second box ready by then.


Well-Known Member
Well, I figure two weeks before they really get trucking along after germ, so shouldn't take up too awful much space.
But I keep forgetting you've still to flip the roms. What kinda flower time do they have?


Well-Known Member
Roms are said to be 55-60 days.

I have room in my flower cab to put them all in there except that I'm trying to know what seeds I have coming out.

First round is all romulan so I should have romulan seeds. I'll probably pick one male to keep and possibly thin out which females to keep.

Second round should be rom females and the blueberries. Depending on the sex of the bb's I might have to throw the male rom in there. So I'll have rom x bb and hopefully bb seeds.

Though I suppose on the second run I could throw in the female roms, the bb, and the haze x c99 cross and if the bb's turn out male, toss them out of flower. Allow the cross to pollinate each other and the roms.

So looking at my cab today. My fan and filter is going to have to be outside my cab. The filter is gigantic for such a small cab. Could probably use a smaller one. If I put the fan inside it'd block light. If I lower the light below fan level I'd might have a foot to grow. No way to get the filter in there regardless.

My issue with the light is that the fixture with reflector is too big to run front to back which would be best alignment, have to run it side to side. I'm wondering if I got just the plug with a wire if there would be a way to fix it front to back without a reflector. top is painted white for what its worth.


Well-Known Member
Could you drill a hole big enough to run the cord through and backfilled with foam or something?
Or is it the reflector that's the issue?

I need to take my bulb and turn it from vertical to horizontal, that'll gain about six inches in height. And the main reason I want to do that is that directly under the light is a dim spot. Out to the sides is twice as bright, so may as well point the dim spot at the wall and not the plants.

I don't have a filter system up and running yet but I've got my supplies together for it.
I have these huge thick cardboard tubes that I'll put fans on then drill holes along the length like a French drain. The tube will be stuffed with carbon filter sheets crumpled for more surface area.
These can be hung in the upper corner of a room or along the floor, or any other are deemed fit.


Well-Known Member
The reflector itself is too big. Now that you mention it I don't know it there's enough room for the bulb to hang that way.

If my cab was square I'd run my bulb vertically if not doing perpetual sog.

Going for supplies and groceries