When I Hear People Talk about Welfare


Well-Known Member
All I hear is... "I have found a politically correct way to say "I hate black people."
Those who like to run around this forum and call people racist didn't label you that because you agree with their political ideology... jus' sayin'


Well-Known Member
I think that author's logic is flawed and deceptive. Because the topic isn't what percentage of each race as a whole collects welfare? The topic is how many people from each race collect welfare as a whole. He's comparing 2 different things at the same time.
I agree with you that the government (The Author) is flawed and is definitely deceptive.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
I usually agree with a lot of what Deprave says, but he's saying some really fucked up ignorant things. I'm poorer than Kenny on South Park and still can't get any food stamps. You definitely can't get on them if you got this fancy car, pay rent, party all the time, etc. You pretty much have to be on the streets, your ass only has an apartment because of section 8, you traded your Atari for a car from some emo kid, etc.

Either Deprave is full of shit, or if he knows people who do what he says, then they're lying and commiting fraud. You can only be worth $5,000 to collect food stamps.

This is comming from the very conservative, right leaning libertarian. To think this is coming out of the "left" leaning? No one wants to be on food stamps. If you're on them, it means your life is real shit. I researched food stamp fraud, it happens so infrequently, it costs more money to find it than commit it. Most food stamp fraud isn't even those on food stamps. It's gangs who steal wallets and the people were stupid enough to put the pin in their wallet. The gangs then sell the stolen cards for half the balance to some middle class guy wanting to save on groceries. So all you haters have no life, and are souless assholes. Please shut the fuck up.

You want to know real welfare? All the stupid defense contracts. We spend more than 10 times on "defense" than China. God damn.

Blaze Master

Well-Known Member
I usually agree with a lot of what Deprave says, but he's saying some really fucked up ignorant things. I'm poorer than Kenny on South Park and still can't get any food stamps. You definitely can't get on them if you got this fancy car, pay rent, party all the time, etc. You pretty much have to be on the streets, your ass only has an apartment because of section 8, you traded your Atari for a car from some emo kid, etc.

Either Deprave is full of shit, or if he knows people who do what he says, then they're lying and commiting fraud. You can only be worth $5,000 to collect food stamps.

This is comming from the very conservative, right leaning libertarian. To think this is coming out of the "left" leaning? No one wants to be on food stamps. If you're on them, it means your life is real shit. I researched food stamp fraud, it happens so infrequently, it costs more money to find it than commit it. Most food stamp fraud isn't even those on food stamps. It's gangs who steal wallets and the people were stupid enough to put the pin in their wallet. The gangs then sell the stolen cards for half the balance to some middle class guy wanting to save on groceries. So all you haters have no life, and are souless assholes. Please shut the fuck up.

You want to know real welfare? All the stupid defense contracts. We spend more than 10 times on "defense" than China. God damn.
this is correct. nobody WANTS to be on welfare. i read in the paper last week that a single person only gets $600 a month where i live. who in thier right mind would choose to live like that


Well-Known Member
I usually agree with a lot of what Deprave says, but he's saying some really fucked up ignorant things. I'm poorer than Kenny on South Park and still can't get any food stamps. You definitely can't get on them if you got this fancy car, pay rent, party all the time, etc. You pretty much have to be on the streets, your ass only has an apartment because of section 8, you traded your Atari for a car from some emo kid, etc.

Either Deprave is full of shit, or if he knows people who do what he says, then they're lying and commiting fraud. You can only be worth $5,000 to collect food stamps.

This is comming from the very conservative, right leaning libertarian. To think this is coming out of the "left" leaning? No one wants to be on food stamps. If you're on them, it means your life is real shit. I researched food stamp fraud, it happens so infrequently, it costs more money to find it than commit it. Most food stamp fraud isn't even those on food stamps. It's gangs who steal wallets and the people were stupid enough to put the pin in their wallet. The gangs then sell the stolen cards for half the balance to some middle class guy wanting to save on groceries. So all you haters have no life, and are souless assholes. Please shut the fuck up.

