Ultra Stealth Shoebox Grow!

And how do you feel about 3.5 MILLION candles?



It's even red-spectrum!
WOW! Yu have ALL (save one) have been SO great! I LOVE THIS PLACE!

So, after reading all of the great suggestions I have stepped up my game! I asked my mom for a few bucks, but she made me put lotion on her feet for it.

mommas feet.jpg

So, I got a waay better light! Look at the blue!! I'm getting mad budzzzzz!

Bigsbys stealth grow day 2 007.jpg

She's already taking off

Bigsbys stealth grow day 2 015.jpg

I read somewhere on here that molasses is good "nutes". She's gonna swell up!!!!!!!

Bigsbys stealth grow day 2 NUTES 002.jpg

Thanks again for all of your help!!!
Dude I told you once and Im telling you again!!!

Get some Ozone gen or Carbon filters man!!
Never knew that monster like to stay moist in melted chocolate!
We can't tell you the TOP SECRET nutrient yet... You must learn of it on your own young jedi knight
hehehehehehe scrog that bitch !!!!!!!!!!! damn gone all high tech with the blue spectrum bulb :clap: whats that pushing for lumens 2-3 and man that looks like she can get warm thinking of a cooling system or cool tube ?
WOW! Yu have ALL (save one) have been SO great! I LOVE THIS PLACE!

So, after reading all of the great suggestions I have stepped up my game! I asked my mom for a few bucks, but she made me put lotion on her feet for it.

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So, I got a waay better light! Look at the blue!! I'm getting mad budzzzzz!

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She's already taking off

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I read somewhere on here that molasses is good "nutes". She's gonna swell up!!!!!!!

View attachment 2040649

Thanks again for all of your help!!!
Bro I'm not trying to step on your toes or anything but that looks like a little bit too much molasses for such a small plant. Next time, try adding half as much. Gaurantee you will love the results.
I thought the original post was funny. I didn't take it as an attack on new growers -- it was a well done parody. SlimJim don't know if these guys have done other threads to piss you off that merited your behavior, but this particular thread you jumped in and trolled, plain and simple. Maybe the thread should be moved to a humor forum and not the newbie section, but that doesn't warrant you jumping in to attack -- if you had a problem just send a message to a mod to request them to move it. You seem to have a lot of problems with mods on this site. I joined up to grasscity a few weeks back. I did not like the way it was modded and some of the people behaved. I left and came here. It's not their site's job to change to my standards. Bitching about the mods in this thread doesn't do anything to change the situation. In case you didn't notice, not one person has come in here and said you're in the right -- maybe that's a sign that you just might be wrong on this one (at least this thread -- can't speak to whether you're wrong about the op in general since I don't know him).

I do know the OP shows pretty clear signs of being a high schooler and if that's some kind of comedy for his post he should make that clear because last I checked, high schoolers <18 aren't allowed here. Talking about your allowance (joke?) and comparing slimjim as a 'hall monitor' pegs you as a teen in school. Those of us past high school rarely think or relate about hall monitors, allowance, etc.
I was with you until you started relating the use of common terms with someone who is in high school...

This was nothing more than a goofy thread... some of you people make me want to quit the internet.