Ultra Stealth Shoebox Grow!


Well-Known Member
I could give a fuck less what anyone in the wolf pack thinks im tired of the worthless spam you fill all over the forum its not a fucking real grow OP has already stated such and if you are stupid enough to not see how this thread was created to be offensive thats not my problem i know everyone on here i have stated this before i choose to leave their shitty group after they turned on a good friend of mine because he also got tired of there spamming.

And no i have never applied to become a mod that is pointless i hang around here to help the newbies and thats what i do between kevs thread and the other ones like this that this group continue to make it gets super fucking annoying and they all banned together and made almost everyone of their group a mod so they could control the forum. Not to sure how you say this isn't high school when this group goes around like a wolf pack praying on anything and anyone who stands up to them and they feel that they can say and do anything they want on this forum fuck that I'll be here every time they spam and to call them out for what they truly are "trolls".
wow and wow again! lots of words there
calm down little fella
too many swear words and drama in all that

here is me finding this lighthearted and fun, and there is you busting a nut over it
now perhaps those who are growing in a very small environment like a pc box, maybe offended by this , if that is the case, i can only conclude they lack a sense of humour or they are embarrassed about their microgrow

keep your chin up and don't let the interwebz upset you
i'm sure your grow is beautiful

peace :)


Well-Known Member
Funny thing is im not even mad nor have i been this whole time if you can't see these jokers for the trolls they truly are that's not my problem that's yours. They didn't have a problem when i was helping them out a few months back hahahah even have rep from most of them because i helped them out. Im here to help they are here to spam there's a big difference but im the bad guy right ahahaha what a joke.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
Funny thing is im not even mad nor have i been this whole time if you can't see these jokers for the trolls they truly are that's not my problem that's yours. They didn't have a problem when i was helping them out a few months back hahahah even have rep from most of them because i helped them out. Im here to help they are here to spam there's a big difference but im the bad guy right ahahaha what a joke.

all your replies are way too long. no one wants to read that much just to see your silly point in an argument that we're all sick of that you started. get the fuck off your pedestal. you have no business on it.


Well-Known Member
Funny thing is im not even mad nor have i been this whole time if you can't see these jokers for the trolls they truly are that's not my problem that's yours. They didn't have a problem when i was helping them out a few months back hahahah even have rep from most of them because i helped them out. Im here to help they are here to spam there's a big difference but im the bad guy right ahahaha what a joke.
i do not wish to get involved with your drama or "take sides" that is not a problem for me, but the only winning position to adopt imo
the op's post was funny.. imo

with all the useless threads on RIU to single this one out seems odd , must be a personal issue with yourself and the op
i have no idea what your past drama is with these individuals neither do i wish to, if you feel they have "bitten the hand that feeds them"
put them on ignore and be done with it,
otherwise you end up looking like a whiner

peace :)


Well-Known Member
Nope no beef with the OP besides the simple fact i choose to help the new guy he seems to flam them i left the group because thats what they seem to do and god forbid anyone stands up for the new guy.


Well-Known Member
They rig contests if anyone has a problem with someone they send out PM's asking for the rest to come and back them they change posts to make people out to be fools on and on but that's all ok with everyone correct. Wait till one of them freaks on you and the whole pack comes to his rescue i have seen this and gotten the PM for help from more then a handful of them when i was a part of their little click and you say this isn't high school maybe you should tell them that.


Well-Known Member
Wait till one of them freaks on you and the whole pack comes to his rescue i have seen this and gotten the PM for help from more then a handful of them when i was a part of their little click and you say this isn't high school maybe you should tell them that.
what is it going to take for you to put this behind you and move on ?
do you have a list of demands ?

i do not like to see weaker individuals such as yourself getting picked on, no one likes bullies , BUT by your own admission you was one of the "clique" and participated in such activities yourself

educate yourself, then you will not need the support of other hipsters to assist you when you are getting skooled on other threads

just take it as a good lesson and move on .. you whinging about others while they are laughing at your anger is not helping you
you are feeding them with your own reactions, you must know this ?
or are you just looking for attention ?
i hope you chill out soon



Active Member
Funny thing is im not even mad nor have i been this whole time if you can't see these jokers for the trolls they truly are that's not my problem that's yours. They didn't have a problem when i was helping them out a few months back hahahah even have rep from most of them because i helped them out. Im here to help they are here to spam there's a big difference but im the bad guy right ahahaha what a joke.


