Ah, age barrier in the lingo I presume (no offense, could just be difference it location). Let me elaborate.
Spicy: A strong tasting alcoholic drink, contains such a high ABV it burns like a strong cooking spice when consumed.
Jungle juice

n.) A heavenly concoction composed of liberal amounts of everclear, vodka, or other available liquors, and Kool Aid. Known as 'jungle juice' because it sends the drinker into a state animal behavior. Can also include fruit bits that have been soaked in liquor for several hours prior to drinking session for maximum drunkenness. Side effects from consumption include blacking out, waking up in strange places, and having a generally awesome time. (copy and pasted off urbandictionary.com)
An forgot 190 proof Everclear is illegal over on the west side so the brand must not be too popular over there. Cause I assure you its not the taste people are looking to get outta it! For most kids my age its all about alcohol and nothing else, sometimes weed is accepted. Not sure what its like for Cali. or other MMJ friendly states like Colorado though. Doing ecstasy, mushrooms, acid, cocaine, heroin, ect. all gets you labelled a " dirty druggie" in
most teenage/young adult circles today. Except for pharmaceuticals... their legal