Ethnobotanical's: The Wave of the Future!

Did those 20 pages swell your head good buddy? ;)

And sure. Marijuana makes new neuronal pathways. Yet, LSD deforms the spinal column. You always have those kind of stigmas tied to drugs all long as the government interferes. Sorry, to all those activist but the government will always regulate on compounds of that particular nature.

Still working on it. The missus has me running ragged today!
Folks I couldn't bare to resist the temptation of something unknown. So, I took the liberty of doing a little churning tonight on behalf of my new companion, the Kava root. Currently, the Kava is seeping in about 1 1/2 cups of water to let all that alkaloidal matter do its magic. Afterwards, strain away and consume. The night seemed eerie enough and curiosity was stabbing away at me. To drink or not to drink Kava was the escalade of all fundamentals today! Why fight the urge and postpone the ceremonies 'til the weekend... when perfections awaits me tonight! :D

Pictures of the minor extraction as well as the Kava product will be posted shortly in a separate thread near you. Please make sure to keep those salivary glands in check! ;)
Fine and delicate specimens you got there. Starting a spore bank? Cubes of Cotton Mountain you say! What kind of mystical powers do these cubes of high altitudes unleash on the trip master? ;)
So. Another day, another trip report. :D

First Kava Kava experience was a success. I was expecting the first trial to be a letdown. But, from the first sip on I knew it effects would grow in intensity. Your digestive system might need to get use of the whole clay water texture. Drink slowly and let your bowels settle in. If any of you are accustomed to drinking protein formulas then you know the extent at which I'm trying to convey. Like eating a bizarre Indian Dish with many hot blends of curry sauce, it takes a sort of conditioning to get use to. Afterwards, the experience will pay it forward in many ways! :D

Next on my list. The Green Malay Kratom Blend. Side by side test will be conducted shortly. These projects are worthwhile you guys should invest in one. ;)
wooh wooh cant wait to hear your thoughts on teh green malay tis one of my fav ethno's used

get ready for a brisk taste of alphapha tea!
Fine and delicate specimens you got there. Starting a spore bank? Cubes of Cotton Mountain you say! What kind of mystical powers do these cubes of high altitudes unleash on the trip master? ;)
Haha they're just cubes but I literally meant a neighbourhood near you! There are a lot of people in your area who go bananas for our wild cube strains, particularly if they come from an unaccessible area. We trade heavily over there for prints and other things and about 100 of them are earmaked for the USA. I'm a freak and love collecting, from exotic wild cubes to exotic wild fish. I love exploring and documenting life. I work a lot with introduced species, those that have found a niche and particularly those that show location specific variation (like cubensis and guppys, to keep with the same examples). I spend a lot of time exploring the wilderness and love crawling through paddocks, creeks, forests, reefs etc.
Now I want Kava more! Haha sounds like you are working hard for the cause!
As your signature so humorously says, "Those fucken shrooms man!" :lol:

Glad your taking charge in a Paul Stamet's kind of way. ;)

Way to go out and grab nature by the balls.

You should look into the holistic novelty pleasures of Kava. Serve them up for guest instead of liquor and I'm sure you'll receive a lot of thank you's and pats on your back. ;)
I've been trying to look into it, though not very hard. I will certainly be trying harder now!

That qoute is actually from my last trip OS. We were full of pretty pink pills, standing in the RLD in Amsterdam, having a smoke. There was a group of WASTED english tourists standing in the street. They had all been heavily drinking and smoking weed but it seemed one chubby little one decided -with no experience and too pissed to begin with- to eat a pack of truffles. He didn't know where or even who he was, he just staggered in circles, drifted off, snapped out of it for a sec and then lost it again. I watched him for 20 mins and the only noise he made was every 5mins or so to shout that with his eyes screwed shut. Funny night :)
Half a serve for me, but then I hadn't been drinking all day.Yeah I think it will be a while for him but I went straight to the shop and bought some for the next night.
No, just a good place to be able to explore a lot of different things that are legal there and readilly available. Plus I have friends there and I really feel good there. The place is a crumbling old shithole in many ways but it is beautifull. The 16th century buildings are attractive in their way, but they are all leaning this way and that as they all try to fall in the canals. I have walked every street of that city and would go there way more often but it's so far from me and there is so much to do at home! My country has some of the strictest drug rules of any western nations and we can't legally obtain pretty much anything that isn't alcohol or tobacco.
I don't think it's heaven, but where I live is really repressed so it is still a lot closer than home is. Well, was. It will always be a work in progress but many things that old officer dickbreath wouldn't recognise have taken root outside Miyagi's dojo! Just through the opportunities there I think I learned a lot and here I am a few months later, clogging up the ethnos thread!
Things tend to always go off topic in these realms. I don't mind as long as you put a smile on my face! ;)

So, how about those Ethnobotanical's! Recently ordered Paul Stamet's, "Mycelium Running! Can't wait to lay my finger tips on the pages.
i have a vendor for those truffles bulk is cheap

but i have access to boomers

who needs them lol
hey miyagi carefull with your preporation of the absinthium

i over used my extract and damn near put me into seizures

but great buy on the syrian :D
Any advice is welcome, thanks. Yeah got a STACK more or the syrian rue coming, pretty happy there. Now if my vine would grow faster... or the bloody hostilis would sprout! Been over everything for them, I think they were just really old.