Active Member
Actually i do know you i know just about all you except this new guy thinking open personal attacks are ok isn't that what fab got banned for oh yeah wait it is but its ok that this kid is doing it right. Have i called you anything besides what this thread is spam and trolling. This belongs in the toke and talk section not a serious thread and not a newbie post.
Have you nothing better to do than lurk? I thought you said you were on the threads to help noobs?

Yes i told him simple English classes taken at your local community collage could help him express his feelings and thoughts in word form. Thats simple advice and even told him where to take said classes. So yes that's called help i have yet to make any kind of personal attack on him i only state facts and give simple advice:wink:
Do you really think this is valid grow advice, or advice anyone needs from you? You can't even spell college yourself!

Sorry this led me to think you sold and maybe a little mad that newbies are starting their own thus not buying from you anymore is all i mean why else would you make this thread other then to make fun of the newbies and im sry about your family that sucks. Most drug dealers and people who came from money are the ones that can afford the best setups normal hard working people or disabled people grow with whatever they can afford and 9 times out of 10 its the bottom of the line stuff.
You sir are just mean and nasty imho.

I could give a fuck less what anyone in the wolf pack thinks im tired of the worthless spam you fill all over the forum its not a fucking real grow OP has already stated such and if you are stupid enough to not see how this thread was created to be offensive thats not my problem i know everyone on here i have stated this before i choose to leave their shitty group after they turned on a good friend of mine because he also got tired of there spamming.

And no i have never applied to become a mod that is pointless i hang around here to help the newbies and thats what i do between kevs thread and the other ones like this that this group continue to make it gets super fucking annoying and they all banned together and made almost everyone of their group a mod so they could control the forum. Not to sure how you say this isn't high school when this group goes around like a wolf pack praying on anything and anyone who stands up to them and they feel that they can say and do anything they want on this forum fuck that I'll be here every time they spam and to call them out for what they truly are "trolls".
The "wolf pack" you keep bringing up.... sounds like you are a teenager that doesn't fit into the "click" anymore and you are bitter...actually, you just sound downright bitter in general.

So now you have managed to even piss off an old lady. I am sure you will figure out a way to lump old folks now with "handicappers" for your enjoyment and pointless complaining.

Please just get a life and leave us alone. Nobody likes a know-it-all dude, especially a mean bitter one.

We are just having fun, something you seem unable to participate in...I actually feel sorry for you, life must be boring for you and that's why you have to try and ruin everyone's fun, because you just don't get it.

Whatever respect you may have gotten from me for being helpful to noobs, you lost when I saw your true colors come out here. I can't think of you as anything but a troll from now on.



Well-Known Member
Have you nothing better to do than lurk? I thought you said you were on the threads to help noobs?

Do you really think this is valid grow advice, or advice anyone needs from you? You can't even spell college yourself!

You sir are just mean and nasty imho.

The "wolf pack" you keep bringing up.... sounds like you are a teenager that doesn't fit into the "click" anymore and you are bitter...actually, you just sound downright bitter in general.

So now you have managed to even piss off an old lady. I am sure you will figure out a way to lump old folks now with "handicappers" for your enjoyment and pointless complaining.

Please just get a life and leave us alone. Nobody likes a know-it-all dude, especially a mean bitter one.

We are just having fun, something you seem unable to participate in...I actually feel sorry for you, life must be boring for you and that's why you have to try and ruin everyone's fun, because you just don't get it.

Whatever respect you may have gotten from me for being helpful to noobs, you lost when I saw your true colors come out here. I can't think of you as anything but a troll from now on.



Well-Known Member
SO what day veg we on? any heat issues yet hope that foil dont give u heat spots? i may start to think about nutes if ther nicely established?

OH did u go to poundworlds(99c store) to get that led? i thinks its time to get sum serious lighting in ther,


Well-Known Member
what a cute doggy :)

wow, that boy got his ass handed to him on a plate "by an old lady" lol .. with that epic post!
i guess he is sniveling in a corner somewhere now or crying under his bridge .. poor little guy