You want to know real welfare? All the stupid defense contracts. We spend more than 10 times on "defense" than China. God damn.
I know a girl who pretends to be retarded and has 2 kids and gets her luxury townhouse paid for/food/medical. You can deny it all you want, there is a lot of welfare abuse.

If we are worried about people being so poor, we need to talk about things like reforming child support laws, stop the rampant inflation, etc.


Well-Known Member
I know a girl who pretends to be retarded and has 2 kids and gets her luxury townhouse paid for/food/medical. You can deny it all you want, there is a lot of welfare abuse.

If we are worried about people being so poor, we need to talk about things like reforming child support laws, stop the rampant inflation, etc.
rampant inflation?

i must not be noticing it. not that inflation has much effect on $0.00


Well-Known Member
Honestly, rampant was a poor choice of words. I stick to my point that inflation is terrible on the lower class.
i am as low class as they come. just filed my return and am poor enough to qualify for EIC (no children either, which is saying something).

i must not be noticing inflation. grocery bill is about the same as it was 10 years ago when i first set out on my own, gas is rightly not counted towards inflation as it is a volatile good.

as a lower income class person, it really does not effect me.


Well-Known Member
i am as low class as they come. just filed my return and am poor enough to qualify for EIC (no children either, which is saying something).

i must not be noticing inflation. grocery bill is about the same as it was 10 years ago when i first set out on my own, gas is rightly not counted towards inflation as it is a volatile good.

as a lower income class person, it really does not effect me.
do you have grocery store receipts going back ten years? Or are you relying on your memory?


Well-Known Member
do you have grocery store receipts going back ten years? Or are you relying on your memory?
memory, but i'd say i'm not that far off.

would spend about $40 a week feeding myself back then at food city (the local ghetto-ish supermarket). that just brought back memories of getting on the bus with all the groceries i could carry.

if not for the fact that i have boycotted certain food companies lately, i could probably match that nowadays.

i will admit that food prices have seen some inflation, a few years back it seemed to go u rather quickly, but i just don't see it so much anymore.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
I know a girl who pretends to be retarded and has 2 kids and gets her luxury townhouse paid for/food/medical. You can deny it all you want, there is a lot of welfare abuse.

If we are worried about people being so poor, we need to talk about things like reforming child support laws, stop the rampant inflation, etc.
Let's assume you're right and there's rampant food stamp fraud. If you cut what the military spends, in half, that would be enough to give 100% of the population full food stamp benefits. That the US spends nearly six times China does? Ok I made a slight mistake. But six times China is serious bullshit. 46% of world spending on blasting the shit out of people. We almost spend as much as the rest of the world combined. That is just sickening. So forgive me when I don't give a fuck when I hear about someone bitching someone on welfare is "abusing the system." The government is abusing the system. If we spent the same amount as China, everyone could be on "welfare." China isn't exactly the model of humane treatment either. So matching China wouldn't be humanitarian of us either. And don't get me started on how much we spend on "criminals" in prison with the highest per capita of inmated of the world. If they all deserve it, we must have the most savage population on planet. Which would hardly give us justification to police the world, when our citizens are "worse."


Well-Known Member
Let's assume you're right and there's rampant food stamp fraud. If you cut what the military spends, in half, that would be enough to give 100% of the population full food stamp benefits. That the US spends nearly six times China does? Ok I made a slight mistake. But six times China is serious bullshit. 46% of world spending on blasting the shit out of people. We almost spend as much as the rest of the world combined. That is just sickening. So forgive me when I don't give a fuck when I hear about someone bitching someone on welfare is "abusing the system." The government is abusing the system. If we spent the same amount as China, everyone could be on "welfare." China isn't exactly the model of humane treatment either. So matching China wouldn't be humanitarian of us either. And don't get me started on how much we spend on "criminals" in prison with the highest per capita of inmated of the world. If they all deserve it, we must have the most savage population on planet. Which would hardly give us justification to police the world, when our citizens are "worse."
I never disagreed with you on that...