Ethnobotanical's: The Wave of the Future!

ps. they were all gifts, not purchases so even luckier for me hey? It pays to make good friends.
i can give oyu a low down on the absinthium i grew and extracted my own

very bitter acrid taste

tried SEVERAL roa's

smoking provided a rubbery harsh smoke that proved no more active than oral consumption

oral provided me with a heafty loft of cns stimulation which proved helpfull for drinking booze

sublingual did no diff

i find that the most you can get outa it is lots of stimulation and a if you over indulge you run the risk of seizures my diaphram was contracting and detracting on its own
Excellent. It's good to hear from those who've done the work, not just random internet info, thanks mate
Find that highly paradoxical. :lol:

Woodworm alone has a stimulating effect? Fuck me. :D

What is woodworm classified as from a pharmaceutical point of view?
Morning guys (morning here), just got up, stil a bit mushed. Yeah it will be interesting but I don't think it will be a fave.
What do you find intriguing about woodworm Mr. Miyagi? ;)

Absinthe is rivaled about for various reasons. Is it folk lore due to what artist did in the past under its intoxication?
Not too much mate, just freebies that might make an interesting addition to the collection and I'm open to experience. Always up to hear from someone with direct experience to entice me too. (already kava=good, absynthium=worth a try)Something of a shaman to my people already :) so if things are going around I feel responsible for understanding them.
On my land are thousands of sassafras plants ranging fro little 12" bushes to 6'+ trees. Do these have any economic value?
Oh God!

They most certainly do. :D

If you leave within the States theres many sassafras plants in Florida.

They refer to the oil as the "brown little chug" due to the color of safrole.
:)Got 2 out of 3 HBWR to tail:) Mimosa I think are duds:( Sally cuttings doin well:) and a niiiiiiice mycellium growth going in my cube patch, prob fruit next week. Too many morning glorys... Squeek what should I focus on first in my last seed batch? The gifts I posted earlier in the thread?