How did you meet your significant other?


Well-Known Member
Was it old school? At a bar? At college? High school sweethearts? Did you meet them online? Blind date? Stockholm Syndrome?

My wife was my waitress at a restaurant and succumbed to my awesomeness. How about you?


Well-Known Member
I was in a hard body contest at a nightclub and she walked up to me and pantsed me on the stage.

Ran into her at an after party and we've been together ever since.


Well-Known Member
succumbedpast participle, past tense of suc·cumb (Verb)


  1. Fail to resist (pressure, temptation, or some other negative forc
OK cool. I must have smoked too much lol. I'm sitting here concentrating so hard on what the past tense of succumb should sound like....


Well-Known Member
I was in a hard body contest at a nightclub and she walked up to me and pants me on the stage.

Ran into her at an after party and we've been together ever since.
Lol! Nice story God. I got de-pantsed in middle school during lunch by a neighbor girl, my boxers came down too. I was so humiliated! But those little middle-schoolers and their gossip fixed it!:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
OK cool. I must have smoked too much lol. I'm sitting here concentrating so hard on what the past tense of succumb should sound like....
Sounds dirty don't it??!! So there I was just minding my own business when this crack whore came up behind me and succumbed me against the wall!


Well-Known Member
Lol! Nice story God. I got de-pantsed in middle school during lunch by a neighbor girl, my boxers came down too. I was so humiliated! But those little middle-schoolers and their gossip fixed it!:bigjoint:

I was at the beach earlier in the day and didn't have any underwear on under my shorts, I guess she liked what she saw.

So did ya win?
Second place. There were a lot of fat white chicks and a skinny ass black dude jumped on the stage.


New Member
Lol! Nice story God. I got de-pantsed in middle school during lunch by a neighbor girl, my boxers came down too. I was so humiliated! But those little middle-schoolers and their gossip fixed it!:bigjoint:
I pulled down my own pants in kindergarten, revealing my spiderman tighty whities. I also used to eat the yellow crayons in class.

Moved to a different city and school after kindergarten but when I moved back 10 years later people still remembered it..


Well-Known Member
I pulled down my own pants in kindergarten, revealing my spiderman tighty whities. I also used to eat the yellow crayons in class.

Moved to a different city and school after kindergarten but when I moved back 10 years later people still remembered it..
Lol, kids can be so cruel. In high school I went out to the parking lot to smoke a cig and got caught in the middle of a sting operation. People still think I was the perp.


No fun story here, I was 12 and my best friend at the time brought his cousin to church.... been with her pretty much since then.


Well-Known Member
I figured more people would participate in this thread. I think what is happening is that people are looking at the title and figuring its a Padawan thread and just passing over it. That is what I'll tell myself so I can sleep better tonight. :-(


Well-Known Member
1st was at a SIFI convention:cuss:
2nd she was a bar tender at a favorite watering hole.:wall:
3rd and current was at a managers dinner being held at the hotel i was staying in.:hump:

I kept trying till I got it right.:bigjoint:

PS: I have been pantsd at a party. I figured public advertizement could not hurt.
AND I'v had to walk up to the front desk naked to ask for a key to my room. :o:shock::cool: